100字范文 > 《骆驼草》周刊 the Grass Grown in Desert Weekly英语短句 例句大全

《骆驼草》周刊 the Grass Grown in Desert Weekly英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-17 10:57:31


《骆驼草》周刊 the Grass Grown in Desert Weekly英语短句 例句大全

《骆驼草》周刊,the Grass Grown in Desert Weekly

1)the Grass Grown in Desert Weekly《骆驼草》周刊

2)Camel Thorn《骆驼草》

1.From Yu Si toCamel Thorn——A Study on the Interrelationship between Zhou Zuoren s Editing and His Creation;从《语丝》到《骆驼草》——周作人编辑行为与创作互动关系研究


1.Feiming and the Early Beijing School Writers During the Camel Grass Period;《骆驼草》时期的废名与前期京派文人

2.On the Change of Zhou Zuoren"s Editorial Thoughts from the Magazines of Yu Si and Camel Grass从《语丝》和《骆驼草》看周作人编辑思想的变化

3.From Yu Si to Camel Thorn--A Study on the Interrelationship between Zhou Zuoren s Editing and His Creation;从《语丝》到《骆驼草》——周作人编辑行为与创作互动关系研究

4.It is the last straw that Breaks the camel"s Back.骆驼负载过重时,加根草也能把它压倒。

5.camels and llamas and vicunas.骆驼或大羊驼或小羊驼。

6.All sorts of animals are found in the Tianshan range -- wild goats, wild oxen, wild camels and deer.这天山上有的是成群的野羊、草鹿、野牛和野骆驼。

7.strawberries are hardy and easy to grow; camels are tough and hardy creatures.草莓很耐寒,容易种植;骆驼是强壮、耐寒的动物。

8.Lions, camels and elephants.狮子,骆驼和大象。


10.REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN OF THE BACTRIAN CAMEL Section 4. Parturition of the Camel骆驼的繁殖生理 第四报 骆驼的分娩

11.REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN OF THE BACTRIAN CAMEL--Section 2.Sexual Activities of the Camel骆驼的繁殖生理(第二报)骆驼的性活动

12.Do you know the old saying, @It is the last straw that breaks the camel"s back.你知道有一句古老的谚语吗?“最后一根草,压断骆驼背。”

13.The ruminats are a group of herbivorous mammals that includes cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and giraffes.反刍动物是一群食草动物,包括牛、绵羊、山羊、骆驼和鹿等。

14.The overwhelming majority of the themes of these songs consist of horses, camels, herds of sheep, blue sky, white clouds, and water and grass.歌词内容绝大多数是骏 马、骆驼、羊群、蓝天、白云、水草;

15.Alhagi sparsifolia is widely distributed in lowland saline meadows of Xi- njiang desert region.疏叶骆驼刺广泛分布于新疆平原荒漠地带的低地盐化草甸中。

16.The camels smelt the water a mile off.骆驼嗅出一英里外有水。

17.Please give me a can of "Camel".请给我来一罐"骆驼"烟丝。

18.The camel is a beast of burden.骆驼是载重的牲畜。


Camel Thorn《骆驼草》

1.From Yu Si toCamel Thorn——A Study on the Interrelationship between Zhou Zuoren s Editing and His Creation;从《语丝》到《骆驼草》——周作人编辑行为与创作互动关系研究

3)Peganalaum harmala骆驼蓬全草

1.Antitumor efficacy of whole plant extracts ofPeganalaum harmala;骆驼蓬全草提取物的抗肿瘤作用


1.Sequence analysis of β-defensin-1 gene and detection of expression level of the gene in genital tissues of camels;雌性骆驼生殖组织β-防御素-1基因的克隆及其组织表达量的检测

2.Development of RACE assay for amplification of full length sequence of camel β-defensin cDNA;骆驼β-防御素caBD-1 cDNA基因全序列RACE扩增方法的建立

3.Rapid amplification of the full-length cDAN of camel β_defensin caBD-1;骆驼β-防御素caBD-1全长cDNA的扩增


1.The intimate connection between caravan camels and Central Asian figures highlights the m.被誉为”沙漠之舟”的骆驼,在北朝至唐代塑像、壁画中频频出现,通常由胡人牵引,满载货物、用具,它们的形态、组合、驮载的物品等,暗示着当时社会的变迁和人们观念的更新,其图像成为“丝绸之路”的象征符号。

6)wild camel野骆驼

1.Luobupo Wild Camel Natural Protective Area of National Grade is situated in Aerjin Mountain Area on southeast of Xinjiang,belongs to the most arid desert and protects half of totalwild camel,species being in imminent danger on whole world and many kinds of rare animal and plant within the area.罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于我国新疆东南部阿尔金山地区,该区域属极旱荒漠带,保护区保护了世界上极濒危物种野骆驼总数的一半以上以及区内多种珍稀动植物种,在世界生物多样性保护中地位十分重要。

2.From 1997~2000, the narcotism of Thiazole Hydrochloridum were tested on the red deer, takin andwild camel under semi-natural condition in Gansu.1997~2000年,在甘肃濒危动物研究中心,用高浓度静松灵注射液(10 %)对马鹿、扭角羚、野骆驼进行了麻醉试验,结果显示,在实验用药量0。

3.For the reason of many negative effects on eco-system,such as wicked nature environmental factors and continuous increase of human\"s activities,the ordinary and necessary living spaces ofwild camel and other wild life are influenced and destroyed severely,which brings great difficult to manage the reserve area.保护区脆弱的干旱荒漠生态系统在受恶劣的自然环境因素影响的同时,也因人为活动的不断加剧,使得野骆驼和其他野生动植物必要的、正常的生存空间受到严重影响和破坏,给保护区管理带来很大难度,针对这种情况,本文在分析保护区存在的主要问题和采取的保护对策,以及取得的主要成果基础上,提出了较为合理的改善管理的建议。


