100字范文 > 多疾病患者 Patients with multiple diseases英语短句 例句大全

多疾病患者 Patients with multiple diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-11 10:34:24


多疾病患者 Patients with multiple diseases英语短句 例句大全

多疾病患者,Patients with multiple diseases

1)Patients with multiple diseases多疾病患者

2)Disease patients疾病患者


1.Exporation on a Case of Psychological Disease一例心理疾病患者的发病情况及探讨

2.Plasma Fibrnogen Changes in Patients with Kidneg Disease肾脏疾病患者血浆纤维蛋白原的变化

3.Family-based Health Intervention for Patients with Community Infectious Disease社区传染性疾病患者的家庭健康干预

4.Concern about Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly Patients with Mental Health关注老年心血管疾病患者的心理健康

5.A Study on Viral Infections in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者病毒感染的研究

6.To Analyse the Correlation of Nephropathologic and Clinical Characters in 157 Patients with Renal Disease;157例肾脏疾病患者的肾脏病理与临床关系分析

7.Clinicopathological analysis on 1672 biopsies of glomerular diseases肾脏疾病患者1627例肾活检的临床与病理分析

8.an established invalid慢性病患者,有痼疾的人

9.Four victims of very serious mental illness:四种患有严重的精神疾病的患者:

10.Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in patients with chronic kidney diseases慢性肾脏病患者心血管疾病患病率调查

11.Often a retinopathy is observed in diabetics.视网膜疾病在糖尿病患者中多发。

12.Consideration about drug-borne illness in patients with cardiovascular diseases;心血管病患者出现药源性疾病的思考

13.Illness Perceptions, Coping and Life Stress in Psoriasis Patients: Assessment and Stress Intervention银屑病患者的疾病感知和应激、应对

14.Thyroid disease can make a patient"s eyes stand out.甲状腺疾病可以使患者的眼睛突出来。

15.Early Postsurgical Apprehension of the Breast Cancer Patients乳腺癌患者手术后初期的疾病体验

16.Investigation of systemic diseases of older patients in a periodontal clinic;牙周科老年患者系统性疾病情况调查

17.The Difference of Psychological Disorders between Patients with Type Ⅰ and Ⅱ Diabetes1型和2型糖尿病患者的心理疾患差异

18.Not suitable for people with acrophobia, heart disease, hypertension or cervical vertebra disease.患有恐高症、脏病、血压、血、椎疾病者不宜乘坐。


Disease patients疾病患者

3)A diseased person; a leper.患疾病的人;麻风病患者

4)Terminal Illness末期疾病患者

5)In patients with cerebrovascular disease脑血管疾病患者

6)Patients with sexually-transmitted diseases性传播疾病患者



苯丙酮尿症患者(二) 乔守怡提供[图]
