100字范文 > 疆域 territory英语短句 例句大全

疆域 territory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 09:56:19


疆域 territory英语短句 例句大全



1.By analyzing the distribution of Xiongnu s culture, the places where her cultural elements spread to, and the order of these different periods, we can portray the Xiongnu s national origin, herterritory, and the range she conqu.一个世纪以来,中外考古的巨大进展为我们广泛深入地研究匈奴历史的各重要课题提供了较为丰富的实物资料,也以无可辩驳的实证为我们重新勾画出历史上匈奴帝国在扩张、掠夺和迁徙过程中曾经留下的足迹,通过研究分析匈奴文化的分布范围、文化因素波及的地区和时间的前后关系,我们可以较为清晰地描绘出匈奴民族的起源、匈奴帝国统治的疆域、她征服的领地和附属部族的范围,以及各个不同阶段随着国力的消长,其疆域的变迁、文化侵入和传播势头的由强至弱、直至最终被更强势的文化所融合、同化的线索。


1.An unobstructed area of land or water.不设防的疆域或水域

2.The Viewpoints of China s Territory and Her Borderland Policies in Past Dynasties--Taking Northeastern China as an Example;中华疆域观念与历代边疆政策——以东北疆域为例

3.geographical position and territory of China中国的地理位置和疆域

4.Early regional development of West Fujian and research on territorial scope of periphery counties;闽西区域早期开发与周边州县疆域考

5.Traditional Yi-Xia View and the Forming of China s Territory--Serial Studies on China s Territory Formation;传统夷夏观与中国疆域的形成——中国疆域形成理论探讨之一

6.How to Deal with Cultural boundaries in the Design of Band Logos in Network网络领域品牌标识的设计如何应对文化疆域

7.Old Europe has gained immeasurably from improved stability on its borders.老欧洲国家由于疆域稳固而获益甚多。

8.The Research on the Joint Territory of Each Ethnic Group in History(finished);历史上各民族“共同疆域”之研究(续完)

9.The Influence of Gerdan s March into Khalkha on the Northeastern China Territory;噶尔丹兵进喀尔喀对东北疆域的影响

10.The Chinese Dialect words and Regional Folk Culture of Xinjiang;新疆汉语方言词汇与新疆地域民俗文化

11.On the New Pattern of China s Regional Economic Development and Xinjiang s Regional Planning;我国区域经济发展新格局与新疆区域规划

12.Research on Public Policies in Sustainable Development of Xinjiang Region;新疆可持续发展的区域公共政策研究

13.Study on Ecological Carrying Capacity of Erqis River Region in Xinjiang;新疆额尔齐斯河流域生态承载力研究

14.A Study on Hami Reginal Economic Development Strategy;新疆哈密地区区域经济发展战略研究

15.A Study on the Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Regional Economy of Xinjiang;新疆城市化与区域经济协同发展研究

16.The Advantage of Backwardness and Economic Leapfrogging Development in Xinjiang;后发优势与新疆区域经济跨越式发展

17.Study on the Development of Midium-Sized Cities and Regions of Xinjiang in 20th Century;20世纪新疆中等城市与区域发展研究

18.A Study on Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Regional Economy in Xinjiang;新疆城市化与区域经济协调发展分析



1.This paper sets forth historic contribution of Xixa dynasties in forming of our countrydomain and economy culture development ,points out studing and propagating of rich historical cultural heritage of Xixa dynasties ,it play an important part in the development of economy and culture of Northwest China in the 21st century.文章通过论述西夏王朝对我国疆域形成和经济文化发展的历史贡献,指出研究、宣传西夏王朝留下的丰富历史文化遗产,对我国西北地区21世纪经济文化发展能起到良好的作用。

3)chinese area中国疆域

4)expansion or reduction in territory疆域盈缩

5)joint territory共同疆域

1.This article explores the historical content and evolution ofjoint territory of each ethnic group in history,believing that the "joint territory" refers to the cooperate boundaries owned by different ethnic groups and different countries in the world.文章对历史上各民族"共同疆域"所涉及到的历史内容及其形成演变过程进行探讨,认为"共同疆域"指的是国内的不同民族之间或同一民族在不同国家所共同拥有的疆域。

6)territorial reform疆域改制

1.Along with the administrative reform of Zhili in Late Qing dynasty,theterritorial reform of Zhili became a matter of great urgency.随着清末直隶行政体制改革进程的加快,直隶疆域改制的问题也一度被提上日程。


