100字范文 > 施工方法 construction method英语短句 例句大全

施工方法 construction method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-24 09:55:01


施工方法 construction method英语短句 例句大全

施工方法,construction method

1)construction method施工方法

1.A brief discussion on the characteristics andconstruction methods of the rigid suspension catenary in the urban rail;简论城轨刚性悬挂接触网特点和施工方法

2.Onconstruction methods to treat soft soil roadbed;处理软土地基路基的施工方法探讨

3.Analysis onconstruction method of boring and expanding bottom pile in permafrost region in Qinghai-Tibet plateau;青藏高原多年冻土区钻孔扩底桩施工方法浅析


1.Site Operations and Methods of Construction现场作业和施工方法

2.The construction method using steel boxed cofferdam is a chief method for construction of pile caps in deep water.钢吊箱围堰施工方法是深水承台施工中的一种主要施工方法。

3.Construction Method and Technical Measurement of Drilling (Wash) Bore Concrete Piles钻(冲)孔混凝土灌注桩施工方法与措施

4.Construction Method and Technology Measure for Pipe Tacking in A Certain Power Plant in Nansha南沙某电厂顶管施工方法及技术措施

5.The high pier construction method and control measures of highway bridge公路桥梁高墩台施工方法及控制措施

6.Construction Control of Long-span Cable-stayed Bridge and Method of Tower and Beam Synchronous Construction大跨度斜拉桥施工控制和塔梁同步施工方法

7.Burial and construction methods of anchor bolt burying in substation construction foundation变电站施工基础地脚螺栓埋设施工方法

8.construction method of tunnel and underground works隧道及地下工程施工方法

9.Selection on Construction Method of Railway Bridge Upside Structure;铁路桥梁工程上部结构施工方法比选

10.Constructionmethods of Artificial Digged-hole Pile Crossing Deep Silt Layer人工挖孔桩穿越深淤泥层的施工方法

11.Grouting Reinforcement Construction Techniques on 68302 Fully Mechanized Face68302综采工作面注浆加固施工方法

12.Engineering Method for Concrete, Masonry and Roof砼工程、砌体工程和屋面工程施工方法探讨

13.Brief talk on the influence of subgrade earthwork construction method on project cost浅谈路基土石方施工方法对工程造价的影响

14.Initial analysis on measure and method of highway construction machinery management浅谈公路施工机械管理的措施和方法

15.Theory and Method of the project Cost Management in the Construction Enterprise;施工企业施工项目成本管理理论与方法研究

16.Construction Schedule Planning and Control Based On Line-of-Balance In Construction;基于平衡线的施工管理方法在施工中应用

17.The Blasting Method of Digging Deep Drainage Trench in the Ruins of Coffin Chamber古墓坑疏排水工程安全施工爆破方法

18.Studies and Practices of Methods of Project Management;工程项目施工管理方法的研究与实践


construction methods施工方法

1.Discussion on theconstruction methods for joint connection in surface asphalt;试述沥青面层接缝处理的施工方法

2.The features,construction methods and .文章简单介绍了该项技术的特点、施工方法、选井要求,并通过在现河油田高压低渗透油藏的矿场应用,录取到的资料详实可靠,为油藏开发动态调整提供了依据,解决了高压低渗透油藏注入剖面监测的难题,具有广阔的应用前景。

3.It elaborates the plan on construction tied arch bridge by using cast-in-site with houseful support structure in special terrain,and simply introduces theconstruction methods,main points of support structure examines calculated with pointing out construction principles and important matters deserving attention in construction for the same type bridge.对特殊地形建造系杆拱桥采用满堂支架现浇施工方案进行了阐述,并简单介绍了施工方法、支架检算要点,指出了该方案的施工原则以及注意事项,可供同类型桥梁施工参考。

3)constructing methods施工方法

1.It makes simple introduction on earthwork studio as well as its application,analyzes the features of studio,and elaborates itsconstructing methods and its application in road construction,and points out the advantages of earthwork studio s application,so as to spread the application of earthwork studio.就土工格室及其应用进行了简单介绍,分析了土工格室的特点,并简述了其施工方法,详细阐述了土工格室在公路建设中的应用,并指出了土工格室应用的优点,以推广土工格室的应用。

2.Through introducing the basic digging methods and aidingconstructing methods of tunnel,it compares and analyzes full-section method,double-side hole method,stiles method and central-partition method,chooses methods which suit large-span tunnel construction,makes reference for familiar construction.公路的发展迫切需要大断面隧道,通过介绍隧道基本开挖方法和辅助施工方法,并对全断面法、双侧壁导坑法、台阶法和中隔墙法进行了分析比较,选择了适合大跨度隧道施工的方法,为大断面隧道施工提供了参考。

bined with experience in the past,it introduces theconstructing methods of slanting stone arch bridge from aspects including basement process,basic construction,pier construction,arch support and arch circle construction.结合以往的经验,从地基处理、基础施工、墩台施工、拱架、拱圈施工等多方面就斜交石拱桥的施工方法进行了详细介绍,并通过工程实例进行了说明,可供类似工程参考。


1.Construction of Cast-in-situ Concrete Hollow Floor(GBF);现浇混凝土空心楼盖(GBF管)的施工方法探讨

2.Through the act of assessment, it is concluded that nitrogen replacement can increase the safety of pipeline replacementconstruction; pig isolation method is not the decisive method to decrease the air-mixed section of the pipeline.并从注氮方案、注氮工艺参数、注氮总量、注氮安全措施等方面,重点介绍了安济天然气长输管道的注氮施工方法。

3.The paper presents theconstruction method adopted for theconstruction of Longfeng tunnel on bid 2 section of approach line of Sui-Yu railway,which penetrates across underneath the existing Jianshanzi tunnel on Yu-he highway.比较全面地介绍了遂渝铁路引入线第2标段龙凤隧道下穿渝合高速公路尖山子隧道的施工方法。

5)construction technology施工方法

1.Study on the Reasonable Construction Technology of Twin-bore Highway Tunnel;连拱公路隧道的合理施工方法研究

2.] A systematic summary and analysis of main construction technologies for metro in China were presented and the trend ofconstruction technology for metro in .本文对我国主要地铁施工方法进行了系统的综述和分析,并对我国今后城市地铁施工方法的主攻方向作了预估。

6)method of construction施工方法

1.Themethod of construction and notice of the geogrid;土工格栅的施工方法及注意事项

2.The principles,calculating theory andmethod of construction are also introduced.本文叙述了许昌老城区灰土桩在填土地基中的运用 ,并介绍了灰土桩加固地基的原理、计算理论和施工方


