100字范文 > 煤粉经济细度 the economic granule size of pulverized coal英语短句 例句大全

煤粉经济细度 the economic granule size of pulverized coal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-31 13:17:53


煤粉经济细度 the economic granule size of pulverized coal英语短句 例句大全

煤粉经济细度,the economic granule size of pulverized coal

1)the economic granule size of pulverized coal煤粉经济细度

2)PC granularity煤粉细度

1.Rational choice ofPC granularity is of an important measure to decrease comprehensive cost of generating power in an electric power plant;合理选择煤粉细度是降低发电综合成本重要措施


1.Pulverized Coal Fineness Adjustment and Analysis of Double-inlet and Double-outlet Ball Mill双进双出钢球磨煤机煤粉细度调整试验及分析

2.The results of study have certain reference significance for determining optimal coal fineness required for reburning.研究结果对确定再燃所需要的最佳煤粉细度具有一定参考意义。

3.Numerical Simulation on NO_x Emission in Flue Gas by Controlling the Fineness of Pulverized Coal控制煤粉细度以降低烟气中NO_x排放量的数值模拟研究


5.Effect of Superfine fly ash on alkali-aggregate reaction of high-strength Concrete磨细粉煤灰对高强度混凝土碱集料反应的影响

6.Experimental Research on Combustion Characteristics of Coal Powder with Different Fineness and Cycling Utilization of Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate from Fly Ash by Acid Treatment;不同细度煤粉燃烧特性及粉煤灰酸浸处理中硫酸铝铵循环利用试验研究

7.The fineness of fly ash influences on the solidifying velocity and coating film performance of polyurethane waterproof coating.粉煤灰的细度对防水涂料的固化速度和涂膜性能都有影响。

8.Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation on Micronized-Coal Reburning and Deep Air Staging;超细煤粉再燃和深度空气分级技术的试验研究与数值模拟

9.Reasons of Impacting Negative Pressure Classification of Fly Ash Fineness and Adjustment Method影响粉煤灰负压分选系统分选细度的因素及调节方法

10.Effect of Water-binder Ratio and Fineness on Performance of Slag and Fly Ash Cementitious Material水胶比和细度对矿渣粉煤灰胶凝材料性能的影响

11.Distribution of concentration of pulverized coal injected into BF tuyere by lance with multiple holes多股流喷吹粉煤时高炉风口内粉煤浓度场分布

12.Numerical Analysis of Pulverized Coal Concentration in Primary Air Pipe of Boiler;煤粉锅炉一次风管中煤粉浓度的数值分析

13.Coal slurries were found to exhibit a wide spectrum of flow behavior ranging from Newtonian at low concentrations to shear-thinning and pseudoplastic with a yield stress at higher concentrations.利用双峰级配理论,将粗颗粒煤粉加入细颗粒中可降低煤浆体系的黏度。

14.Study on Super-Pulverized Coal Reburning Mecharism and Separating Technology;超细煤粉再燃机理及细粉分离技术研究

15.The formula could simulate the packing density of the blend materials such as cement, fine-slag, and fly ashes.说明该公式可以用来模拟诸如水泥、磨细矿渣、粉煤灰等胶凝材料细颗粒的堆积密度。

16.Research of the concrete mixed with the powdered slag and high calcium fly ash掺磨细矿渣粉和高钙粉煤灰混凝土的研究

17.A study on strength and crack-resistance of fly ash concrete粉煤灰混凝土强度及抗裂度试验研究

18.Investigation on the Preparation of DSP Mateial with Ultrafined Fly Ash用超细粉煤灰配制dsp材料的研制


PC granularity煤粉细度

1.Rational choice ofPC granularity is of an important measure to decrease comprehensive cost of generating power in an electric power plant;合理选择煤粉细度是降低发电综合成本重要措施

3)coal fineness煤粉细度

1.Three kinds of coal differed from fineness were burned in a laboratory-scale drop tube furnace for combustion test,and an 8-stage Andersen particle impactor was employed for sampling the primary particulate matter(PM),in order to studycoal fineness effect on primary PM features during pulverized coal combustion.研究煤粉细度对煤粉燃烧后一次颗粒物特性的影响。

2.Two models respectively describing the pulverizing unit cost and thecoal fineness of the middle-storage pulverizing system are established by means of the least-square support vector machine,and the combinational genetic algorithm is adopted to seek the optimal operation parameters for the minimum unit consumption in different operating modes.利用最小二乘支持向量机分别建立了中间储仓式制粉系统的制粉单耗和煤粉细度模型,采用混合遗传算法对制粉单耗模型进行寻优,以获得不同工况下制粉单耗最小的运行参数,然后利用煤粉细度模型对优化后的运行参数进行煤粉细度预测,根据预测出的煤粉细度是否在给定范围内来反馈控制制粉单耗的优化。

3.Since the next half year of ,coal fineness of JiuJiang stage three project 2×350MW units gradually began increasing, This brought a lot of problem to production, This paper individually analyzes different factors that influences coal dust milling, finds the reason causingcoal fineness overproof and works out measures to reducecoal fineness.九江发电厂三期工程2×350MW机组自下半年以来,煤粉细度开始逐渐升高,给生产带来了诸多问题,文中分别对影响煤粉磨制的各个因素进行分析,从中找出煤粉细度超标的原因并制定出降低煤粉细度的措施。

4)fineness of pulverized coal煤粉细度

1.Through improving and debugging the firing system,optimizing the opera-tion adjustment and reducing thefineness of pulverized coal,the combustible matter in the fly ash was reduced to about 5.通过对燃烧设备治理、优化运行调整、降低煤粉细度,使飞灰可燃物由原来的9。

2.If the dynamic separator,powder mixture temperature 150℃, mill capacity sufficient margin is designed in the low-volatile coal pulverizer system,thefineness of pulverized coal,uniformity,a good fire and combustion stability can be assured.该锅炉在启动调试及试生产过程中遇到分级风喷口烧红、汽包水位两侧偏差大、灰渣可燃物含量高以及燃烧稳定性差等问题,通过燃烧调整和采取一定的运行措施,控制了分级风喷口烧红和汽包水位偏差在允许的范围内;通过增加卫燃带,一定程度上降低了飞灰可燃物含量,提高了燃烧稳定性;对该炉燃烧系统和双进双出制粉系统存在的不足之处和改进方向进行了探讨,指出低挥发分无烟煤制粉系统如果配置动态分离器、一次风粉混合物温度设计在150℃、磨煤机容量留有足够的裕度,能够较好的保证煤粉细度、均匀性和良好的着火、燃尽和燃烧稳定性。

3.In monitoring the combusting process of boiler, we obtained measures of reducing combustibles in fly ash and ash to improve efficiency of boiler by detailed detailedly analysing the ratio of the first and second wind speed,fineness of pulverized coal, coal type and so on.通过对锅炉内燃烧过程的监控,对一、二次风率配比、煤粉细度、煤种变化等影响因素进行了详细分析,提出了降低锅炉飞灰可燃物、灰渣可燃物超标问题的措施及方法,提高锅炉效率。

5)pulverizer economi-cal degree经济细度

6)fineness /fly ash细度/粉煤灰


