100字范文 > 锦屏电站 Jinping Hydropower Station英语短句 例句大全

锦屏电站 Jinping Hydropower Station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-10 08:51:42


锦屏电站 Jinping Hydropower Station英语短句 例句大全

锦屏电站,Jinping Hydropower Station

1)Jinping Hydropower Station锦屏电站

1.Study on RC Lining and Interaction between Lining and Surrounding Rock of Left Spillway Tunnel atJinping Hydropower Station;锦屏电站左岸导流洞衬砌及其与洞壁围岩间相互作用研究

2.Application of Construction Technology in Fault Fracture Zones in Dapingzi Highway TunnelforJinping Hydropower Station;断层破碎带施工技术在锦屏电站专用公路大坪子隧道施工中的运用


1.Discussion on the Measure Method of the TBM Construction for the Diversion Tunnel of Jinping Hydropower Station浅谈锦屏电站引水隧洞TBM施工测量方法

2.Study on Stability of Approach Channel Slope for Jinping I Hydropower Station锦屏一级水电站引渠边坡稳定性研究

3.Research on Slope Stability of Intake Slope on Right Bank of Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station;锦屏一级水电站右岸进水口边坡稳定性研究

4.Presplitting Blasting Technology Apply in Jin Ping Hydropower Station Project;预裂爆破技术在锦屏水电站工程中的应用

5.The Research on Diversion Tunnel Landslip of Yalong River Jinping Hydroelectric Powerstation;雅砻江锦屏水电站导流洞工程塌方机理研究

6.Research on Geological Advance Prediction for the Traffic Tunnel of JinPing Ⅱ Hydropower Station;锦屏二级水电站辅助洞超前地质预报技术研究

7.Stability Analysis on Ⅳ-Ⅳ Slope of Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station;锦屏一级水电站Ⅳ-Ⅳ山梁边坡稳定性分析

8.A Study on the Prediction and Prevention of Rockburst in the Traffic Tunnel of Jinping Ⅱ Hydropower Station;锦屏二级水电站交通隧道岩爆预测及防治研究

9.Study on the Stability of the Spandrel Groove High Slope of Jinping Hydroelectric Power Station;锦屏一级水电站拱肩槽边坡稳定性研究

10.Research on the Initial Stress Field Around the Tunnels of the Jinping Hydroelectic Peoject;锦屏水电站隧洞围岩初始地应力场研究

11.The Effect of Disturbance on Vegetation in the Constructing Area of Yalong River Jinping Hydroelectric Power Station;雅砻江锦屏水电站工程区干扰对植被的影响

12.Study of the Problem about Hydrogeochemisty of Jingpin Hydroelectric Power Station;锦屏一级水电站坝区水文地球化学问题研究

13.On tender document consultation for the first-cascade Jinping hydropower project;锦屏一级水电站工程招标文件咨询的几点体会

14.Investigation of Zooplanktons in the Areas of Jinping Hydroelectric Station Before the Building of the Reservoir;锦屏一级水电站建库前的浮游动物调查

15.Role of Jinping I Hydropower Station upon Social and Economic Development of Sichuan;锦屏一级水电站对四川社会经济发展的作用

16.The Stability Analysis of the Fracturing and Deformation Body on the Left Bank of Jinping I Hydropower Station锦屏一级水电站左岸变形拉裂体稳定性分析

17.Suppressing Measures Against Alkali-silica Reaction in the Dam Concrete for the Jinping-Ⅰ Hydroelectric Project锦屏一级水电站大坝混凝土ASR抑制措施研究

18.Analysis of Stability for the Right Spandrel Groove Slope of Jinping I Hydropower Station锦屏一级水电站右岸拱肩槽边坡稳定性分析


JinPing hydro-power station锦屏电站

1.A typical section(K0+515m) of left spillway tunnel ofJinPing hydro-power station is modeled in detail considering joint distribution using non-linear finite element method.本文采用非线性弹塑性有限元法,对锦屏电站左岸导流洞塌方洞段的典型剖面K0+515m进行了精细模拟,研究了开挖过程中不支护与支护后洞周围岩应力应变分布及变化规律、洞周边变形及洞周塑性破坏区范围的变化,分析了局部洞段围岩失稳的成因,结果表明高地应力、洞周层面和裂隙及其特定组合是导致洞周局部不稳定的主要原因, 并预测了洞周可能存在的不稳定部位,进而对拟定的加强支护措施的有效性作出了评价,为支护的优化设计提供依据。

2.A typical section(K0+434m) of left spillway tunnel ofJinPing hydro-power station is modeled in detail considering joint distribution using non-linear finite element method.本文采用非线性弹塑性有限元法,对锦屏电站左岸导流洞塌方洞段的典型剖面K0+434m进行了精细模拟,研究了开挖过程中不支护与支护后洞周围岩应力应变分布及变化规律、洞周边变形及洞周塑性破坏区范围的变化,分析了局部洞段围岩失稳的成因,结果表明高地应力、洞周层面和裂隙及其特定组合是导致洞周局部不稳定的主要原因, 并预测了洞周可能存在的不稳定部位,进而对拟定的加强支护措施的有效性作出了评价,为支护的优化设计提供依据。

3)Jinping Hydropower Station锦屏水电站

1.Prevention and control of ground water surge with high pressure and large flow for construction of auxiliary tunnel ofJinping Hydropower Station;锦屏水电站辅助洞高压大流量地下涌水的预防与治理

2.3D Visualization Modeling Establishment of the Side Slope ofJinping Hydropower Station;锦屏水电站边坡三维可视化模型构建

3.Experiment and analysis of curtain grouting on left bank ofJinping Hydropower Station;锦屏水电站左岸帷幕灌浆试验与分析

4)Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station锦屏一级水电站

1.Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station Dam Site Left Abutment High Slope Complicated Rock Mechanics Problems and Engineering Treatment Measures;锦屏一级水电站坝区左岸高边坡复杂岩石力学问题及工程治理措施研究

2.Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station Silicarenite Alkaline Activity Tests;锦屏一级水电站石英砂岩碱活性试验研究

3.Quarry Planning and Aggregate Processing System Design ofJinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station;锦屏一级水电站料场规划及砂石加工系统方案设计

5)Jinping Second Class Waterpower Station锦屏二级水电站

1.Main geological problems in diversion tunnel construction atJinping Second Class Waterpower Station;锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞主要工程地质问题分析

2.Taking the surrounding rock of deep-buried caverns at theJinping Second Class Waterpower Station as an example,uniaxial compression tests are performed to study the influence of temperature on the Poisson ratio and elastic modulus under different temperatures.选取锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞围岩大理岩作为试样,进行不同温度条件下的单轴压缩试验,分析温度作用对大理岩弹性模量、泊松比等力学参数的影响。

6)Jinping power station II锦屏二级电站

1.According to the demand ofJinping power station II for hydraulic parameters,by means of CFD,all parts of model turbine including spiral case,stay vane,guide vane,runner and draft tube were optimized.本文根据锦屏二级电站水轮机水力性能参数要求,采用CFD优化分析手段,对模型水轮机的蜗壳、固定导叶、活动导叶、转轮、尾水管进行了全面的水力性能优化。


