100字范文 > 民间舞蹈 folk dance英语短句 例句大全

民间舞蹈 folk dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-21 05:36:43


民间舞蹈 folk dance英语短句 例句大全

民间舞蹈,folk dance

1)folk dance民间舞蹈

1.Improvisation is one of the important characteristics and the soul of minorityfolk dance.即兴性是少数民族民间舞蹈的重要特点之一,是少数民族民间舞蹈的核心和灵魂。

2.In the new era, the Chinese nationalfolk dance must meet social development and the mass increasing requirements.在新的历史时期,民族民间舞蹈必须要与社会发展和人民大众日益提高的审美需求相适应。

3.The traditional Tibetan sports activities andfolk dance have aLong history, they are deep rooted in Tibetan ethnic culture, embodyingTibetan typical ethnic features and living style, no wonder it is a cultu-re heritage.藏族传统体育活动乖民间舞蹈,源远流长,根深叶茂,它根植于传统的藏民族文化土壤,具有强烈的民族特色和生活气息,无疑是一份宝贵的文化财富。


1.On the Dance Teaching of Folk Dance "Style";论舞蹈教学中民间舞蹈的“风格性”

2.a ballroom dance based on the Cuban folk dance.一种以古巴民间舞蹈为基础的舞厅舞蹈。

3.Study on the Combination between Chinese Folk Dance Culture and Dance Teaching;中国民族民间舞蹈文化与舞蹈教学结合的研究

4.The Tibetan folk dances are diversified.藏族的民间舞蹈以歌舞形式居多。

5.It"s a kind of Chinese folk dance, called the fan dance.这是一种中国民间舞蹈,名叫扇子舞。

6.The Dance with Emotions--On the Han Folk Dance "Da - Xiang - lian";莲湘舞动情——汉族民间舞蹈“打莲湘”

7.On the Improvisational nature of Minority Folk Dance;略论少数民族民间舞蹈的即兴性特征

8.A Comprehension of the Inheritance, Innovation and Development of the National Folk Dance;感悟民族民间舞蹈的继承创新与发展

9.Hip-hop pop to Folk Dance Teaching of the Enlightenment;街舞的流行给民族民间舞蹈教学带来的启示

10.Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge,另一种著名的民间舞蹈是秧歌,

11.She became interested in Irish folk dancing.她对爱尔兰民间舞蹈产生了兴趣。

12.My View to Maintaining the Primitive Folk Dance in Current China保护我国当代原生态民间舞蹈之我见

13.I had a scholarship. I also taught Chinese folk dancing.我有奖学金, 我也教中国的民间舞蹈。

14.Discussion on the Phenomena of Bidirectional Multileveled Developments of Folk Dance;对民间舞蹈“双向多层”发展现象的思考

15.The Characteristics of Plaza Folk Dances and Its Contemporary Development;广场民间舞蹈的特点及其当代的发展

16.The Folk Dance "huaguzi" of Tujia People;土家族传统民间舞蹈“花鼓子”初探

17.The Relation between Quanzhou Opera,Folk Dance and Traditional Religion;泉州戏曲、民间舞蹈与传统宗教之关系

18.Geographical Features of Chinese Folk Dance and its Development for Tourism;我国民间舞蹈的地理特征及旅游开发


national folk dance民族民间舞蹈

1.We should research further and discuss modernnational folk dance to pay more attention to national characteristic,make full use of each national dance language and emphasize the value and trend of the three embodiment aspects of folk custom,promote to create making the present excellent works of nati.我国历史悠久,民族众多,民族民间舞蹈资源极为丰富。

2.Thenational folk dances have a long history.青海民族民间舞蹈历史悠久,传统深厚。

3)Cutural resource of folk dance民间舞蹈文化

4)folk festival dance民间节令舞蹈

1.Qinghaifolk festival dances have same fundating with Zhou Dynasty s dance when people offered sacrifices to Gods.青海民间节令舞蹈与周代祭祀乐舞功能相同,基本队列人数相近,八大光棍和髦舞、莫合则等与干舞、花棒子与籥舞、蜡花女与韨舞、四片瓦与皇舞的舞具相似,二者间应该有共源关系,甚至一定的源流关系。

5)traditional sport-dance民间体育舞蹈

1.This paper gires a brief account of Yulin,Yulin s folk sports,andtraditional sport-dances.叙述了榆林、榆林的民间体育和民间体育舞蹈等。

6)primitive folk dances原生态民间舞蹈

1.In the process of modernization of all the nationalities,there exists the possibility of disappearance of theprimitive folk dances of each minority.在我国各民族社会走向现代化的过程中,各民族的原生态民间舞蹈有可能失传。


