100字范文 > 有色茧 colored cocoon英语短句 例句大全

有色茧 colored cocoon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-01 01:13:23


有色茧 colored cocoon英语短句 例句大全

有色茧,colored cocoon

1)colored cocoon有色茧

2)cocoon colour茧色


1.Study on Genetic Mechanism and Fluorescent Pigment of Sex-linked Cocoon Fluorescence Color in Bombyx Mori;家蚕荧光茧色性连锁遗传机理及荧光色素的研究

parison on the contents of lutein in sex-limited silkworm variety with yellow cocoon, silk fibroin and sericin of cocoons with different colour黄白茧蚕的叶黄素及不同颜色蚕茧丝胶、丝素含量比较

3.Studies on the Biology and Ecology of Opius Flavus Weng et Chen (Hymenoptera: Braconidae);黄色潜蝇茧蜂的生物学和生态学研究

4.large brightly colored and usually tropical moth; larvae spin silken cocoons.通常在热带的体色鲜艳的大蛾子;幼虫吐丝结茧。

5.A study on the Application of the CD Spectrum Method to the Silk Sericin of Cocoons from Different Mounting Environments上簇环境不同的原料茧丝胶圆二色光谱研究

6.The Relationship between Cocoon Weigh of and Main Quantitative Characters Silkworms Analyzed by the Grey Related Degree System家蚕产茧量与主要性状的灰色关联分析

7.Stability Detection and Dyeability Test to Sericin in Solidified Silk Filament固化茧丝的丝胶稳定性检测和染色性试验

8.The utilization of colour-blending theory can work out all kinds of cocoon silk of colour spectrum.利用色彩调和理论可以生产出更多色相的彩色茧丝。

9.Although their cocoons were all first class, the people at the silk house picked and chose, leaving them one basket of rejects.老通宝他们的茧子虽然是上好的货色,却也被茧厂里挑剩了那么一筐,不肯收买。

10.A pongee fabric of even color made originally from silk produced by the silkworms of Henan(formerly Honan), China.河南(非丝)薄绸一种色彩均匀的茧绸纤维,最早由中国河南的家茧所产之丝制成

11.Colourful reeling cocoon silk is s newly-innovated technology in which people add pigment to the silkworm food.利用色素添加在家蚕的食物中生产彩色茧丝是一项创新技术。

12.Not far from where Old Tong Bao was sitting, a grey two-story building crouched beside the road.That was the silk filature, where the delicate fibres were removed from the cocoons.离老通宝坐处不远,一所灰白色的楼房蹲在“塘路”边,那是茧厂。

13.At the sametime, this paper also suggests that the standard system of colour of silkworm cocoon silk should be established in the future research.同时,该文又提出了在今后的研究中要建立家蚕彩色茧丝的色彩标准体系。

14.Bionomics of Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead Ⅲ. The Effect of Temperature on the Adult Integmental Colouration and Variability of Some Morphological Characters烟蚜茧蜂生物学研究Ⅲ──温度对成蜂体色的影响及某些形态特征的变异

15.The lady in white taught Aqiao how to reel the shining silk from these cocoons and how to dye the silk different colors.白衣娘子教阿巧怎样从茧中抽出闪闪发光的丝来,以及怎样给丝染上各种颜色。

16.As for new cocoons, it had been a bad season and quotations were high.新茧呢,现在蚕汛不好,茧价开盘就大。

17.TWO NEW SPECIES OF AGATHIDINAE FORSTER (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)窄径茧蜂亚科两新种(膜翅目:茧蜂科)

18.Model CWD-1 Intelligent Moisture Content Testing Instrument for Testing Silkworm Cocoons;CWD-1型智能鲜茧茧层水份测定仪


cocoon colour茧色

3)Colour cocoon彩色蚕茧

4)colorful cocoon silk彩色茧

1.Application ofcolorful cocoon silk and its mechanism study;彩色茧丝资源应用及其机理研究进展

5)fluorescent color of cocoon荧光茧色

1.In order to find out the molecular that linked to thefluorescent color of cocoon in the silkworm,we used silkworm strain C408 yellow and C408 purple and more than 400 random primers.为了获得家蚕荧光茧色基因的分子标记,以家蚕的荧光品种C408黄和C408紫为材料,采用400多个RAPD随机引物筛选分子标记,获得了与家蚕紫荧光茧色有关的1个分子标记CFP-01859。

6)Cocoon fluorescent colour茧荧光色


茧色遗传(genetics of cocoon colours)茧色遗传(genetics of cocoon colours)桑蚕的遗传现象有之一。宋应星(1637)在《天工开物》一书上就有记载。茧色分白色茧和着色茧两大类,着色茧中又分黄茧系和绿茧系两类。1.黄茧类:有金黄、浅黄、藁色、肉色、淡红等茧色。一般情况,黄茧的蚕是黄血,白茧蚕血无色,但发现黄血白茧蚕,因知黄茧和黄血是由不同的基因控制的。金黄茧基因(C)必须与黄血基因(Y)互补,才表现外层金黄色。2.绿茧类:有各种浓度差异的绿色茧和淡竹色茧。中国地方种的碧莲及大造是典型的绿茧。中国白茧种和日本白茧种杂交的子代,往往产生淡竹色茧,即日本称做的笹茧。淡竹色茧有Ga和Gb两种基因,单独存在时各现白色,通过杂交,两基因互相补足,产生淡竹色。绿茧色素是属于类黄酮,在蚕体内合成的蚕素(bombycin)为桑叶中所没有的。绿茧色素分布在全部丝物质中,在绿茧中含量多,即使在黄茧中也存在,也有各种茧内部含有绿茧色素。栎粉舟蛾(tangled prominent of oak)柞树害虫之一。属鳞翅目,舟蛾科,学名为Fentonia ocypete Bremer,别名旋风舟蛾、细翅天社蛾。形态 成虫前翅暗灰褐色,无顶角斑;外线双道,内方一条近前缘外拱,外方一条外衬灰白色边;横脉处有一灰黄色圆点,该圆点与外线间有一大形黑褐色斑。雄蛾触角栉形,末端2/5成线形。雌蛾触角线形,黑色。成虫体长18-25mm,翅展45-58mm。卵黄白色,半球形,直径1.1mm。老熟幼虫体长35-40mm,头部肉红色,有4条短紫红色和8条黑线。胸侧绿色,腹部背方及体侧有紫红色与黑色细线组成的花纹;背方与腹侧具少数黄斑点。蛹黑褐色。习性 一年发生一代,以蛹越冬。在辽宁省翌年7月份羽化为成虫,晚间交尾、产卵,白天潜伏在树上。有较强的趋光性。卵产在柞叶背面,分散产卵,每一叶片产卵几粒。一头雌蛾产卵150-450粒。经5-7天孵化为幼虫。一龀龄幼虫于7月上中旬出现,分散生活,多在叶背取食,以后转移到叶缘咬食叶片。小龄幼虫能吐丝下垂。幼虫4龄以后食叶量显著增加,受触动能散出强烈刺激性物质。8月底至9月间幼虫老熟,体色转淡,于树下土中吐丝粘结土粒,作薄茧化蛹越冬。分布、为害 栎粉舟蛾分布于辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、河北、山东、湖南、四川等省。为害辽东柞、蒙古柞。1984年辽宁省凤城蚕区大发生,吃光大片树叶,蚕茧减产。天敌 有大星步甲、螽斯、线虫、赤眼蜂及微孢子虫等。防治 成虫期用黑光灯诱杀。幼虫4龄以前喷撒敌百虫、敌敌畏、辛硫磷等药剂防治。须过了残毒期才能放养柞蚕。
