100字范文 > 景洪电站 Jinghong Hydropower Station英语短句 例句大全

景洪电站 Jinghong Hydropower Station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-18 23:33:29


景洪电站 Jinghong Hydropower Station英语短句 例句大全

景洪电站,Jinghong Hydropower Station

1)Jinghong Hydropower Station景洪电站

1.RCC temperature control measures forJinghong Hydropower Station;景洪电站碾压混凝土工程温控措施效果分析

2.Study on continuous construction of Jinghong hydropower station RCC dam in high temperature;景洪电站高气温条件下大坝碾压混凝土连续施工研究


1.Jinghong hydropower station RCC dam is in the subtropics zone, the high temperature continues very long and the temperature control in dam construction is very difficult.景洪电站地处亚热带,高气温时间长,大坝碾压混凝土施工温控难度高。

2.The Machining Technology of Runner at Site of Jinghong Hydropower Station景洪水电站水轮机转轮工地加工技术

3.Study of concrete deformation and heat performance for Jinghong hydropower station景洪水电站混凝土变形性能及热学性能研究

4.Shaking Table Model Test of Ship Lift Tower in Jinghong Water Power Station景洪水电站升船机塔楼的振动台模型试验

5.Study of Heat Transfer Performance in Dam Tunnel and Network Nodes Simple Analysis of Ventilation Tunnel in Jing Hong Hydropower Station;坝体廊道换热效果研究及景洪水电站通风廊道网络节点法初探

6.Heat Transfer Analysis of Tunnel Ventilaton-Theoretical and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer in Underground Tunnel of Jing-hong and Nuo-zha-du Hydropower Station;廊道通风换热过程分析—景洪、糯扎渡水电站坝体廊道通风理论与数值模拟研究

7.Influence of flood from Pushi river on flood discharge of Taipingwan hydropower station蒲石河洪水对太平湾水电站泄洪的影响

8.The Hydraulic Model Test on Outlet Works and Energy Dissipation for Chardara Hydropower Station;Chardara水电站泄洪消能模型试验研究

9.Study on Engineering Project Financial Management of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station;洪家渡水电站工程项目财务管理探讨

10.Study on Changheba Hydropower Station Flood Discharging Works Layout长河坝水电站泄洪建筑物的布置研究

11.Tests and research on aeration and corrosion reduction for spillway of Bakun hydropower station巴贡水电站溢洪道掺气减蚀试验研究

12.Rock slide treatment for spillway tunnel of Chahanwusu Hydropower Station察汗乌苏水电站溢洪洞洞室塌方处理

13.Test Study on the Upstream Partof Side Channel Spillway and Stepped Spillway of the First Step Hydropower Stationin in Gang-Qu River;岗曲河一级水电站侧槽溢洪道上游部分及台阶溢洪道试验研究

14.Hongjia Ferry hydropower station is a tap station of wujiang River step exploitation in Guizhou province.洪家渡水电站是贵州省乌江梯级开发的一个龙头电站。

15.The builders of the power station decided to race against the floods.建设电站的工人下决心抢在洪水前完成任务。

16.Evaluation on slope stability of a hydroelectric station spillway,Lancang River澜沧江某水电站泄洪洞出口边坡稳定性评价

17.Optimization and organization on excavation and construction of the left abutment of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station洪家渡水电站左坝肩开挖施工优化与组织

18.Dam Body Filling Design by Stages for Concrete Face Rock-fill Dam of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station洪家渡水电站面板堆石坝坝体填筑分期设计


Jinghong Hydropower Station景洪水电站

1.Primary Electrical Design forJinghong Hydropower Station;景洪水电站电气一次设计

2.Field Processing of the Turbine s Stay Ring forJinghong Hydropower Station;景洪水电站水轮机座环现场加工

3.The Field Manufacturing of Turbine Runner forJinghong Hydropower Station;景洪水电站水轮机转轮的现场制作

3)Hongkou hydropower station洪口水电站

1.Application of new technology of lean cemented aggregate in Hongkou Hydropower Station construction;贫胶粗粒料筑坝新技术在洪口水电站的设计与实施

2.Based on the scheduled construction progress of the RCC dam inHongkou hydropower station,numerical simulation is used to simulate and calculate temperature field and stress field during construction and operation stages of the RCC dam.根据洪口水电站碾压混凝土大坝的施工进度,进行了大坝施工期和运行期的温度场和应力场的仿真计算,讨论了坝体设置诱导缝和永久横缝的优劣,分析可能产生裂缝的原因及提出相应的温控防裂措施。

4)Liuhong Hydropower Station柳洪水电站

1.Inquiring into sediment flushing measures and operating mode ofLiuhong Hydropower Station;对柳洪水电站泄洪冲沙措施及运行方式的探讨

2.Discussion on stability treatment method for accumulation body on left bank of reservoir forLiuhong Hydropower Station;柳洪水电站库区左岸堆积体稳定处理方法探讨

3.The Research and Practice of Excavation Construction Technology for Long Inclined-shaft ofLiuhong Hydropower Station;柳洪水电站长斜井开挖施工技术研究与实践

5)Hongmen hydropower station洪门水电站

1.Treatment for cracks on piers of the spillway atHongmen hydropower station;洪门水电站溢洪道闸墩裂缝处理

2.Sludge from drain hole of drainage gallery at the spillway foundation ofHongmen hydropower station;洪门水电站溢洪道基础排水廊道排水孔析出物分析

3.This paper analysed the measured data by piezometer tubes at the main dam foundation fault F11 ofHongmen hydropower station in aspects such as water level, gradient, potential, rope kit picture and so on, which indicated that the effect of anti-seepage curtain was declined, the F11 fault had been in erosion and its operation performance was deteriorated gradually.对洪门水电站主坝坝基F11断层测压管资料从水位、坡降、位势、绳套图等方面进行了分析,结果表明帷幕防渗作用在减退,F11断层已受到冲蚀,运行性态正在逐步恶化,并提出应尽早进行补强灌浆的处理措施,保障大坝安全运行。

6)Hongjiang hydropower station洪江水电站


