100字范文 > 硬断 hardware cut英语短句 例句大全

硬断 hardware cut英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-20 13:18:00


硬断 hardware cut英语短句 例句大全

硬断,hardware cut

1)hardware cut硬断

1.According to the characteristics of self-baking electrode,the quality of master sintering characteristics of the electrode paste in the baking process and the nature of change was grasped,the principle and treatments of the soft-off andhardware cut electrodes were analysed.根据自焙电极的特点,掌握电极糊烧结质量特性及在焙烧过程中的性质变化,分析了电极软断和硬断事故的产生原理及其处理措施。

2)Hardware Interruption硬件中断


1.On the Development of Virtual X Device while Hardware Interrupt in Windows98;Windows98下硬件中断虚拟设备驱动程序的开发

work hardware and software failures disrupt business operations.网络硬件和软件的失效造成业务活动的中断。

3.An interruption of a program that is triggered by the processor" s own internal hardware.一个由处理器内部硬件触发的程序中断。

4.Design of Pattern Controller on the Platform of Circuit Board Fault Diagnosis电路板故障诊断硬件平台中向量控制器设计

5.The interrupt setting does not match those on the card. Check your hardware settings, and then try again.中断设置与卡中的设置不匹配。请检查硬件设置,然后再试一次。

6.The port and/or interrupt settings do not match those on the card. Check your hardware settings, and then try again.端口和(或)中断设置与卡中的值不匹配。请检查硬件设置,然后再试。

7.Automatic hardware based bypass of the faulty drive should a drive cause loop disruptions.一个基于旁路的不太完美的硬件自适应驱动将会引起裚环中断。

8.A programmed or designed hardware implementation of priority interrupt functions.一种程控的或设计的硬件优先级中断功能的实现。

9.Unable to print your hardware settings. Use the Print Troubleshooter in Help to try resolving the problem.无法打印硬件的设置。请用“帮助”中的“打印故障诊断”来解决此问题。

10.The Hardware Research on Recording Device of Voltage Sag and Interruption;电压暂降与短时中断分析的记录装置的硬件研制

11.Meanwhile, the fracture was accelerated due to the uneven surface hardness and the unreasonable distribution of the hardening layer on the crankshaft, and the bad lubrication condition in service.同时轴左颈表面硬度不均匀、淬硬层分布不甚合理,工作过程中润滑条件差,加速了曲轴的断裂。

12.Set hardware breakpoint. Mode can be "r" - read, "w" - write or "x" - execute.设置硬件断点,文式有只读,只写,执行.

13.The culture of the network in the school yard should be developed constantly in reinforeing hardware, software, troop and deciplines.校园网络文化应在加强网络硬件、软件、网站、队伍、学科等建设中不断发展。

14.central-server hardware configuration中心服务程序硬件结构

15.To add hardware that is not in the list, click "Add a new hardware device."要添加不在列表中的硬件,请单击“新加硬件设备”。

16.The company has invested enormously to introduce the advanced medical equipment, of which90% is imported sophisticated medical equipment, continuously substantiating the hardware conditions of the two hospitals.公司斥资引进先进的医疗设备,其中90%进口医疗设备,充不断实医院的硬体条件。

17.Diagnosing a DS1 runs board-level hardware tests on the DS1 interface.诊断 DS1 就是对 DS1 接口运行电路板级的硬件测试。

18.Estimate, debar and repair the failure of network and computers.网络系统、计算机硬件的故障判断、排除和送修。


Hardware Interruption硬件中断

3)electrode hard breakage电极硬断

1.It analyses the main reason ofelectrode hard breakage accident for 2 × 12.5 MVA锰硅合金电炉在长时间热停炉后发生电极硬断事故的主要原因,笔者认为是由于重新恢复送电后负荷提升速度过快造成,并提出了预防电极硬断的有效措施。


1.Thehardware-diagnosing,device-diagnosing and the process-diagnosing are all discussed.0的高炉自动化控制系统为例,通过监控系统做出一个对自动化控制系统的硬件诊断、设备诊断及工艺诊断的完全监控方案。

5)hard turn-off硬关断

6)hardware interrupt硬件中断

1.analyzes the response process of thehardware interrupt in the protect model of Windows 9x operation system and suggests two ideas to resolve the hardware response in the application.分析了在Windows9x保护模式下硬件中断的响应过程,提出了用16位DLL和VXD两种方法,在应用程序中响应硬件中断。

2.This paper suggests a real time serial communication model that works inhardware interrupt in the windows.提出了一种在 W indow s 下响应硬件中断的实时串行通讯的模式。

3.Through an analysis of data copy andhardware interrupt for the performance of packet-cap- ture in high-speed network environment,an improved method based on"zero-copy"concept is proposed in this paper.以传统捕包平台为研究对象,着重分析了高速网络环境下数据拷贝、硬件中断对捕包性能的影响,根据"零拷贝"思想提出了改进的方法,实现了网络接口设备直接将数据报文存储到应用程序可以访问的地址空间,减少了数据报文在内核态里传输时的数据拷贝次数,降低了网络数据接收的延迟;通过减少网卡接收报文时的中断次数,增加每次中断处理的报文数,节省了CPU时间,提高了在高速网络环境中主机对网络数据包的捕获和实时处理能力。


