100字范文 > 传统施工方法 conventional construction method英语短句 例句大全

传统施工方法 conventional construction method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 08:52:41


传统施工方法 conventional construction method英语短句 例句大全

传统施工方法,conventional construction method

1)conventional construction method传统施工方法

2)traditional diamond-making technique传统加工方法

1.With the introduction of modern diamond-making tools, thetraditional diamond-making technique has been gradually replaced by the modern one.随着现代化钻石加工工具的引进,钻石的传统加工方法逐步被现代的加工方法所取代,但钻石的传统加工方法在钻石加工发展的历史上发挥过相当出色的作用。


1.This thesis researched how to realize and improve the conventional method of gear cutting on such high-teeth machine.本文研究了如何在这种高科技机床上再现并改进传统加工方法。

2.Study on a New Processing Method of Velvet Antler and Comparison with Traditional Processing Methods;鹿茸新加工方法及其与传统方法的比较研究

3.Play Fully the Role of Simulation System and Improve the Teaching of the Traditional Digital Controlling Processing;发挥仿真软件优势 改进传统数控加工教学方法

parison the Effect of Traditional Method and the Traditional Combined with Extrusion Method to Eliminate the Sputum in the High Paraplegic Patient传统方法与传统加挤压方法对高位截瘫患者排痰效果的比较

5.Approach for machining paths optimization based on variable-length genome genetic algorithm用变长度染色体遗传算法优化加工路径的方法

6.On the Combination of NC Processing Technique with Traditional Processing Technique;数控加工工艺与传统加工工艺相结合

7.The Effects of Processing Methods on Functional Characteristics of Traditional Tartary Buckwheat Products;加工方式对传统苦荞制品功能特性的影响

8.a conventional design, method传统的式样、 方法.

9.In general, the green tea processed by the traditional methods with eight-edges roasting machine or roller type roasting machine is loose in strip, lack green in colour.传统方法用八角辉干机或瓶式炒干机加工出的绿茶一般条索不紧、色欠翠绿。

10.It is harder to decode than traditional algorithms and others and cheap.与传统的和其它加密方法相比,增加了破译难度而系统开销并不大。

11.Method of quality traceability data acquisition and transmission for beef processing牛肉加工质量可追溯数据采集与传输方法

12.Study on the Reinforcement of Traditional Resident Buildings in Yunnan Province;云南传统民居建筑抗震加固方法的研究

13.The transformation of traditional industries was accelerated.传统工业改造步伐加快。

14.A Contrast Between the Traditional and the Object-Orienbted Methodologies of Software Engineering;传统的软件工程方法与面向对象的软件工程方法比较

15.This new method deviated sharply from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.新方法与传统方法迥然不同,其效果更加令人满意。

16.At present, traditional alkaline deinking method is used in most deinking plant.目前,大多数工厂采用的是传统碱性脱墨方法。

17.Research on Machining Method of Large FSS Robot Digital Machining System大型频率选择表面数字化加工系统的加工方法研究

18.A Comparative Study of Traditional Instruction and Input Processing Instruction in SLA传统教学法与输入加工教学法在二语习得中的对比研究


traditional diamond-making technique传统加工方法

1.With the introduction of modern diamond-making tools, thetraditional diamond-making technique has been gradually replaced by the modern one.随着现代化钻石加工工具的引进,钻石的传统加工方法逐步被现代的加工方法所取代,但钻石的传统加工方法在钻石加工发展的历史上发挥过相当出色的作用。

3)construction method施工方法

1.A brief discussion on the characteristics andconstruction methods of the rigid suspension catenary in the urban rail;简论城轨刚性悬挂接触网特点和施工方法

2.Onconstruction methods to treat soft soil roadbed;处理软土地基路基的施工方法探讨

3.Analysis onconstruction method of boring and expanding bottom pile in permafrost region in Qinghai-Tibet plateau;青藏高原多年冻土区钻孔扩底桩施工方法浅析

4)construction technology施工方法

1.Study on the Reasonable Construction Technology of Twin-bore Highway Tunnel;连拱公路隧道的合理施工方法研究

2.] A systematic summary and analysis of main construction technologies for metro in China were presented and the trend ofconstruction technology for metro in .本文对我国主要地铁施工方法进行了系统的综述和分析,并对我国今后城市地铁施工方法的主攻方向作了预估。


1.Construction of Cast-in-situ Concrete Hollow Floor(GBF);现浇混凝土空心楼盖(GBF管)的施工方法探讨

2.Through the act of assessment, it is concluded that nitrogen replacement can increase the safety of pipeline replacementconstruction; pig isolation method is not the decisive method to decrease the air-mixed section of the pipeline.并从注氮方案、注氮工艺参数、注氮总量、注氮安全措施等方面,重点介绍了安济天然气长输管道的注氮施工方法。

3.The paper presents theconstruction method adopted for theconstruction of Longfeng tunnel on bid 2 section of approach line of Sui-Yu railway,which penetrates across underneath the existing Jianshanzi tunnel on Yu-he highway.比较全面地介绍了遂渝铁路引入线第2标段龙凤隧道下穿渝合高速公路尖山子隧道的施工方法。

6)construction methods施工方法

1.Discussion on theconstruction methods for joint connection in surface asphalt;试述沥青面层接缝处理的施工方法

2.The features,construction methods and .文章简单介绍了该项技术的特点、施工方法、选井要求,并通过在现河油田高压低渗透油藏的矿场应用,录取到的资料详实可靠,为油藏开发动态调整提供了依据,解决了高压低渗透油藏注入剖面监测的难题,具有广阔的应用前景。

3.It elaborates the plan on construction tied arch bridge by using cast-in-site with houseful support structure in special terrain,and simply introduces theconstruction methods,main points of support structure examines calculated with pointing out construction principles and important matters deserving attention in construction for the same type bridge.对特殊地形建造系杆拱桥采用满堂支架现浇施工方案进行了阐述,并简单介绍了施工方法、支架检算要点,指出了该方案的施工原则以及注意事项,可供同类型桥梁施工参考。


传统方法分离铂族金属传统方法分离铂族金属separation of platinum group metal by conventional processehuantong fangfa fenli bozu linshu传统方法分离铂族金属(separation。r plat-inum group metal by eonventional proeess) 以常用的火法和湿法冶金方法相互配合的工艺从铂族金属精矿中分别提取各单一粗铂族金属的铂族金属分离方法。传统方法在20世纪80年代以前曾是苏联、英国等用以分离铂族金属的主要方法,技术保密近百年,直到60年代才公开。它生产周期长,工序多,间断操作,在反复熔炼、浸出、沉淀过程中,铂族金属相互分离不.的砚归妇几按 彻底,大量贵金属积压在中间产物中,分散损失大,对等溶解损失在浸出液中,需要时用锌粉置换回收。 环境污染严重。70年代以来,各国都相继研究和采用王水溶解铂、把、金用一份硝酸加三份盐酸加姐 溶剂萃取分离法(见铂族金属革取分禹),但传统方法溶解精矿,使金、铂、把分别生成HAuCI。、HZPtCI。、 还常用于处理成分较为简单的原料。HZPdCI。等形态溶解入溶液,溶解率在95%以上。过德。传统方法的工艺过程复杂,火法冶金、湿法冶金交后绝大部分铭、铱、钉残留在不溶渣中。过程中大量饿 替运用。通常先按组粗分,再相互分离获得单一粗金属被氧化成四氧化锹挥发损失在气相中。含少量贱金属 或化合物。主要分离步骤包括焙烧一浸出,王水溶解铂、杂质的铂、把、金溶液先煮沸挥发掉过量的残酸,并仔 把、金,分离铅、银,硫酸氢钠熔融一水浸出锗,过氧细操作浓缩至糊状。为彻底破坏黄色难溶的铂的亚硝 化钠熔融一水浸出俄、钉,王水溶解铱等,原则工艺流酞配合物(NOZ)ZRCI。和残留的硝酸,需多次加入少 程如图。量浓盐酸重复蒸发至糊状的操作,直到不再有NO:红褐色烟气逸出为止。糊状物用水些剑妻鱼竺溶解后即为含金、把、铂的氯化物 陈二书二孤司溶液。首先用还原剂FesO;或*一-----一,502将溶液中的金还原成金属, 色鱼望兰世上聋业从溶液分离出去。Feso;用量按 ______土___,一丫车立,-f一,又吉不褚炸而垢石户下式计算: 巨坐竺主」t_泣盛.退当’找卜,开’ )’}f熟}AuC13+3FeSO;一讼乍介劳拼!一-一‘----一,钱盐在含抓化钱17%的溶液中溶钉饿溶液不洛洒一~~:_.卜、_、,。~,,_一,{上三丫士巴,生三井解度最小,因此加入的抓化按量滚花熬馆)}巨万衣再l解{应比生成铂、钮钱盐的化学计量f---一刁!一--一一飞过量。过滤出的粗(NH.)ZRCI。用 钉溶液饿溶液铱溶液一叫沉沉,~城该盆一,一一、一、“、‘一、、一。
