100字范文 > 参数估算法 parameter estimation method英语短句 例句大全

参数估算法 parameter estimation method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 07:44:32


参数估算法 parameter estimation method英语短句 例句大全

参数估算法,parameter estimation method

1)parameter estimation method参数估算法

1.The paper introduces the connotation of life cycle cost of weapons and equipment system and basic cost estimation method,analyzes application ofparameter estimation method in UAV life cycle cost estimation,and provides prerequisite for decision-making of management.文章简述了武器装备系统的全寿命周期费用(LCC)的内涵,介绍了费用估算的基本方法及分析了参数估算法在无人侦察机的研制费用估算中的应用,为机关决策提供了先决条件。


1.Application of Parameter Estimation Method in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cost Estimation参数估算法在无人机费用估算中的应用

2.Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Multi-dimensional Normal Distribution Based on EM Algorithm;基于EM算法的含缺失数据的参数估计

3.A New Parameter Estimating Method for IRT 3PLM-Genetic Algorithm;IRT中3PLM参数估计新方法—GA算法

4.New Method of Parameter Estimation under the IRT Model-MCMC Algorithm;IRT模型参数估计的新方法——MCMC算法

5.An Approximate Method of Estimating the Parameters of Three-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution;一种估算三参数log-normal分布参数的近似方法

6.Estimation of the Constrained Parameters Via the EM-type Algorithm;基于EM算法的约束条件下参数的估计

7.Parameter Estimation of Linear Frequency Modulated Signals Based on MP Algorithm;基于MP算法的线性调频信号参数估计

8.Application of Genetic Algorithm in the Parameter Estimation for IRT Model;遗传算法在IRT模型参数估计中的应用

9.Research on Nonparametric Channel Estimation Algorithm for OFDM SystemsOFDM系统非参数信道估计算法研究

10.A Fast Parameter Estimation Approach for Multiplicative Signal Combined PRBC and LFM伪码-线性调频信号快速参数估计算法

11.Learning of Hidden Markov Models Based on Improved ACO Algorithm基于改进蚁群算法的HMM参数估计

12.Parameter Estimation of probit Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm基于PSO算法的probit模型参数估计

13.Parametric estimation of the van Genuchten"s equation based on hybrid genetic algorithm基于混合遗传算法估计van Genuchten方程参数

14.Improved Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithm to Estimate Parameters of LFM SignalLFM信号参数估计的最大似然改进算法

15.Parameter Estimation of DS-UWB Signals by Using Autocorrelation TechniqueDS-UWB信号参数估计的自相关算法

16.The EM Algorithm of Parameter Estimation of Weibull Distribution under Type-I Censoring Sample定时截尾下Weibull分布参数估计的EM算法

17.A New Method for Estimating Parameters of K-distributed Clutter一种K分布杂波参数估计的快速算法

18.Genetic Algorithm Applied to Parameter Estimation for Clutter Amplitude Model Based on MOM基于矩估计的遗传算法杂波幅度模型参数估计


method of estimating parameter参数估算方法

3)parameter eatimation algorithm参数估计算法

4)parameter estimation参数估算

1.Load properties on-line recognition andparameter estimation based on deadbeat control inverter;基于无差拍控制逆变器的负载性质在线识别及参数估算方法

2.Study of new methods onparameter estimation for T-mode equivalent circuit of induction motors;异步电动机T型等值电路参数估算的新方法探讨

3.A sequential experimental design procedure was applied to optimizeparameter estimation for adsorption isotherm of n -decane on 5A molecular sieves.根据Box和Lucas所提出的使待估参数联合置信域的容积趋于最小的参数估算的序贯实验设计准则,推导得出了正葵烷吸附等温线实验观测点的安排原则,发现对于一元线性模型,实验观测点应安排在可操作区的两端。

5)parameters estimation参数估算

6)Parameter estimate参数估算

1.Parameter estimate of HPSB are summarized in detail,key technology and energy efficiency are also put forward,which can provide a shortcut for performance study of skip missile.简要地介绍了跳跃式弹道的发展过程和应用前景,并针对标准跳跃式弹道,详细研究了其过渡段、转弯段、滑翔段和再入段的弹道参数估算问题,通过参数估算,可以方便快捷地计算跳跃式导弹的性能,此外对跳跃式导弹的关键技术和飞行效率问题进行简单的描述,为进一步研究跳跃式导弹奠定了基础。


