100字范文 > 玉米免耕 No-tillage Corn英语短句 例句大全

玉米免耕 No-tillage Corn英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-28 05:35:10


玉米免耕 No-tillage Corn英语短句 例句大全

玉米免耕,No-tillage Corn

1)No-tillage Corn玉米免耕

1.Effects of different Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Concentration on Production ofNo-tillage Corn氮磷钾不同配比对玉米免耕产量的影响


1.The Study of the 2BMF-4 Corn Seeder;2BMF-4型玉米免耕播种机的研究

2.Corn non-farming the aegis sow seeds the machine of choose the type, research to manufacture with the development玉米免耕保护性播种机械选型、研制与开发

3.Appraisal and Check on Quality of No-till and Cover Maine Seeder玉米免耕覆盖播种机作业质量评价与检测

4.Studies on Notiilage with Stalkmulch of Maize in West Shanxi Province Dryland;晋西干旱区干旱年型玉米免耕覆盖试验研究

5.Effects of different Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Concentration on Production of No-tillage Corn氮磷钾不同配比对玉米免耕产量的影响

6.Discussion on patterns of early rice and autumn maize rotation with no-tillage and straw-covered cultivation technology早稻与秋玉米免耕轮作稻草覆盖栽培技术模式探讨

7.Study & Manufacture of the Duble Usage No-till Sewing Machine for Wheat-maize小麦玉米两用免耕播种机研究与设计

8.Effect of less tillage and no-tillage patterns on decomposition of returned maize straw in wheat/maize system少免耕对小麦/玉米农田玉米还田秸秆腐解的影响

9.An expermental report of maize straw-field-returning cultivation’s impact on maize growth and yield玉米秸杆还田免耕栽培对玉米生长及产量影响试验初报

10.A primary discussion on key technologies of fluecured tobacco high-effect cultivation and interplanting in no-tillage maize field烤烟高效栽培及套种免耕玉米关键技术初探

11.Design of Row-followed No-till Wheat and Maize Planter under Controlled Traffic Farming System固定道对行小麦/玉米通用免耕播种机设计

12.A no-till planter was designed that can work on the field bestrewing whole maize straw.设计了一种能够用于玉米收获后,秸秆直立状态下的免耕播种机。

13.Effect of No-tillage on Soil Water, Growth and Water Use of Maize in Semi-arid Area of Northern Shanxi Province;晋北半干旱区免耕对土壤水、玉米生长和水分利用的影响

14.The Soil Ecological Effect of Wheat Stubble Mulch on Spring Maize Field in Irrigated Oasis of Hexi Corridor;河西绿洲灌区麦茬覆盖免耕种植春玉米的土壤生态效应研究

15.Effects of Rice Straw Mulching on Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Autumn Maize with No-tillage and Rice Stubbles稻草覆盖对稻茬免耕秋玉米生理特征及产量的影响

16.Effects of Subsoiling and No-tillage on Soil Physical Characters and Corn Yield深松免耕技术对土壤物理性状及玉米产量的影响

17.Effects of Long-term No-tillage on Soil-profile Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Microbial Activity in Corn Field of Northeast China东北地区玉米田长期免耕土壤碳氮及微生物活性的剖面分布特征

18.A discussion on no-tillage cultivation and interplant technology of "spring flue-cured tobacco + autumn maize" mode in high altitude and cold mountain area高寒石山区“春烤烟—秋玉米”免耕套种栽培技术模式初探


Autumn maize with plowing-free免耕秋玉米

3)zero tillage corn field免耕玉米田

1.According to the researches on the usage of herbicided inzero tillage corn field, the results showed that thesingle herbicide could be adopted in the field-grown grassy weed.通过对免耕玉米田不同除草剂使用方法和用量的研究表明,田间若以禾本科杂草为主可用单剂防治,若禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草混生以使用混剂为好,且采用土壤处理法防效最佳。

4)no-tillage maize planter玉米免耕播种机

1.Based on the structural and characteristic analysis ofno-tillage maize planter, a new scheme using virtual design based on SolidWorks and MATLAB has been put forward.在分析玉米免耕播种机结构特点的基础上,提出了基于SolidWorks和MATLAB的虚拟设计方案。

5)maize no-tillage cutting residues玉米免耕破茬

6)No-till Maize玉米免耕播种

1.Study on the Seeding and Spraying Combined Machine forNo-till Maize;玉米免耕播种喷药联合作业机研究


秋玉米(autumn maize)秋玉米(autumn maize)中国农历立秋前后播种的玉米。主要分布浙江东部、广西中南部和云南南部。通常在7月下旬至8月上旬播种,前茬作物主要是早稻。栽培方式有育苗移栽和直播两种。秋玉米生长期间,气温由高向低,雨量少,因而苗期发育快,营养生长时间短,干物质积累少,果穗较小;病虫害较多,常见的病害有大、小斑病,纹枯病,病毒病,茎腐病等;虫害主要是玉米螟等。在栽培管理上,应注意选用中早熟抗病品种;一般采用畦作,便于排水,遇旱应适时灌溉;增施基肥,早追肥,重施拔节肥;及时中耕除草,以促进根系生长;抽穗前后应适时灌溉,防止受旱。由于秋玉米生育期间雨量少,植株较矮,应适当加大种植密度,以提高单位面积产量。
