100字范文 > 有色小麦 Colored wheat英语短句 例句大全

有色小麦 Colored wheat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-02 10:54:41


有色小麦 Colored wheat英语短句 例句大全

有色小麦,Colored wheat

1)Colored wheat有色小麦

2)Color wheat彩色小麦

1.Preliminary study on nutritional compositions of Nanyang color wheat;南阳彩色小麦营养成分的初步研究

2.In order to establish a new rapid determination method for trace chromium(Cr) in wheat flour,Nanyang color wheat was selected as sample.为了建立一种快速测定小麦中微量铬的新方法,以南阳彩色小麦粉为样品,经微波程序消解后,用亚硫酸将高价铬还原为Cr3+,利用Cr3+对Luminol-H2O2化学发光体系的线性催化作用测定南阳彩色小麦中的总铬含量。


1.Study on Extraction、Superficial Purification and Physical and Chemical Properties of Nature Pigment from Nanyang Color Wheat;南阳彩色小麦中天然色素的提取、初步纯化及其理化性质研究

2.Analysis of Natural Antioxidents in Different Color Wheat Varietise不同品种的彩色小麦天然抗氧化活性物质的分析研究

3.Effect of Irrigation on Grain Yield and Quality of Wheat Cultivars with Different Grain Colors不同灌水处理对彩色小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响

4.Effects of Food Additive on the Paste Properties of Nanyang Color Wheat Starch食品添加剂对南阳彩色小麦淀粉糊化黏度特性的影响

5.Study on the Quality Characteristic and Accumulating of Pigment of Color Wheat;彩粒小麦品质特性及色素积累规律研究

6.Apple Mac Coloured Computers Are on a Roll麦金托什彩色苹果机好运接连不断

7.Everywhere Meggie looked was a blaze of color.麦琪到处都能看见那种鲜艳的色彩。

8.Wedding show a tint of local convention in rural Denmark.丹麦人的婚礼带有当地传统的色彩。

9.On the Grotesque in Carson McCullers the Membeter of the Wedding;论麦卡勒斯《婚礼的成员》的怪诞色彩

10.The parti-colored attire of a court jester.宫廷小丑穿的杂色彩衣

11.Bright colors appeal to small children.鲜艳的色彩能吸引小孩。

12.miniature colour TV camera小型彩色电视摄像机

13.fast compact color printer彩色小型快速印片机

14.And their country weddings also show a tint of local convention.丹麦的乡村婚礼也带有当地传统的色彩。

15.A Study of the Color and Plastic Arts of Murals in Bingling Temple and Maiji Mountain Grottoes;炳灵寺和麦积山石窟壁画色彩与造型艺术研究

16.Construction and Identification of Tansgenic Wheat Resistant to Wheat Yellow Mosaic Virus;抗小麦黄色花叶病毒转基因小麦的获得和检测

17.Study on Sediment of Purple Pigments and Inheritance of Purple Character in Purple Wheats (Triticum Aestivum L.);紫小麦色素沉积和紫色性状遗传研究

18.Brightly colored eggs are hidden for children to try to find.色彩鲜艳的彩蛋被藏起来让小孩子们去找。


Color wheat彩色小麦

1.Preliminary study on nutritional compositions of Nanyang color wheat;南阳彩色小麦营养成分的初步研究

2.In order to establish a new rapid determination method for trace chromium(Cr) in wheat flour,Nanyang color wheat was selected as sample.为了建立一种快速测定小麦中微量铬的新方法,以南阳彩色小麦粉为样品,经微波程序消解后,用亚硫酸将高价铬还原为Cr3+,利用Cr3+对Luminol-H2O2化学发光体系的线性催化作用测定南阳彩色小麦中的总铬含量。

3)purple wheat紫色小麦

1.The condition of extracting pigment frompurple wheat bran with acidified alcohol were optimized through single-factor and orthogonal designed experiments.以紫色小麦麸皮为原料,通过单因素和正交试验,确定了酸化乙醇法提取紫色小麦麸皮色素的最佳工艺条件为:酸化乙醇浓度50%(pH=1。


5)wheat flour color小麦粉色

6)Chinese unique wheat特有小麦


阿拉拉特小麦阿拉拉特小麦小麦属的四倍体种之一,学名Triticum araraticum Jakubz.。染色体数2n=4x=28,染色体组型为AAGG。易断穗。穗子较窄,小穗基部具较多茸毛,籽粒更长。冬性,茎节无毛,茎节有毛。分布在前苏联(亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆)、伊拉克、土耳其和伊朗等国海拔300-1500m地区,常和野生一粒小麦及山羊草混生。已知有10个变种。株高30-120cm,上覆蜡质。分蘖与叶片数多,叶片和叶鞘具刚毛。穗茎上部为髓所填充。穗长5-10cm,具12-18个小穗,护颖有毛。穗轴自然断落,折断方式为上节位。小穗基部及穗轴两侧有茸毛,具粗糙长芒,芒长12-15cm。每小穗有2-3朵花,结实2粒,籽粒带皮(稃),难脱粒。籽粒红色、有棱、硬质,冠毛多,蛋白质含量高。冬性,春化阶段和光照阶段均长,晚熟。抗旱性强,对白粉病免疫,感染锈病。
