100字范文 > IF钢板 IF steel sheet英语短句 例句大全

IF钢板 IF steel sheet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-16 20:17:30


IF钢板 IF steel sheet英语短句 例句大全

IF钢板,IF steel sheet

1)IF steel sheetIF钢板

1.on SWE for some typical BaosteelIF steel sheet used in the automobile industry is studied.选具有代表性的汽车用宝钢IF钢板,取不同的试验样杯尺寸、样杯拉延比、样杯圆角半径、冲制样杯时润滑剂、落锤高度等,对汽车钢板二次加工脆化试验的影响因素进行研究。

2.The R value in directions of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90° to rolling direction of two groups ofIF steel sheets from Baosteel was measured.检测了宝钢两组IF钢板与轧向夹角分别为0°,15°,30°,45°,60°,75°,90°的R值以及板材的织构。

3.Based on the models of continues mechanics of textured polycrystals (CMTP) and Kochend(?)rfer in which the quadric yield function form is employed, the plastic strain ratio (R-values) of polycrystalline metal (deep-drawingIF steel sheets) is calculated by the approaches of modified maximum entropy method (MMEM) of low-resolution texture analysis and harmonic method.采用反射低分辨改进最大熵三维取向分布函数法(MMEMODF)和级数展开法(简ODF),按照织构多晶体连续力学法(CMTP),遵循Konchendrfer模型,选择非二次型屈服函数来预估多晶体深冲IF钢板的塑性应变比R值。

2)steel plate钢板

1.R & D of vanadium micro-alloyed low-temperaturesteel plate with strain-ageing brittleness resistance;抗低温和应变时效脆性的钒微合金化钢板的开发

2.Rolling techniques for improving the impact toughness of Q345steel plates;提高Q345系列钢板冲击韧性的轧制工艺探讨

3.Advanced Development of Q345C Steel Plate at Liugang;柳钢Q345C钢板的试制开发


1.plate iron that is thinner than boilerplate but thicker than sheet iron or stovepipe iron.比锅炉钢板薄但比烟囱钢板厚的一种钢板。

2.Hot rolled stainless steel sheets and platesGB/T4237-1992不锈钢热轧钢板

3.riveted plate-and-angle member角钢与钢板铆接构件

4.Corrugated steel plates with lath and lentilformGB/T3277-1991花纹钢板

5.Steel plates for boilersGB713-1997锅炉用钢板

6.Steel plates, eg used in shipbuilding钢板(如造船用的)

7.coffin annealing(钢板的) 装箱退火

8.Pulsate us have fob price for Ms.Plate.请报钢板FOB价格。。

9.plate iron thinner than tank iron.比坦克钢板薄一些的钢板。

10.Stainless steel clab plates and stripsGB/T8165-1997不锈钢复合钢板和钢带

11.Cold rolled stainless steel clad sheets and stripsGB/T17102-1997不锈复合钢冷轧薄钢板和钢带

12."There are two types of leaf spring, the multileaf and the single leaf."钢板弹簧有两种,多叶片钢板弹簧和单叶片钢板弹簧。

13.Steel plates for welded gas cylindersGB6653-1994焊接气瓶用钢板

14.Roll-profiled steel sheet for buildingGB/T12755-1991建筑用压型钢板

15.nominal rate of the spring钢板弹簧额定刚性系数

16.Protective metal sump shield发动机底盘保护钢板

17.The weight of this steel plate is one ton.这块钢板的重量是一吨。

18.ched-type piling bar(钢材) 拱形板桩


steel plate钢板

1.R & D of vanadium micro-alloyed low-temperaturesteel plate with strain-ageing brittleness resistance;抗低温和应变时效脆性的钒微合金化钢板的开发

2.Rolling techniques for improving the impact toughness of Q345steel plates;提高Q345系列钢板冲击韧性的轧制工艺探讨

3.Advanced Development of Q345C Steel Plate at Liugang;柳钢Q345C钢板的试制开发


1.A Study on Phase Transformation in Plate of Mn-Nb-Mo Series X70 Pipeline Steel;Mn-Nb-Mo系X70级管线用钢板的相变

2.Influence of automatic controlled cooling on mechanical performance ofplate;自动控制冷却工艺对钢板性能的影响

4)steel sheet钢板

1.Influence of strain strengthening onsteel sheet dent resistance;应变强化对钢板局部凹痕抗力影响研究

parison of methods for strippingsteel sheet coating and determining hexavalent chromium;钢板涂镀层的剥离及六价铬的定量方法比较

3.Finite element analysis on mechanical behavior of adhesive joint ofsteel sheet and aluminum alloy sheet;钢板与铝合金板胶接接头力学性能的有限元分析


1.The Influence of SteelSheet"s Mechanical Property to FLD_0;钢板力学性能对FLD_0影响的试验研究

2.In order to deal with the disadvantage of current sheet stamping performance detection,a new way to evaluating sheet stamping performance,i.为弥补现有评价钢板成形性检测方法的不足,提出了一种通过测定带孔拉伸试样的孔径伸长率来评价钢板冲压成形性的新方法。

6)Steel plates钢板

1.Test study of strengthening RC T-beam with bonded FRP and steel plates;粘贴纤维布、钢板加固钢筋混凝土T梁试验研究

2.Numerical method of bearing capacity for preloaded RC beam strengthened by bonding steel plates;钢板加固持荷RC梁承载力数值分析方法

3.Based on the engineering practice of strengthening concrete beams of large-scale pumping station,the method of sticking steel plates along the bottom of beam and the joint of beam-column is described and adopted so as to restrict crack development and increase bearing capacity.以某大型泵站电机大梁补强加固为例,介绍了采用在梁底及梁柱节点粘贴钢板的加固方法,以控制梁裂缝的开展并提高其承载能力,分析了梁加固后的受力状况,给出了加固后的承载力计算公式。


