100字范文 > 《观察》周刊 The Weekly Observation英语短句 例句大全

《观察》周刊 The Weekly Observation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-23 13:34:30


《观察》周刊 The Weekly Observation英语短句 例句大全

《观察》周刊,The Weekly Observation

1)The Weekly Observation《观察》周刊

1.The Weekly Observation,a liberalistic journal,censured American hegemonic policy mercilessly,which had several respects.自由主义刊物《观察》周刊对美国的霸权政策曾给予不留情面的指摘,包括政治上的美国"调停"及其片面援华政策,经济上的《中美商约》与美货倾销,军事上的美军驻华与美军暴行,外交上的美国扶日政策等几个维度,这些都体现出知识分子的民族关怀和中国近代自由主义的民族特性。


1.Studies on the Observation (1946-1948)--A Case of the Modern Chinese Liberalism Publications;《观察》周刊研究(1946—1948)——现代自由主义刊物的个案

2.On The Observer and Chu An-ping s Liberalism;《观察》周刊与储安平自由主义新闻思想评析

3.On the “Outspoken Spirit” of Chu An-ping and The Observation;试论《观察》周刊和储安平的独立发言精神

4.On the Liberal Intellectuals" Views of Student Strike after the Victory of Anti Japanese War--Taking the Magazine of "Observation" as the Research object试析抗战胜利后自由主义知识分子的学潮观——以《观察》周刊为中心

5.The Observer Weekly and the Liberalistic "the Intellectuals Debated Politics by Virtue of Private Journalism" in the Later 1940s of China;《观察》周刊与中国20世纪40年代下半叶的自由主义文人论政

6.Turn of the Attitude towards CPC of Freedomists in 1946-1948--From the Perspective of the Weekly Observation;1946-1948年自由主义者对中国共产党态度的演变——以《观察》周刊为中心

7.Chu Anping and Student Movements During the Postwar Period--Taking The Observer As an Example;储安平与抗战胜利后的学生运动——以《观察》周刊为例

8.The authors are industry observers and contributors to China Business Weekly.作者是行业观察员,给中国商业周刊供稿.

9.weekly [ monthly, bi - monthly ] magazine周刊[月刊, 双月刊]

10.December 4, 1791 Founded on December 4, 1791 and still being published today, the English newspaper, "The Observer" is the oldest Sunday newspaper in the world.英文报「观察报」自1791年12月4日创刊发行至今,是历史最悠久的周日报。

11.The findings appear in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.观察结果公布在期刊《临床调查》上。

12.A publication issued once every two weeks.双周刊隔周发行的刊物

13.The two policemen looked about them calmly.两个警察冷静地观察着四周。

14.Educational Periodical Editor"s Identification and Observation for Teacher"s Teaching Researches教育期刊编辑对教师教学研究的认定和观察

15.I have a subscription to Time .我订阅《时代》周刊。

16.--Excerpts from Newsweek——节译自《新闻周刊》

17.Rose El Youssef《鲁兹 优素福》周刊

18.Publishers Weekly美国《出版商周刊》


weekly magazine周刊

1.weekly magazine was different from newspaper and books in terms of contents and editing methods ,readability ,entertainment and full of information are the outstanding characteristics ofweekly magazine.日本由出版社出版的周刊杂志是在电视出现后才出现的一种新的大众媒介,也是日本出版业界在力图把出版作为大众媒介来运营方面所做出的努力。


1.The medium of newspaer developed from“monthly POP”and“sunday POP”to today s “weekly POP”,It showed a progress of exploration and development.报纸类媒体从“月末版热”、“星期刊热”演进到如今的“周刊热” ,显示了一个探索与发展的过程。


5)a weekly newspaper周刊, 周报


1.Observation of School Nutritious Milk on Human Body;学生营养奶人体效果观察

2.Observation and nursing care of continuous low negative pressure aspiration for spontaneous pneumothorax;持续低负压吸引治疗自发性气胸的观察与护理

3.To Cure The Old Age"s Chronic Bronchitis In Acute Break Out With The Treatment Of Fogged Absorption Of Ammonia Bromine Water(According to the observation and nursing of 65 cases);氨溴索雾化吸入治疗老年慢性支气管炎急性发作(喘息型)65例的观察及护理


