100字范文 > 增值税政策 policy on value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

增值税政策 policy on value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-28 22:18:02


增值税政策 policy on value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

增值税政策,policy on value-added tax

1)policy on value-added tax增值税政策


1.Several Proposals About Improving Value-Added Tax Policy On Taxpayers Who Pay Less Dimensions of Taxes;完善小规模纳税人增值税政策的几点建议

2.Inspiration for China from EU s Policies on VAT on E-Commerce;欧盟电子商务增值税政策对我国的启示

3.The Theorecial Basis and Policy Analysis of Public Appreciation-Towards the Problem and the Countermeasures of the Execution of the Land Value Increment Tax Policy of Our Country;涨价归公的理论依据与政策评析——兼论我国土地增值税政策执行中的问题与对策

4.The Research for the Policy and Question of the V.A.T and the V.A.T Refund;增值税及其出口退(免)税政策研究

5.Research on the Value Added Tax Transformation to Economic Influence in Jilin Province;增值税转型政策对吉林省经济的影响

6.Quantitative Analysis of the Implicit Tax Preference Policy in the VAT System;增值税制中隐性税收优惠政策的定量研究

7.The Research about Countermeasure That the Transformation of VAT Influencing on Finance & Revenue增值税转型对财政财务影响的对策研究

8.Research of Policy Functioning of Experimental Unit of the Shift of Value-added Tax;黑龙江省增值税转型试点政策运行情况研究

9.A Study on the Development of Ordinary Residential under Clearing of Land Value-added Tax Policy土地增值税清算政策下普通住宅开发的研究

10.the Analysis On the Impact and Countermeasures of Value-added Tax to Yichun Fiscal Revenue增值税转型对宜春财政收入的影响及对策分析

11.The Connotation of Consumption Based VAT and Its Basic Policy Framework消费型增值税的涵义与基本政策框架研究

12.Study on Problems and Countermeasures of VAT Loss in Our Country我国增值税税收流失问题与对策研究

13.The Impact of Value-added Tax Transformation on Finacial Revenue of Hengyang City and Its Countermeasures;增值税转型对衡阳市财政收入的影响与对策研究

14.An Analysis on the Effects of the VAT Transformation of in China-Wenzhou City of Zhejiang Province as an Example增值税转型的政策效应分析——以浙江省温州市为例

15.Problems and recommendations brought by the implementation of the new value-added tax policy of renewable resources关于再生资源增值税新政策实施带来的问题及建议

16.The Selection of Accounting Policies of Land Value-added Tax:An Empirical Study Based on Listed Companies in China土地增值税的会计政策选择——基于中国上市公司的实证研究

17.Game Analysis among Government, Goods Buyer and Goods Seller in Value Added Tax Evasion;增值税逃税中政府、商品买方与卖方的博弈

18.The government is propose to increase vat to 17.5%政府计划把增值税率提高到17.5%。


preferential principle of added-value增值税优惠政策

1.The tax plan can be drawn up by using thepreferential principle of added-value tax;and by the different taxpayers of added-value tax as well.既可利用增值税优惠政策进行税务筹划,也可以从增值税不同纳税人方面进行筹

3)tax policies税收政策

1.Tax Policies on Venture Capital in Taiwan and its Revelations;台湾创业投资税收政策及其启示

2.The analysis oftax policies which deal with economical development slows down应对经济增速减缓的税收政策分析

3.China has introduced a series oftax policies related with disposable wooden chopsticks from .阐述了以来中国出台的一系列有关一次性木筷的税收政策。

4)tariff policy关税政策

1.This paper studies the tariff of arithmetic mean and weighted mean of China tariff rate,surveys and measures the rationality abouttariff policy.通过对我国关税率的算术平均值和加权平均值的比较,对关税政策的合理性进行了测度与衡量。

5)taxation policy税收政策

1.Discussion on the Role of Point of Innovative Development of Binhai New Area under Taxation Policy Holding Out;税收政策支持滨海新区创新发展的作用点初探

2.Trade Deficit,Fiscal Deficit and Taxation Policy of the U.S in New Century;新世纪美国的贸易逆差、财政赤字与税收政策

3.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice oftaxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

6)tax and fee policy税费政策

1.A study ontax and fee policy in developing profitable hospitals/Study Group for Health Economic Association, Wenzhou City;营利性医院发展的税费政策研究

2.Many experiences have been accumulated in coal industry circular economy development,meanwhile some problems also occur in the aspect of price,tax and fee policy,mainly including imperfect pricing mechanism,insufficient compensation and weak incentives,and partial tax and fee policies should be improved.当前煤炭行业发展循环经济积累了一定的经验,但也暴露了一些问题,反映在价格税费政策方面,主要是价格机制不完善、补偿费缺失、激励优惠作用不明显、部分税费政策需要改进。


增值增值,升值 Appreciation, Accretion

