100字范文 > 越中贸易 Trade between Vietnam and China英语短句 例句大全

越中贸易 Trade between Vietnam and China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-03 01:29:20


越中贸易 Trade between Vietnam and China英语短句 例句大全

越中贸易,Trade between Vietnam and China

1)Trade between Vietnam and China越中贸易


1.The Study on the Trade Ties between Vietnam and China in the Context of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area中国——东盟自由贸易区背景下越中贸易关系研究

2.Moral barrier is appearing gradually in international trade especially in the trade of poultry and animal products.道德壁垒在国际贸易尤其是禽畜产品贸易中越来越明显。

3.The Sino-French War s Influence on Border Trade between Modern Guangxi and Vietnam;中法战争对近代桂越边境贸易的影响

4.Analysis of the Present Situation and Development Tendency of the Iron and Steel Trade Between Vietnam and China;中越钢铁贸易的现状与发展趋势分析

5.Reconstruction of the Sino-Vietnam Border Location Advantages: in the Light of China-ASEAN FTA;中国-东盟自由贸易区下中越边境区位优势再造

6.Change in Overland Trading Channels between China and Vietnam in Modern Times;略论近代中越陆路贸易通道格局的变迁

7.Analysis on Main Problems and Countermeasures of Border Trade between China and Vietnam;中越边境贸易存在的主要问题及对策分析

8.Study on Advantages and Disadvantages of Border Trade between China and Vietnam under the New Situation新时期中越边境贸易有利条件与不利因素研究

9.The Prospect of China-Asean FTA for China-Vietnam Developing Trade and Economic Relationship;中国—东盟自由贸易区框架下的越中经贸发展前景

10.International Trade Centre国际贸易中心(贸易中心)

11.Today, the Chinese economy and the world fusion more and more close, the foreign trade intercourse is even more frequent.今天,中国经济与世界的融合越来越密切,对外贸易往来愈加频繁。

12.The Development of Sino-Vietnamese Trade on the Impact of the Economy of Vietnam and the Future Development of the Strategy Research;中越贸易的发展对越南经济的影响与进一步发展的策略研究

13.Terms of trade(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)贸易条件

14.Analysis of span and influence of technical barriers to trade on Chinese trade;析技术性贸易壁垒对我国的贸易影响及跨越

15.Analysis of Chinese Merchants Roles in the Foreign Trade of Nam Ha,Vietnam;17世纪初至18世纪中后期越南南河海外贸易中的华商

16.The Barter Trade in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area;中国-东盟自由贸易区中的易货贸易

17.* The imperative for Singapore to maintain its pre-eminence as an international trading and financial centre.新加坡保持国际贸易与金融中心的卓越地位是绝对必要的。

18.e. The imperative for Singapore to maintain its pre-eminence as an international trading and financial centre.五、新加坡保持国际贸易与金融中心的卓越地位是绝对必要的。


Sino-Vietnamese Trade中越贸易

1.The Development ofSino-Vietnamese Trade on the Impact of the Economy of Vietnam and the Future Development of the Strategy Research;中越贸易的发展对越南经济的影响与进一步发展的策略研究

3)Sino-Vietnam border trade中越边境贸易

1.Under this new situation,Sino-Vietnam border trade obtains some rare historical opportunities,and also faces constrains and restrictions in the aspects of legal system,mechanism of finance and taxation management,and trade rules and regulations etc.在中越相继加入WTO及中国-东盟自由贸易区进程的启动新形势下,中越边境贸易获得了一些难得的历史机遇,但也面临着法制、财税管理机制和贸易规则等方面的约束和限制。

4)Research on the Vietnam-China Frontier Economy越中边境贸易研究

5)Study on the Frontier Trade between China and Vietnam中越边境贸易研究

6)Sino-Vietnamese border trade中越边贸

1.The Situation & Developmental Tendency of theSino-Vietnamese border trade After 2000;2000年以来中越边贸发展情况及趋势


