100字范文 > 汉语方言 Chinese dialects英语短句 例句大全

汉语方言 Chinese dialects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 05:03:16


汉语方言 Chinese dialects英语短句 例句大全

汉语方言,Chinese dialects

1)Chinese dialects汉语方言

1.Sound change of[i]>[(?)]inChinese dialects;汉语方言中的[i]>[■]

2.The split of tone categories caused by the syllable ending inChinese dialects;汉语方言中的韵尾分调现象

3.An average accuracy of 92% is achieved in fourChinese dialects with 15 seconds speech segments.结果表明,混合区间特征比MFCC特征和LPCC特征具有更好的方言辨识效果,对4种汉语方言15s语音片段的方言辨识率可以达到92%。


1.Chinese Dialect Words in Modern Uyghur Dialects;现代维吾尔语方言词中的汉语方言词

2.A Handbook for the Surveys of Chinese Dialects《汉语方言调查手册》

3.A study of the multi- layer formation of Chinese dialect;从汉语方言形成的多元性看汉语方言研究

4.Research of language model in automatic chinese dialect identification system;汉语方言自动辨识系统中的语言建模

5.Promising Studies on Chinese Dialects from the Perspective of Geographical Linguistics:A Review on the Atlas of Chinese Dialects(《汉语方言地图集》)汉语方言的地理语言学研究大有可为——喜读《汉语方言地图集》

6.The Model of Dialect Phonetic Change in the Sense of the Development of Historical Linguistics;从历史语言学的发展看汉语方言语音演变方式

7.On the Research Methods of Chinese Dialect from Jin Groups从晋语的研究看汉语方言研究的方法

8.The influence of Minority Languages on the Chinese Dialect Word Order of Qiandongnan,Guizhou Province少数民族语言对黔东南汉语方言语序的影响

9.On "Ba" Construction in Local Xinjiang Dialects--On the Influence of the Altaic Language on Chinese Dialects in Northwestern China新疆汉语方言中的“把“字句——兼论阿尔泰语对西北汉语方言的影响

10.A Summary of Studies of Chinese Dialect Grammar since 1990;九十年代以来汉语方言语法研究述评

11.A Contrast of the Sentence Patterns between Chinese Dialects and Uyghur Language in Xinjiang;新疆汉语方言与维吾尔语的句类对比

12.On the Symbols of the Seniority among Brothers and Sisters in RelativeAppellations of Chinese Dialects;汉语方言亲属称谓词语中的排行标志

13.Analysis on the Transfer of the Chinese Dialects to English Consonants and the Functions of the Chinese Dialects;汉语方言对英语辅音音素的迁移作用

parative Analysis of Inner Mongolia Han Chinese Dialects and English Pronunciation;内蒙古汉语方言与英语发音对比分析

15.On the Formation of Imperative Mood Marker 着(zhe) in Contemporary Chinese Dialects;论现代汉语方言祈使语气词"着"的形成

16.On Strengthening Diachronic Comparatire Studies ofGrammars of Chinese Dialects;论加强汉语方言语法的历时比较研究

17.On the Common Colloquial Words in A General Dictionary of Chinese Dialects;关于《汉语方言大词典》的通用口语词

18.On the Phonetic Nature of Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韵) from Chinese Dialects从汉语方言看《中原音韵》的语音性质


Chinese dialect汉语方言

1.But a knotty problem that has bothered the teachers of vocal music in Xinjiang for a long time is that the pronunciation habit of XinjiangChinese dialect produces a very bad influence upon vocal music teaching.语言是声乐的重要组成部分,它能直接传递情感和思想感受,新疆汉语方言中发音习惯对声乐教学的影响,这是长期困扰新疆声乐教学的一个棘手问题。

2.The paper compares behaviors of "zhu+Locative"in two syntactic positions in modernChinese dialects,namely,"V+zhu+Locative"and "zhu+Locative+V".本文通过对"著(着)+处所词"在现代汉语方言中两种句法位置的比较,分析了"V著(着)L"和"著(着)LV"在地理分布及使用频率上的差异,指出这种差异有可能是由历史上不同方言之间的语言接触造成的。

3.From several aspects and color words theory,this paper discusses the word-formation and motivation of color words inChinese dialects.根据基本颜色词理论,从多个角度探讨了汉语方言颜色词的构成及其理据,认为人们对于自然界的认知,对汉语方言颜色词的构成具有重要影响。

3)Chinese dialect words汉语方言词

1.Based on multi-phased ratio sampling,this paper analyzed the influence of media exposure on the use of XinjiangChinese dialect words for Uygur in Urumqi.本文采用分层多阶段概率抽样方法,调查分析了媒介接触对乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族人使用新疆汉语方言词时的影响状况。

2.Based on multi-phased probability sampling,this paper analyzes the usage of XinjiangChinese dialect words by Uighur in Wulumuqi.本文采用分层多阶段概率抽样方法,调查分析了乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族对新疆汉语方言词的使用状况。

4)Chinese dialectology汉语方言学

1.The main contents of this thesis contain two aspects,1) A short description of the research results ofChinese dialectology since 2000,including phonetics,phonology,lexicology,syntax,geography,history,text-books,etc.主要内容可分为两大部分:一、讨论最近5年(2000年至)汉语方言学的研究成果,内容包括语音、词汇、语法、地理、历史、方言学史、方言课本、方言比较等方面。

2.Insufficient attention was given toChinese dialectology in the past.汉语方言学在过去得不到应有的重视,是因为汉语方言的研究,跟对语音学、音系学、语法、语义、历史语言学、文字学、社会语言学、语言变化等范畴都重视不够有很大的关系。

5)history of Chinese dialectology汉语方言史

1.LI Dengkui s contributions to Chinese dialectology are many, including descriptive studies onCantonese dialect and Hakka dialect and Fujian dialect in Guangdong Province, a research into the relationshjp of thesethree dialects with tile history of Chinese phonology, and a research into thehistory of Chinese dialectology.李新魁教授对汉语方言研究的贡献:一是对广东闽、粤、客方言的描写研究;二是对上述方言与汉语语音史关系的研究;三是对汉语方言史的研究。

6)Chinese dialectal grammar汉语方言语法


