100字范文 > 杨树病虫害 Poplar pests and diseases英语短句 例句大全

杨树病虫害 Poplar pests and diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-11 00:55:41


杨树病虫害 Poplar pests and diseases英语短句 例句大全

杨树病虫害,Poplar pests and diseases

1)Poplar pests and diseases杨树病虫害


1.The Study on Developing Rule and Occurrence and Control Tecology of Poplar Pests in Xinyang;信阳杨树病虫害发生及防治技术研究

2.Status of Pests and Diseases of Poplar and Management Countermeasures in Jiangxi Province江西省杨树病虫害发生状况及管理对策

3.The Occurrence and Control of Diseases and Pests of Poplar Forest in Bazhou City霸州市杨树片林病虫害的发生与防治

4.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫。

5.The blister canker on poplar trunks causd bg Botryosphaeria dothideaarewidely distributed in North China.杨树水泡型溃疡病分布广泛,严重为害杨树。

6.Studies on the Botanicai Insectcides Controlling Poplar Pests植物源杀虫剂等防治杨树害虫试验研究

7.Studies on the Poplar Pest Controll by the Specific Pesticide特异性杀虫剂等防治杨树主要害虫试验研究

8.Research on Major Insect Pests and Their Harm to Ornamental and Afforestation Trees in Yangling Zone;杨凌区园林绿化树木主要害虫及危害性研究

9.Spore Image Recognition of Poplar Disease杨树病害孢子的图像识别技术研究

10.On the Investigation Analysis &Precaution Countermeasure to Yielding Quickly Poplar Pests in Tongren Prefecture;铜仁地区速生杨树害虫的调查分析与防治对策

11.Effects of phytophagous insect induced popular resisitance on the behavior and development of Clostera anachoreta虫害诱导杨树对杨扇舟蛾行为和生长发育的影响

12.Citrus nematodiasis is one of major diseases on citrus plants.柑桔线虫病是柑桔类果树的重要病害。

13.Research on Major Defoliator Pests of Shandong Poplar Forest and Non-pollution Control Technology;山东省杨树主要食叶害虫与无公害防治技术研究

14.This insect attacks the raspberry crop and transmits virus disease.这种蚜虫危害树莓并传播病毒

15.Publishing System of Fruit Tree Diseases and Insect Pests Based on WebGIS;基于WebGIS的果树病虫害信息发布系统

16.The Research and Implementation of the WebGIS-Based Jujube Diseases and Insect Pests Diagnosis System;基于WebGIS的枣树病虫害诊断系统的研制

17.The design of a system for prevention and cure of disease and pest of jujube tree based on IDSS;基于IDSS的枣树病虫害防治系统设计

18.The Regulation Mechanism on the Stem Diseases of Poplar Plantation in Northern China by the Stand and Site Management北方杨树人工林干部病害立地及林分调控机制


Poplar pests杨树害虫

1.Damage ofPoplar pests in FuYu County and Its Countermeasures;富裕县杨树害虫发生危害情况及综合治理对策

3)Poplar Diseases杨树病害

1.Poplar Diseases Caused by Septoria mnsiva;壳针孢(Septoria musiva)引起的杨树病害

2.Review of current situation of research and control on poplar diseases in China;我国杨树病害的研究现状与防治

4)defoliator in Populur杨树食叶害虫

1.Trichogramma dendrolimi controldefoliator in Populur field experiment;赤眼蜂防治杨树食叶害虫大田试验

5)poplar stem borer杨树蛀干害虫

6)Persimmon pests柿树病虫害


