100字范文 > 硬件接线 hardware connection英语短句 例句大全

硬件接线 hardware connection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-27 21:58:41


硬件接线 hardware connection英语短句 例句大全

硬件接线,hardware connection

1)hardware connection硬件接线

1.Based on analysis onhardware connection and program design, the article probes into the experimental device in which microprocessors laboratorial instruments and LED lattice screen are well combined, and optimizes the equipment that enhances students microprocessors application skill.通过分析硬件接线和程序设计两个环节。

2)line interface hardware线路接口硬件

3)hardware thread interface硬件线程接口

1.Throughhardware thread interface design and operating system kernel extension,this model makes it easy for designers to implement software/hardware partition from the unified thread view.通过硬件线程接口设计、操作系统内核扩展,便于设计人员以统一的线程视图描述应用的软硬件划分。


1.SHUM-UCOS also defines two types of standard hardware-task interface, which can support bus protocol and point-to-point protocol separately.定义了两种标准硬件线程接口,对总线型和星型通信拓扑结构提供支持.

2.The design is very suitable for wireless communication systems which work in ISM frequency band.所设计的软硬件接口非常适合在ISM频段的无线通信系统中应用。

3.Design and Hardware Realization of Software Radio Receiver;软件无线电接收机的设计及硬件实现

4.Design of Hardware Interface of Isomery Computers Linked by Serial Port;基于串口的异型机连接的硬件接口设计

5.Design of an Interface Between the IDE Controller and the AHB Bus Based on FPGA基于FPGA的AHB总线与IDE硬盘的接口设计

6.Hardware and Software Realization and Performance Evaluation of SDIO Interface;SDIO接口的软硬件实现及性能评估

7.The Design and Study of Hardware & Software in MSCIS Intelligent Interface Control System;MSCIS智能接口控制系统硬软件设计研制

8.Analysis and Comparison of Hardware Design for USB Interface;USB接口硬件设计方案分析及比较

9.A DSP Based Hardware System Design of SERCOS Interface Card基于DSP的SERCOS接口卡的硬件设计

10.DSP-based Hardware Design for Brain-computer Interface一种基于DSP的脑机接口硬件系统设计

11.Specify control type, threading model, interface type, aggregation and additional support for your control.请为控件指定控件类型、线程模型、接口类型、聚合和附加支持。

12.Research of Hardware Logical Connection between TMS320C6202 and VMEbus;TMS320C6202与VME总线的硬件逻辑连接研究

13.Hardware technology research into V5 interface of UAS;实用化综合接入系统的V5接口硬件技术研究

14.Hardware Design of IF Software Defined Radio Receiver;中频软件无线电接收硬件平台的设计与实现

15.Diagnosing a DS1 runs board-level hardware tests on the DS1 interface.诊断 DS1 就是对 DS1 接口运行电路板级的硬件测试。

16.The Hardware Development on Imaging Tracker and Interface of the Capability Evaluation System;成像跟踪器及其性能评估系统接口的硬件设计

17.The Design and Study of AI & CCOM Card Hardware & Software in MSCIS Interface Control System;MSCIS接口控制系统AI及CCOM卡硬软件设计研制

18.The Design and Study of AO & CCTR Card Hardware & Software in MSCIS Interface Control System;MSCIS接口控制系统AO及CCTR卡硬软件设计研制


line interface hardware线路接口硬件

3)hardware thread interface硬件线程接口

1.Throughhardware thread interface design and operating system kernel extension,this model makes it easy for designers to implement software/hardware partition from the unified thread view.通过硬件线程接口设计、操作系统内核扩展,便于设计人员以统一的线程视图描述应用的软硬件划分。

4)hardware interface硬件接口

1.For analysing of the way of practical application of ATT7022B in ARM in detail,the identity and principle of energy chip ATT7022B are introduced,and combining with the applications of protection devices in the mine for the parameters collection,the design of LPC2292 and ATT7022Bhardware interface and software programming are given.为了详细分析ATT7022B在ARM上的实际应用的方法,阐述了电能芯片ATT7022B的特性和工作原理,并结合在矿用综合保护器项目中对各项电力参数采集的应用,给出了LPC2292与ATT7022B硬件接口设计和软件编程实现方法。

2.According to the demand of the development of a configuration software for electric system monitoring and control,thehardware interface based on OPC specification for data communication between PC applications and SIMENTIC S7300 PLC is presented, including its general architecture and the implementation of different functions.针对监控组态软件的具体要求,设计开发了基于OPC规范的PC机应用软件与西门子S7300系列PLC的数据通信硬件接口程序,给出了程序的总体设计结构,介绍了各个部分的实现过程。

3.The author proposes an openinghardware interface model and illustrates the way of implementation.以实例的方式提出了组态软件开放式硬件接口的软硬件模型,并给出了相关的实现方法,简单高效地实现了新兴设备的组态接入,减少了组态软件维护的工作量,拓宽了组态软件在工控领域的应用范围。

5)connection of hardwares硬件连接



