100字范文 > 方言同源词 Cognate words in Chinese dialects英语短句 例句大全

方言同源词 Cognate words in Chinese dialects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-26 04:12:11


方言同源词 Cognate words in Chinese dialects英语短句 例句大全

方言同源词,Cognate words in Chinese dialects

1)Cognate words in Chinese dialects方言同源词

2)A Research on the Sources of Hakka Dialect客家方言词源考索

3)The Research of Ancient Lexicons about Lianyuan Dialect涟源方言古词语考

4)On the Source of Words of Ningbo Dialect宁波方言词语溯源

5)Dialect word方言词

1.Secondly, she uses a series of archaism and dialect words, which increase reading delight.综观其小说最突出的语言特色主要体现为三个方面 :第一是极其简洁而富有表现力的文字 ,为受众营造了充分的阅读想象空间 ;第二是她在小说行文过程中揉进了古语词和方言词 ,既提高了语言表现力 ,也增加了阅读情趣 ;第三是作为女性 ,亦舒的小说语言渗透了女性特有的感性和直觉 ,而与此同时 ,丰富的职业历练又使她的文字具有一针见血式的犀利老


1.Chinese Dialect Words in Modern Uyghur Dialects;现代维吾尔语方言词中的汉语方言词

2.On Dialects Elegance and Vulgarity: Yichang Dialects (Part2);方言词语的雅与俗——宜昌方言词零拾(二)

3.A Comparative Study between Dialect Words in SHUO WEN JIE ZI and Modern Chinese Dialect Words;《说文解字》所收方言词与现代汉语方言词比较

4.A Study on Lexical Grammaticalization for Dialectal Words of Shandong Dialect in Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清山东方言词汇化形成的方言词探析

5.The Dialect Words in Zhouyi Viewed from Fangyan;从《方言》看《周易》古经中的方言词

6.On Some Words of Jinnan Dialect in Dialect;《方言》中所见的一些晋南方言词琐谈

7.On the Function of Dialect Vocabulary in the Study of History of Chinese Vocabulary from Characteristic Word "Jiang" in Jiujiang Dialect;从九江方言特征词“将”看汉语方言词汇在词汇史研究中的作用

8.On the Historical Layers and Differences in Meaning Concerning Words in Common Language and in Dialect;浅析共同语词与方言词的历史层次和词义差异

9.The comparison research on the motivation of creating words between XianNing Cantonese Dialect in HuBei province and PuTongHua湖北咸宁方言词与普通话词造词理据比较研究

10.Analysis of the Structural Features on Nouns Verbs and Adjectives in Xinjiang Dialect of Chinese Language;新疆汉语方言词汇中名词、动词和形容词结构特点探析

11.The Pronouns in the Baoji Dialect--Supplement and Correction to "An Overview of the Pronouns in the Guanzhong Dialects";宝鸡方言代词——《关中方言代词概要》补正

12.Study on the Overlapping of Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives in Xiangfan Dialects;襄樊方言名词、动词、形容词重叠初探

13.Overlapping Structures of Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives in Quanzhou Dialect泉州方言名词、动词及形容词的重叠式

14.Vocabulary Differences between Jiangxi s Wucheng Dialect and Nanchang Dialect;江西吴城方言与南昌方言的词汇差别

15.Dialectal Comparison, History of Dialectal Areas and Dialectal Division: A Case Study of fenyinci in Jin Dialects and qiejiaoci in Min Dialects;方言比较、区域方言史与方言分区——以晋语分音词和福州切脚词为例

16.Liaoning dialect additional affix adjective form;辽宁方言的两种附加词缀形容词格式

17.On Adjectives and the Nouns of the "A ren zi(人子)" Type in Cili Dialect;慈利方言“A人子”式形容词和名词

18.On the Affix “tou(头)” Co-occurring With Numeral-Classifier in Chinese Dialects;汉语方言中与数量词组合的词缀“头”


A Research on the Sources of Hakka Dialect客家方言词源考索

3)The Research of Ancient Lexicons about Lianyuan Dialect涟源方言古词语考

4)On the Source of Words of Ningbo Dialect宁波方言词语溯源

5)Dialect word方言词

1.Secondly, she uses a series of archaism and dialect words, which increase reading delight.综观其小说最突出的语言特色主要体现为三个方面 :第一是极其简洁而富有表现力的文字 ,为受众营造了充分的阅读想象空间 ;第二是她在小说行文过程中揉进了古语词和方言词 ,既提高了语言表现力 ,也增加了阅读情趣 ;第三是作为女性 ,亦舒的小说语言渗透了女性特有的感性和直觉 ,而与此同时 ,丰富的职业历练又使她的文字具有一针见血式的犀利老

6)dialectal words方言词

1.Lexical grammaticalization is an important approach to formingdialectal words.词汇化是形成方言词的一种重要途径,明清山东方言里就有不少词汇化而来的方言词。


