100字范文 > 会计本科教育 the education of accounting bachelors英语短句 例句大全

会计本科教育 the education of accounting bachelors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-25 16:39:05


会计本科教育 the education of accounting bachelors英语短句 例句大全

会计本科教育,the education of accounting bachelors

1)the education of accounting bachelors会计本科教育

1.With globalization of economy and popularization of higher education in 21st century,China has an urgent need to reformthe education of accounting bachelors.随着高等教育的大众化以及经济环境的变化,会计本科教育的改革显得极为紧迫。


1.Investigation on and Analysis of Development of Undergraduate Accounting Education in China;我国会计本科教育发展的调查与分析

2.On Undergraduates Accounting Education Concept and It s Realization;会计本科教育观念的研究及实现途径

3.Improvement of Accountant Undergraduate Course Education under Information Technology Circumstances;信息技术条件下的会计本科教育改革

4.Accounting Undergraduate Education Reformation based on Scientific Development View Perspective;基于科学发展观视角的会计本科教育改革

5.Challenge and Countermeasure of the IntellectualEconomics towards Undergraduate Students of Accounting;知识经济对会计本科教育的挑战与对策

6.Study on the Relationship between Accounting Education Objectivesand Reform of Accounting Undergraduate Teaching高等会计教育目标与会计本科教学改革初探

7.Investigation of Accounting Education Problem Existed in the Undergraduate Courses;本科会计教育存在的问题及改革方向

8.Reflection on Problems of Accounting Instruction;会计学专业本科教育若干问题的思考

9.Introducing Qualification Education into the Schooling Education of Accounting;会计本科学历教育引入职业资格教育的研究

10.The Envisagement in Installing Accounting Items in Educational Cost Accounting of Colleges and Universities高校教育成本核算的会计科目体系设置构想

11.The Research on the Undergraduate Education Goal of Accounting Major for the Characteristic University & College;行业特色高校会计本科专业教育目标研究

12.Research on the Reform of CPA Education for Undergraduates in China;我国注册会计师专业本科教育改革的研究

13.An analysis of graduation thesis evaluation for Accounting majors of Open Education in NBRTVU;宁波电大开放教育会计学本科毕业论文分析

14.Considerations on Accounting Educational Reform of Universitys Undergraduate Course of Our Country;对本科会计学专业教育改革的几点思考

15.Objective research on the training of the higheraccounting education in the 21st century in China;21世纪我国本科会计培养目标研究——面向21世纪会计教育研究之一

16.Reflections on the Reform of Four-year-college Training of Accounting;关于改革当前本科会计教育模式的几点思考——从本科会计毕业生与社会需求的矛盾谈起

17.The Education Cost Control Analysis of New Upgraded Universities form the Perspective of Accounting新建本科院校教育成本控制分析——基于会计的视角

18.Starting with innovating the teaching process in order to improve the quality of undergraduate thesis of Accounting major of Open Education;提高开放教育会计本科毕业论文的质量必须从改革教学过程入手


the education of undergraduate accountant本科会计教育

1.The development ofthe education of undergraduate accountants can be the decisive factor to foster the management personnel of accountants.本科会计教育作为会计教育极为重要的一部分,其发展状况决定着管理型会计人才的培养。

3)undergraduate course accountant professional education present situation本科会计专业教育现状

4)accounting applied undergraduate education应用型本科会计教育

5)college accounting education mode本科会计教育模式

6)undergraduate computer science education计算机本科教育

1.Following the analysis,problems of currentundergraduate computer science education in China were discussed.分析了我国计算机本科教育的现状,揭示了计算机本科教育存在的问题:单一的人才培养模式已经无法满足社会对多种人才的需求。

2.Due to the defects in the syllabus design and teaching methodology in theundergraduate computer science education in our country,it is difficult for the undergraduate students to find jobs after they graduate.分析了我国计算机本科教育的现状,并通过对微软院校IT课程特点的分析,揭示了在我国计算机本科教育中有选择地引入微软院校IT课程对原有课程体系进行改革的必要性。


