100字范文 > 洪水过程 flood hydrograph英语短句 例句大全

洪水过程 flood hydrograph英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-02 19:08:24


洪水过程 flood hydrograph英语短句 例句大全

洪水过程,flood hydrograph

1)flood hydrograph洪水过程

1.Random simulation offlood hydrographs based on Copula function;基于Copula函数的洪水过程随机模拟

2.Classification offlood hydrograph using improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm基于改进模糊C均值聚类算法的洪水过程分类

3.The random simulation offlood hydrographs is a new way for hydrological safety design.根据该联合分布进行随机抽样同时模拟洪峰和洪量系列并转化成洪水过程线,从而建立一种新的洪水过程随机模拟方法。


1.Study on Influence on Flood Process by Land Utilization Arrange;土地利用格局对洪水过程的影响研究

2.Research on the Flood Process Entering the Song Shu Reservoir during 817 Catastrophic Storm817特大暴雨松树水库入库洪水过程的研究

3.Application of a New Flood Stochastic Simulation Model Developed by Russian Hydrologist in the Basin of Qiantang River;一种洪水过程随机模拟新模型在我国应用初探

4.Application of the Improved Artificial Neural Net on Flood Forecasting;改进的BP神经网络在洪水过程预报中的应用

5.Classification of flood hydrograph using improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm基于改进模糊C均值聚类算法的洪水过程分类

6.A Dynamic Numerical Method for Prediction of Flooding Process Height in Tidal Rivers and its Application (Ⅱ)有潮河段洪水过程水位的动力数值预报方法及其应用(Ⅱ)

7.RS motional monitoring and damage evaluation of flood process in western Jilim Province in 19981998年吉林省西部洪水过程遥感动态监测与灾情评估

8.The applicability of main operational methods in hydrological design including design flood hydrograph method and method based on long observed data is discussed through the case stUdy of the Shi Zitan Reservoir.本文以狮子滩水库为例论述了现行主要水文计算方法(计洪水过程线法和长序列法)适用性。

9.On the Numerical Simulation of the Process of Dam Break and Flood Flow Propagation;溃坝过程及洪水波演进数值模拟研究

10.Influence of Non spot Pollution Source on Flood Water Quality浅析非点源污染对雨洪过程中的水质影响

11.Process Study of Comprehensive Management in Small Watershed on Montane Flood Disaster;小流域综合治理对山区洪水灾害作用过程分析

12.They could not cross the river owing to the flood.由于洪水,他们不能过河。

13.The floods surged over the valley.洪水在山谷中汹涌流过。

14.Numerical simulation of the flood routing and bed deformation processes in the wandering reach of the Lower Yellow River黄河下游游荡型河段洪水演进与河床变形过程的数值模拟

15.Locating Studies on Infiltration Process and Water Conservation Capacity of Soil with Four Vegetation Patterns in Hong ya of Sichuan Province;四川洪雅四种植被模式土壤入渗过程及蓄水功能的定位研究

16.Numerical simulation of the process of hyperconcentrated flood routing and channel deformation in the Lower Yellow River黄河下游高含沙洪水演进及河床冲淤过程的数值模拟

17.The Evaluation of the Capacity of Flood Control of Water Intake Engineering and Flood Discharge of Watercourse of Ningxia Zhongning Electric Power Plant;宁夏中宁电厂取水工程防洪及河道行洪评价

18.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究


flood process洪水过程

1.With upland small forest watershed in Japan as the objective,the relationship between discharge andflood processes of suspended sediment were researched using automatic samplers(ISCO) and water-stage recorder.以日本山地源头森林小流域为研究对象,利用泥沙自动取样器和自计水位计,研究了悬移质泥沙的输出过程及其与洪水过程间的关系。

3)flood hydrograph洪水过程线

1.Discussion onflood hydrograph calculation of medium and small project;中小型工程洪水过程线计算方法探讨

2.Enlargement offlood hydrograph with Smoothing Coefficient Trial Method平滑系数试算法放大洪水过程线

3.The article introduces the general condition of Duzhai reservoir,analyzes its precipitation amount,calculates its runoff amount and runoff year distribution,and inquires into the design of itsflood hydrograph,in order to offer a reference for the design and calculation of similar reservoir reinforcement projects.叙述了杜寨水库的流域概况,分析了杜寨水库的降雨量,计算了杜寨水库的径流量和径流年内分配,从而推出了杜寨水库的设计洪水过程线,以供类似水库加固工程的设计计算参考。

4)annual flood hydrograph年洪水过程

5)simulation of flood process洪水过程模拟

1.Application of EBM comprehensive roughness calculation method insimulation of flood process;EBM综合糙率计算法在洪水过程模拟的应用

6)design flood hydrograph设计洪水过程线

1.Derivation ofdesign flood hydrograph based on Copula function;基于Copula函数的设计洪水过程线方法


设计洪水过程线设计洪水过程线hydrograph of design floodshe{J hongshu一guoehengx一on设计洪水过程线(hydrograph of designfl以xl)符合设计洪水标准的一次洪水流量过程的图线。是设计洪水的一个组成部分,为水利水电工程进行洪水调节计算,确定泄洪建筑物的规模和尺寸的重要设计依据。设计洪水过程线的计算方法有由流量资料计算和由基雨资料计算两类。由流量资料计算设计洪水过程线此类计算是以实测的典型洪水过程线作为放大的典型。典型洪水过程线的选择要能代表流域上大洪水的一般特性,并选择峰高量大,洪峰发生时期偏后的洪水作为典型。设计洪水过程线的计算方法有两种,即同倍比放大法和同频率放大法。(l)同倍比放大法。用同一个放大比值放大典型洪水过程线。放大比值按下式计算KQ=Qp/Qr Kw,=W印/W .r式中KQ,Kw.为洪峰流量及各时段洪量放大系数;Q,,Qr为设计洪峰流量和典型过程线的洪峰流量;W,,,Wtr为历时t的设计洪量和典型过程线的相应历时t的洪量。对调节能力较小的水库,可取洪峰的倍比K。放大洪水过程线;当水库较大、泄量较小时,应按洪量倍比K,.放大洪水过程线。(2)同频率放大法。用设计洪峰和几个不同时段的设计洪量同频率控制放大典型洪水过程线,各时段放大比值按下式计算KQ=Qp/Q,,Kwl=W,p/W,rK,2=(WZp一Wlp)/(WZr一Wlr)式中Q,,W,,,WZp为同频率的洪峰流量及各时段洪量;Q,,W,,,WZr为典型洪水过程线的洪峰流量和相应各时段洪量。同倍比放大法计算简便,适用于峰量关系较好的河流,特别是对多峰型的洪水过程线或为分析洪水地区组成时使用。同频率放大法,适用于峰量关系不够好的河流,或峰量均对水工建筑物防洪安全起控制作用的工程。控制时段一般只用2一3个时段。由苯雨资料计算设计洪水过程线通过设计面暴雨、设计雨型时程分配的计算以及产流和汇流计算,可直接求得设计断面处的洪水过程线。
