100字范文 > 减量化义务 duty of reduction英语短句 例句大全

减量化义务 duty of reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-27 15:58:05


减量化义务 duty of reduction英语短句 例句大全

减量化义务,duty of reduction

1)duty of reduction减量化义务


1.On the Duty of Enterprise"s Reduction in Circular Economy Development论循环经济发展中企业的减量化义务

2.duty of averting or minimizing losses防止和减轻损失的义务

3.The Quantitative Research of Financial Transfer Payments on Compulsory Education Funds;义务教育经费财政转移支付量化研究

4.There are certain practical signification for avoiding、 educing errors and improving quality of digitized products.对避免和减少误差、高矢量化产品质量有一定实际意义。

5.Volunteer Scheme for Probationers感化事务义务工作计划

6.Study on Residual Sludge Reducing from Alkali-minimization and Dyeing-Printing Wastewater Biological Treatment;碱减量印染废水生物处理污泥减量化研究

7.Study on Excess Sludge Reducing from Alkali-minimization Dyeing Printing Wastewater Biological Treatment;碱减量印染废水剩余污泥减量化工艺研究

8.Such energy transformation is also known as energy degradation.这样的能量转化也被看作能量衰减。

exports of goods and services, consisting of the amount of exports minus the amount of imports.商品和劳务的净出口:指减除进口量的出口量。

10.The full measurement of costs induced by core-staff loss is of very important significance to strength core-staff management and reduce the talent loss.全面量化核心员工流失成本对企业加强核心员工管理,减少其流失具有重要意义。

11.The Changes of the Serum True Insulin and Proinsulin Level and Their Significances in Obese, Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type 2 Diabetic Patients;肥胖症、糖耐量减退、2型糖尿病患者的血清真胰岛素和前胰岛素水平的变化及其意义

12.The basic task of the nation is to concentrate its efforts on socialist modernization.国家的根本任务是,集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设

13.The basic task of the nation in the years to come is to concentrate its effort on socialist modernization.今后国家的根本任务是集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设。

14.The Basic Public Services Equalization of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas:Meaning and Scaling;民族地区的基本公共服务均等化:涵义、现状水平的衡量

15.On the Legal Foundation of the Shrink of Administrative Discretion:Why the Norms of Authority and Responsibility Can Be Transformed to Duty?行政裁量权收缩的法理基础——职权职责义务化的转换依据

16.Thinking about Reclamation and Reduction of Domestic Waste in Chengdu City成都市生活垃圾资源化与减量化思考

17.Concessions or other obligations shall not be suspended during the course of the arbitration.减让或其他义务不得在仲裁过程中予以中止。

18.On the Legal Construction of the Subject of Administration"s Duty of Disaster Prevention and Reduction行政主体防灾减害义务的法律构建研究


responsibility cut down减损义务

1.Reasonable prediction andresponsibility cut down are the main principles.限制原则主要有合理预见、减损义务。

3)capacity obligation容量义务

4)schedule of concessionWTO义务减让表

5)obligation to decrease the damage减轻损失义务

1.This paper researches the origin of Anticipatory Breach System,after analysis of the cases in Common Law of America and England,It is clear that the victim has theobligation to decrease the damage,then it is fair for the breach.探讨了预期违约制度的由来、实际违约时非违约方承担减轻损失义务的问题,通过分析英美法中的有关判例,从法理和实践的角度得出我国合同法应明确规定预期违约中的受害方承担减轻损失义务才能合理地保护违约方利益的结论。



