100字范文 > 增值税 value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

增值税 value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-02 16:57:08


增值税 value-added tax英语短句 例句大全

增值税,value-added tax

1)value-added tax增值税

1.Study on transformation ofvalue-added tax under static model;增值税转型的静态模型研究

2.Analysis of the effect ofvalue-added tax change on the tax of hydropower industry;增值税转型对水电行业税负影响分析

3.Study on transformation ofvalue-added tax under method ofdepreciation about dynamic straight line;动态直线法折旧下增值税转型的研究


1.Issue VAT invoice ,Input VAT invoice scanning.开增值税发票,增值税进项税的认证.

2.Value-added taxes, sales taxes, and import duties are indirect taxes.增值税、营业税和进口税都是间接税。

3.Research on Current Incremental Tax Burden Unfairness and the Reform of Chinese Incremental Value Tax System;现行增值税税负不公及增值税制改革研究

4.Be exempt from customs duties, value-added tax and consumption tax免征关税、增值税和消费税

5.Prepare tax reports and dealing with VAT refund.准备税务报表,处理增值税退税事宜。

6.Sample also should pay tax, import value added tax follows custom duty.样品也要交税啊,进口增值税跟关税。

7.Study of the Design of the Tax Basis for the Most Favorable Tax Rate of Cross-strait Value-added Tax (VAT);两岸增值税最优税基税率设计之研究

8.All prices include vat所有标价均含增值税

9.Prices include 15% VAT.价格中含有15%增值税.

10.accrued liabilities for land value increment tax估计应付土地增值税

11.It is a tendency to change the category of added- value tax for the reform ofadded- value tax, and the added- value tax of consumption is the best way for the reform of addded- value tax.转换增值税的类型是增值税改革的必然趋势,消费型增值税是增值税改革的最佳选择。

12.The added- value tax of consumption is the beat choise for the reform.消费型增值税是增值税改革的最佳选择。

13.On Value-Added-Tax Transition from VAT Reform Effectiveness in Three Provinces in Northeast of China;从东北三省增值税改革成效论增值税转型

14.Discussion on the change from production value-added tax to consumption value-added tax;对生产型增值税到消费型增值税转型的认识

15.The Inevitability to Transform from Production-typed to Consumption-typed Value-added tax;生产型增值税向消费型增值税转换势在必行

16.Perfection of China VAT System through the Comparison between Domestic and Foreign VAT;从中外增值税的比较看我国增值税制的完善

17.On Value-added Tax Accounting Treatment Under the New VAT Provisional Regulations试议新增值税暂行条例下的增值税会计处理

18.Sales and value added taxes are collected by businesses at the time of sale.销售税与增值税在销售时代征。


Value added tax增值税

1.An analysis of unfair burden about value added tax in China;关于我国增值税税负不公问题的分析

2.The problem and innovation measure of value added tax at present;现行增值税存在的问题及改革措施

3)VAT[英][,vi: e? "ti:][美]["vi "e "ti]增值税

1.VAT Tax planning of Coal corporation;煤炭企业的增值税纳税筹划

2.Taxpaying Designing Discussion for Status ofVAT Taxpayer;增值税纳税人身份的纳税筹划探讨

4)added value tax增值税

1.The system to identifyadded value tax payers in view of law;从法理角度看增值税一般纳税人认定制度

2.On the further perfection of China′sadded value tax;试论我国增值税的进一步完善

3.On Negative and Positive Effects of Added Value Tax"s Transformation upon Economic Growth论增值税转型对经济增长的正负效应

5)Added-value Tax增值税

1.Probe Into the Issues ofAdded-value Tax Accounting in China;对当前我国增值税会计中几个问题的探讨

2.Act of research and development is compensable and imposing problem on added-value tax;科研开发活动的有偿性与增值税的计征问题——从一个案说起

6)appreciation tax增值税

1.Appreciation tax rate of Jinhe Phosphate mine,for instance,is increased to 16.如增值税增幅过大,以金河磷矿为例过去实际只占销售收入的6%,1994年1~4月为16。

2.As the largest categories of taxes in our country,appreciation tax accounts for 60 percent or so.增值税作为我国最大的税种,占税收收入的60%左右,在财政收中起着举足轻重的作用,但是,我国现行增值税,无论是在税制上,还是在征收管理方面,尚存在诸多的问题和弊端。


