100字范文 > 国债市场 national debt market英语短句 例句大全

国债市场 national debt market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-17 18:46:55


国债市场 national debt market英语短句 例句大全

国债市场,national debt market

1)national debt market国债市场

1.Chinesenational debt market has got constant development in recent years,as fully exerting its functions.我国国债市场在近年来得到了不断的发展,其功能也得到一定的发挥。

2.Its main body is thenational debt market.公开市场业务是中央银行最重要的一个间接货币政策工具,作为公开市场业务主体的国债市场是央行公开市场操作的基本依托。

3.As the main section of the open market business, thenational debt market is the basis of open market operation of Central Bank.公开市场业务是中央银行最重要的一个间接货币政策工具 ,作为公开市场业务主体的国债市场是央行公开市场操作的基本依托。


1.The Building of Chinese National Debt Market;完善我国国债市场 充分发挥国债功能

2.The Size of National Bonds and the Financial Function of Bond Market;国债规模与国债市场金融功能的发挥

3.Perfect the Market of National Debts and Weaken Risk-taking for the Circulation of the National Debts;完善国债市场 化解国债规模风险

4.An Empirical Analysis on the Casual Relationship Between Intra-bank and Exchange Bond Market;银行间国债市场与交易所国债市场相关性研究

5.Marketization Reform of National Bond and Prime Rate;我国国债市场化改革与市场基准利率

6.Developing the State Treasury Market : the Key to Carry Out the Marketization of the Interst Rate;发展国债市场:实现利率市场化之关键

7.And the bond market lagged behind the development of stock market and public debt market in China.中国企业债券市场的发展明显滞后于股票市场、国债市场的发展。

8.The Structure of the Japanese Retaining Treasure Bends and the New Trends in the Treasure Bonds Market;日本国债保有结构的变化及国债市场新动向

9.Analysis and Comparison of Market Making System in Europe and US;欧美国债市场做市商制度分析与比较

parison of Market Making in Equities and Fixed Income Markets;做市商制度选择:股票市场与国债市场差异分析

11.An Empirical Study on the Influence to Public Debt from Banks Holding Bonds Behavior;银行持债行为影响国债市场的实证研究

12.Analysis on Liquidity Status of China s Treasury Bond Market and Factors Influencing IT;中国国债市场流动性现状及因素分析

13.The Statistical Character Analysis of China Treasury Bonds Market;中国国债市场收益率的统计特征分析

14.The Main Problems of the National Debt Market in Our Country and the Way Out;我国国债市场主要问题及其完善对策

15.Studies of the Problems in Public Bond Markets in Our Country and Solutions;我国国债市场存在的问题及对策研究

16.foreign and international bond markets外国和国际债券市场

17.The International Bond Market is made up of two components--the foreign bond market and the Euro-bond market.国际债券市场是由两部分组成:国外债券市场和欧洲债券市

18.At present the development of government bond markets consisting of treasury bond and municipal bond should be attached great importance to.目前,特别应重视开拓由国债和市政债券构成的政府债券市场。


Government Bond Market国债市场

1.A Study on Liquidity of China sGovernment Bond Market;对我国国债市场流动性的实证研究

2.Analysis and Suggestions on Major Issues ofGovernment Bond Market当前我国国债市场存在的主要问题及对策建议

3)bond market国债市场

1.A new approach about estimation of term structure are used in the paper to estimate,India and Chinesebond markets.应用一种新的估计利率期限结构的方法,对中国、美国、日本和印度国债市场的利率期限结构和利率风险的市场价格进行估计和计算,得到中国国债市场利率风险的市场价格为零,而美国、日本和印度的利率风险的市场价格显著不为零,且几乎相等。

2.In thebond market, more attention has been paid to fund raising but the development of the market itself is neglected.我国国债市场经过十多年的发展,目前已取得一定的成就。

3.Since 1980s, thebond market of our country has developed in surprising speed, experienced the process from planned management to market control, The market function of resources distribution and macroeconomic regulation has been enhanced a lot .我国的国债市场自20世纪80年代初恢复发行开始,随着规模的日益扩大,经历了一个由计划管理模式向市场调控模式转变的过程,其作为资源配置、政府宏观经济调控手段的作用日益加强。

4)treasury market国债市场

1.Treasury, as a financial tool, boosts the development oftreasury market and makes it an important part of the financial system.国债的金融功能推动了国债市场的发展,促进国债市场在金融体系中扮演了重要角色。

5)Treasury Bonds Market国债市场

1.The Statistical Character Analysis of ChinaTreasury Bonds Market;中国国债市场收益率的统计特征分析

6)marketization of national bond国债市场化


