100字范文 > 国债资金 the national debt fund英语短句 例句大全

国债资金 the national debt fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-20 00:48:49


国债资金 the national debt fund英语短句 例句大全

国债资金,the national debt fund

1)the national debt fund国债资金

1.Management for usingthe national debt fund to constructthe city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project;使用国债资金建设城市防洪排涝工程的管理


1.Enhancement the management of national debt Capital and improvementits effective utility;加强国债资金管理 提高国债资金效益

2.National Debt and Its Limitation;增发国债及国债资金投资方向的局限性

3.Moderate Control of the Scope of National Debt and the Adjustment of Its Investment Oriention;适度控制国债规模,进一步调整国债资金投向

4.Study on Management Efficiency of the National Debt in the Western Part of China;我国西部地区国债资金管理效率研究

5.Some 70 percent of the treasury bonds invested in water conservancy works were used in flood-control projects.投入水利的国债资金70%用于防洪建设。

6.Management for using the national debt fund to construct the city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project使用国债资金建设城市防洪排涝工程的管理

7.Study on the Investment of National Debt under Steady Financial Policy;稳健财政政策下国债资金的投向重点研究


9.Utilize funds from treasury bonds to accelerate development of domestic downstream processing industries of domestic titanium, tungsten molybdenum and some other rare metals;利用国债资金,加快我国钛、钨、钼等稀有金属深加工产品生产发展

10.Public debt investment fund required by the public debt market in China takes public debt as the chief target of investment.国债投资基金是一种以国债为主要投资对象的共同基金。

11.China s Foreign Assets and Liabilities:Perspective from Financial Development;中国对外资产负债:金融发展的视角

12.An Analysis of Macro-Localization and Micro-Management of the Treasury Bond Fund Using in Way of Lending;国债转贷资金的宏观定位与微观管理

13.The Financial Bond is a Superior Choice to the State-run Business Banks金融债是国有商业银行补充资本金的重要选择

14.Research into debt problem of old-age pension because of insufficient funds of state-owned enterprises;国有企业资金不足的养老金债务问题研究

15.Fixed income funds invest in some combination of treasury bills, debentures, bonds, and mortgages.固定收入基金投资一些国库券、府债券、业债券和抵押证券的组合。

16.Some assets that should not be considered as liquid are bonds( including State bonds), mutual funds, stocks and insurance policies.某些不应视为流动资产的有债券(括国家债券)共同基金、票和保单。

17.A Positive Study on the Utilizingand the Scale of Public Bond in China;我国公债资金的使用效益与公债规模的实证研究

18.Speculation of Financial Resource and Delicate Design of Subprime CDO: the Grave for the International Financial Capital资源金融炒作与次债CDO精巧设计:为国际金融资本挖掘了坟墓


public debt investment fund国债投资基金

3)special fund for treasury bond国债专项资金

4)On Public Debt Investment Fund论国债投资基金

5)national debt investment国债投资

1.This paper,therefore,discusses the importance of information innational debt investment.面对机构投资者的强大优势,个人投资者进行国债投资,如果盲目操作,不仅不能获利,还会带来一定经济损失。

2.Promoting the economic growth is not the final goal ofnational debt investment.国债投资本身促进经济增长不是最终目的,它应当牵动民间投资刺激国内有效需求的增长,这样才能使国民经济步入长期稳定快速的增长。

6)National Debt国债融资

1.Analysis about the Policy Coordination of theNational Debt;国债融资效应的政策协调分析


