100字范文 > 老年鼻饲患者 Aged patients with gastrogavage英语短句 例句大全

老年鼻饲患者 Aged patients with gastrogavage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-17 14:09:56


老年鼻饲患者 Aged patients with gastrogavage英语短句 例句大全

老年鼻饲患者,Aged patients with gastrogavage

1)Aged patients with gastrogavage老年鼻饲患者


1.Lung Infection in Aged Patients with Gastrogavage at Home家庭老年鼻饲患者肺部感染的调查分析

2.The study of gastrointestinal nutrition complication in old critial patients using by improved nose feeding method改良鼻饲法减轻老年危重症患者肠内营养并发症的研究

3.Prevention of Complications Resulted from Naso-gastric Feeding in the Elderly Stroke Patients Complicated with Dysphagia老年脑梗死吞咽障碍患者鼻饲饮食并发症的预防及护理

4.A Comparison of the Effects between Two Nasal-intestinal Tube Intubation Positions for Patients with Senile Dementia老年痴呆患者两种体位下插鼻肠管的效果比较

5.The clinical data of endoscopic surgery of old people were in summary.方法 :对行鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术的 49例老年患者的临床资料进行总结。

6.The Analysis of Death Risk Factors in Brain Stem Patients by Nasogastic Liquid脑梗死鼻饲流质患者的死亡危险因素分析

7.To explore the occasion and tolerance of operation for senile patient with nasal polyp.目的 :探讨老年鼻息肉患者的手术时机 ,以及对手术的耐受性。

parison of Two Methods of Nasogastric Feeding for Critical Patients" Enteral Nutrition两种鼻饲方案在危重患者肠内营养中的应用比较

9.Analysis of cause of nasogastric extubation in ICU patients with and nursing measuresICU胃管鼻饲患者意外拔管的原因分析和护理对策

10.Clinical research on the starting time of nasogastric enteral nutrition through sustained drip for the patients with severe head injury重型颅脑损伤患者持续滴注鼻饲肠内营养开始时间的临床研究

11.Observation on the effect of nursing intervention on prevention of complicated aspiration pneumonia in coma patients with nasal feeding护理干预预防昏迷患者鼻饲并发吸入性肺炎44例效果观察

12.Study of Fatigue in young Nasophary Carcinoma Patients as well as Nursing care of them中青年鼻咽癌患者的疲劳状况及护理

13.Target controlled infusion of remifentanil and propofol in elderly patients undergoing nasalendoscopy surgery瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚静脉靶控输注在老年患者鼻内镜手术中的应用

14.Results The overall 5 year survival rate was 55.1%.结果全组鼻腔鳞癌患者的5年生存率为55.1%。

15.CONTINUOUS ELECTRICAL CARDIOGRAPHY DURING OPERATION: Analysis of 201 consecutive aged cases老年患者术中连续心电监测201例分析


17.Clinical Analysis of 102 Cases of EssentialHypertension among Aged Patients102例老年高血压病患者的临床分析

18.Analysis of 156 cases of dengue fever in the elderly of Macao澳门老年登革热患者156例临床分析


Senile gastrogavage老年鼻饲

3)Senile patient老年患者

1.Analysis of risk factors influencing morbidity and motality after pancreaticoduodenectomy in senile patients;37例老年患者胰十二指肠切除术手术风险因素探讨(附6例死亡病例分析)

2.Analysis of mycotic superinfections and the use of antimicrobials in senile patients;老年患者二重真菌感染与抗菌药物应用分析

3.Administration of esmolol during operation decreased the consumption of fentanyl in senile patients and its safety;艾司洛尔降低老年患者全身麻醉中芬太尼用量及安全性探讨

4)Elderly patients老年患者

1.Influence of different PETCO_2 on the heart rate variability of elderly patients during the period of general anesthesia;全麻期间调控呼气末二氧化碳对老年患者心率变异性的影响

2.Retrospective analysis of delayed emergence in 15 elderly patients from general anesthesia;老年患者全麻后苏醒延迟原因及处理

3.Analysis of the related factors of falls in elderly patients and investigation on their recognition to the prevention of falls;老年患者跌倒原因及对预防跌倒的认知调查

5)elder patients老年患者

parison of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride and Atropine used as premedication of total intravenous general anesthesia inelder patients;老年患者全凭静脉麻醉术前静脉应用长托宁或阿托品的比较

2.Influence of acute high capacity hemodilution in induction period of general anesthesia on blood biochemistry ofelder patients;全麻诱导期急性高容量血液稀释对老年患者血生化的影响

3.Application of Clindamycin Hydrchloride treatingelder patients with respire infection;克林霉素在老年患者呼吸道感染中的应用

6)Senile patients老年患者

1.Analysis of drug resistance of coagulase-negative staphylococcus from nosocomially acquired lower respiratory tract infection in senile patients老年患者医院下呼吸道感染凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌耐药分析

2.OBJECTIVE To investigate the use of antibacterial angents of hospitalized senile patients.对老年患者使用抗菌药物,要充分考虑老年患者的生理和病理特点。

3.OBJECTIVE:To investigate the use of antibiotics of out-patients(including senile patients) and analyze its rationality in use.目的:了解门诊患者(包括老年患者)抗生素应用情况,并对其合理性进行分析。


