100字范文 > 中欧经贸关系 the trade relationship between China and EU英语短句 例句大全

中欧经贸关系 the trade relationship between China and EU英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 18:53:14


中欧经贸关系 the trade relationship between China and EU英语短句 例句大全

中欧经贸关系,the trade relationship between China and EU

1)the trade relationship between China and EU中欧经贸关系


1.“Sino-EU Agreement on China s Accession to WTO” and Development of China-EU Relationship on Economy and Trade;《中欧贸易协定》与中欧经贸关系的发展

2.The Main Economical Policy of European Community and Sino Europe Trade Relation;欧盟主要经济政策及中欧经贸关系研究

3.The Characteristics and Bottle-Neck in China-EU Trade Relationship and How to Break this Bottle-Neck;中欧经贸关系:特色、瓶颈与破解之道

4.Euro and the Development of Sino-European Economic and Trade Relations从欧元正式流通看中欧经贸关系的发展

5.The Adjustment of EU s Strategy Towards China and the Development of Sino-European Economic and Trade Relationship;欧盟对华战略调整与中欧经贸关系发展

6.The Influence of the East Expansion of EU on Sino-EU Trade Relations and China s Countermeasures;欧盟东扩对中欧经贸关系的影响及对策

7.I highly appreciate the efforts by Europe-China Business Association and Belgium-Chinese Economic and Commercial Council for developing China-EU economic and trade ties.我非常赞赏欧中贸协与比中经贸理事会为发展中欧经贸关系所做出的努力。

8.China s Entry into WTO and the Circulation of Euro;中国入世与欧元流通——评中国入世与欧元正式流通对中欧经贸关系的影响

9.China-EU Economic and Trade Relationship:Its Restrictive Factors and Countermeasure;中欧经贸关系发展中的制约因素及因应对策探析

10.Coopevation and Confliction of European Union-Us Economics Trade Relations;欧盟—美国经贸关系中的合作与摩擦

11.Discuss economy & trade relationship between E.U. and China from WTO;从中国“入世”看中国与欧盟双边经贸关系

12.China-EU Economic and Trade Relations: Successes, Characteristics and Main Problems;中国与欧盟的经贸关系:成就、特点与问题

13.On Sino-Africa Economic and Trade Relations(1992-);中非经贸关系浅析(1992-)

14.Nevertheless, economic and trade ties between Ukraine and the EU continue to deepen.然而,乌克兰与欧盟之经贸关系亦日渐深厚。

15.and the country heavily depends on foreign trade with increasing economic ties with the EC.严重依赖对外贸易,与欧共体经济关系密切.

16.Impact of Economic and Trade Relations on Contemporary International Relation Structure:An Example of America-Russian-EU Relations;试论经贸关系对现代国际关系结构的影响——以俄美欧关系为例

17.An Analysis of the Role of Economy and Trade Relationship in Sino-US Relations;中美经贸关系对中美关系的作用分析

18.Increase of Friction in Sino-Japanese Trade vs. Development of Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Relations;中日经贸摩擦的增加与中日经贸关系的发展


Sino-EU economic and trade relations中国-欧盟经贸关系

3)E.U. and China中欧经贸

4)Sino-US economic and trade relationship中美经贸关系

1.For long time, there are many disputes between China and US in many areas, such as politic system, ideology, market mechanism, strategic benefits etc, which have been the obstacles of the smooth development ofSino-US economic and trade relationship.长期以来,由于两国在政治制度、意识形态、市场机制、战略利益等多方面存在极大分歧,常常成为干扰中美经贸关系顺利发展的障碍。

5)Sino-Malaysia Economic and Trade relations中马经贸关系

6)China-France economic and trade relations中法经贸关系

1.China-France economic and trade relations constitute an important p art to the global partnership between the two countries.中法经贸关系是两国全面伙伴关系的重要组成部分。


