100字范文 > 会计范式方法 The paradigm of accounting英语短句 例句大全

会计范式方法 The paradigm of accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-29 11:49:04


会计范式方法 The paradigm of accounting英语短句 例句大全

会计范式方法,The paradigm of accounting

1)The paradigm of accounting会计范式方法

2)Accounting Model会计范式

1.On the Innovation of Capital Preserving and Restructuring ofAccounting Model;资本保全模式创新与会计范式重构

3)Methodology of Social Science and paradigm社会科学方法论与范式

4)Method Paradigm方法范式

5)research moods范式方法

6)accounting method会计方法

1.Discussion on Influences of Choice of Accounting Methods to Taxes Planning;论会计方法的选择对企业纳税筹划的影响

2.This article tries to probe into the choice and standard of enterpriseaccounting method to the information quality and its strategy of accounting,and then reset the social economic resource,the mational economic procedure,and some other influence of relevant enterprise.本文通过论述企业会计方法的选择对会计信息质量及其决策有用性的影响,从而对社会经济资源重新配置,国民经济秩序,企业相关各方利益的影响,拟在企业会计方法的选择规范方面作些探讨。

3.The paper analyses the criterion,deflection,accounting and economic consequences of the choice ofaccounting method for business combination,and points out although the regulation derives from certain practical consideration,there exist some problems that are worth discussing.针对我国新颁布的企业合并准则采用的购买法和权益结合法并存的"二元制"结构,本文对新准则中合并会计方法选择的标准、会计和经济后果以及企业对不同合并会计方法的偏好等问题进行了分析,指出新准则的规定虽然出于一定的现实考虑,但同时也存在着一些值得商榷的地方。


1.alternative accounting methods可供选择的会计方法

2.Thinking about Some Accounting Methods in the Computerization Accounting;对会计电算化中若干会计方法的思考

3.Coordinating Council on Accounting Methodology in the Newly Independent States新独立国家会计方法协调理事会

4.There are two basic types of cost accounting systems: job order cost accounting and process cost accounting.有两种基本的成本会计方法:分披成本会计与分步成本会计。

5.counting statements会计报表的编制方法

ment on standard Accounting Research Methods and Demonstration Accounting Research Methods;论规范会计研究方法与实证会计研究方法

7.Event Accounting Replace Value Accounting --On the Direction of Accounting Development;浅议会计的发展方向——事项法会计

8.Law Accounting Is a New Direction to Build Accounting Speciality;法务会计是会计学专业建设的新方向

9.The New Field of Accounting Subject In Higher Education--Forensic Accounting高校会计学科发展的新方向:法务会计

10.Discussion of Society Reponsibility Acounting s Multi-ply Measure Hypothesis and Methods;社会责任会计的多重计量假设及其计量方法

11.Discussion on the Construction of the Management Accounting Methods System;论管理会计概念框架及方法体系设计

12.A Study of Environmental Accounting s Measurement Frame Method and Its Applicationon;环境会计计量构架、方法及其应用研究

13.The Innovation of the Method to Teach Accountancy System Design;《会计制度设计》课程教学方法的创新

14.A Summary of Monetary Measurement Methods of Human Resource Value Accounting;人力资源价值会计货币计量方法综述

15.Statistical Test: The Core of the Positive Accounting Research Method;统计检验:实证会计研究方法的核心

16.Calculation and Accounting Approach of Human Resources;人力资源价值的计量方法与会计处理

17.Accounting Research Methods System Comparing between China and Western Countries;会计研究方法体系的中西方比较研究

18.Methodology of accounting research is an important part of accounting theory.会计科研方法论是会计理论的重要组成部分。


Accounting Model会计范式

1.On the Innovation of Capital Preserving and Restructuring ofAccounting Model;资本保全模式创新与会计范式重构

3)Methodology of Social Science and paradigm社会科学方法论与范式

4)Method Paradigm方法范式

5)research moods范式方法

6)accounting method会计方法

1.Discussion on Influences of Choice of Accounting Methods to Taxes Planning;论会计方法的选择对企业纳税筹划的影响

2.This article tries to probe into the choice and standard of enterpriseaccounting method to the information quality and its strategy of accounting,and then reset the social economic resource,the mational economic procedure,and some other influence of relevant enterprise.本文通过论述企业会计方法的选择对会计信息质量及其决策有用性的影响,从而对社会经济资源重新配置,国民经济秩序,企业相关各方利益的影响,拟在企业会计方法的选择规范方面作些探讨。

3.The paper analyses the criterion,deflection,accounting and economic consequences of the choice ofaccounting method for business combination,and points out although the regulation derives from certain practical consideration,there exist some problems that are worth discussing.针对我国新颁布的企业合并准则采用的购买法和权益结合法并存的"二元制"结构,本文对新准则中合并会计方法选择的标准、会计和经济后果以及企业对不同合并会计方法的偏好等问题进行了分析,指出新准则的规定虽然出于一定的现实考虑,但同时也存在着一些值得商榷的地方。


