100字范文 > 地域管辖 territorial jurisdiction英语短句 例句大全

地域管辖 territorial jurisdiction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-04 14:24:20


地域管辖 territorial jurisdiction英语短句 例句大全

地域管辖,territorial jurisdiction

1)territorial jurisdiction地域管辖

1.During amending the Civil Procedure Law,we should correctly stipulate theterritorial jurisdiction of civil environmental suit.在修改《民事诉讼法》时,应当对环境民事诉讼的地域管辖作出合理规定。

2.Theterritorial jurisdiction of cyberspace tort disputes have caused many debates.网络侵权纠纷案件的地域管辖问题在理论界和实务界争议颇多。


1.The tray talks about network copyright tort law case territorial jurisdiction;浅谈网络著作权侵权案件的地域管辖

2.New Orientation in Jurisdictional Principle for International Infringement of Intellectual Property;跨国知识产权侵权管辖原则的新发展——对传统地域管辖原则的突破

3.Our Country Present Special Region Jurisdiction System s Consummation;论我国民事诉讼特殊地域管辖制度的完善

4.Study on the Territorial Jurisdictions over the On-line Civil Right Infringement Cases;互联网上民事侵权案件地域管辖问题探析

5.Civil Regional Jurisdiction: Changing the Idea and Perfecting the System;民事地域管辖:理念的转换与制度的完善

6.The Collision and Solution of Region Jurisdiction on Criminal Case;刑事案件地域管辖权冲突及其解决机制

7.The Construction of Regional Jurisdiction System for Corruption and Bribery Investigation贪污贿赂案件侦查地域管辖制度的构建

8.The territorial range of authority or control.管辖区域管辖或控制的地域

9.The office, rank, or jurisdiction of a pastor.牧师的职位或管辖区域

10.Discrimination in Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction and Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction“涉外刑事管辖权”与“域外刑事管辖权”概念辨析

11.The district under an archbishop"s jurisdiction.大主教(管辖)区大主教辖区下的地区

12.In 1917, after the defeat of the Ottoman Turks, the area came under the control of the British.在19土耳其马人战败后,该地区成为了英国的管辖区域。

13.Law on Jurisdictional Duties of the Sandinista Police桑地诺警察管辖责任法

14.no area student非地方教育管辖区学生

15.non-domiciliary insolvency proceedings非属地管辖权破产程序

16.domiciliary insolvency proceedings属地管辖权破产程序

17.The district under jurisdiction of a magistrate.地方行政官的管辖区

18.the territorial jurisdiction of an archbishop.大主教管辖下的地区。


region jurisdiction地域管辖权

1.Because it′s a new-born thing, we can t design new jurisdiction standard in short time and should go deep into the concrete case by comparing different standards in order to fair and efficiency,then summary experience and make out the reasonableregion jurisdiction standard.鉴于网络侵权是一新生事物,主张暂时不对其地域管辖制定新的标准,而应该深入分析具体的案件,比较各种不同的标准,力求作到公平、公正和高效,从而总结经验,确定合理的网络侵权案件地域管辖权标准。

3)civil regional jurisdiction民事地域管辖

4)special territorial jurisdiction特殊地域管辖

5)general jurisdiction system一般地域管辖

1.As to preventing excessive expansion of courts\" power and legal protectionism, it is significantly important to reconstructgeneral jurisdiction system by combining adversary system and doctrine of protection on rights of action .以当事人中心主义为视角,结合诉权保障理论重构一般地域管辖制度,对防止法院权限过大和地方保护主义意义重大。

6)Managerable maritime space管辖海域


地域管辖地域管辖是指按照行政区划和民事案件的隶属关系,划分同级法院之间受理第一审民事案件的权限和分工。 《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》对合同纠纷的地域管辖有如下规定:1.因合同纠纷提起的诉讼由被告住所所在地或合同履行地法院管辖;2.因保险合同提起的诉讼,由被告住所所在地或者保险标的物所在地法院管辖;3.因铁路、公路、水上、航空运输和联合运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼由运输始发地、目的地或者被告住所所在地人民法院管辖;4.因涉外合同纠纷对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的被告提起的诉讼,可以由合同签订地、合同履行地、诉讼标的物所在地及其可供扣押财产所在地、代表机构住所地人民法院管辖。
