100字范文 > 诗意的栖居 mans sojourn in poetic ways英语短句 例句大全

诗意的栖居 mans sojourn in poetic ways英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-24 17:51:55


诗意的栖居 mans sojourn in poetic ways英语短句 例句大全

诗意的栖居,man"s sojourn in poetic ways

1)man"s sojourn in poetic ways诗意的栖居


1.Poetic Existence--Viewing Contemporary "Aesthetic Overflowing" from Origin of Art;诗意的栖居——从艺术的起源观照当代“审美泛化”

2.“Poetically Man Dwells…”- A Reading of Heidegger’s Thought of Space;“人诗意的栖居……”——对海德格尔空间思想的解读

3.Poetic Habitation:Phenomenological Analysis of Baoyuan Garden Landscape Design诗意的栖居——保元泽第景观设计的现象学解析

4.A Probe into the Local Complex in Ji Dongliang"s Man,Mouth,Hand找寻诗意的栖居——季栋梁《人口手》的乡土情结探析

5.How Can the Poet "Dwell"--A Study on the poetic dwelling of Tao Yuanming;诗人何以“居”?——试论陶渊明的诗意栖居

6.Living in the Poetic Environment--A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei s Landscape Poetry;栖居在诗意中——论王维山水诗的意境美

7."Dwell Poetically"--On Fei Ming s Pastoral Fiction;“诗意地栖居”——论废名的田园诗化小说

8.A Preliminary Discussion on the Uninhibited Dwelling of Tao Yuanming and Its Modern Significances;试论陶渊明的诗意栖居及其现代意义

9.Poetic residence--The ecological idea implied in The Secret Life of Bees;诗意栖居——《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态思想

10.Analysis of Heidegger s Theory of Poetic Dwelling;海德格尔“诗意地栖居”理论的解析

11.An Analysis of the Writing Spirit of the Poet Yu Xin in the South and North Dynasty;“诗意栖居”与“心灵遮蔽”——庾信诗歌的写作文化分析

12.Dwell on the World in Poetic Quality--Deathdaydreaming of Baoyu Jia and the Poetic Existence;诗意地栖居——贾宝玉的死亡遐想与诗性生存追求

13.The Poetic Perspective and Human Nature--An Aesthetic Interpretation of Poetic Residence By Heidegger诗性·人性——海德格尔“诗意地栖居”的美学解读

14.Poetical Dwelling--Consciousness of Ecofeminism in Lawrence’s Rainbow;诗意地栖居——管窥劳伦斯在《虹》中的生态女性意识

15.Chuan Hou Shuihu--The Ideal World of Civilization;华夏文明的诗意栖居地——论《水浒后传》的暹罗世界

16.Watcher in Wheat Field - On Dwelling in Poetry in the Land Utopia by Hai Zi;麦田里的守望者——论海子大地乌托邦的诗意栖居

17.Staying in the Mood of Poetry about Feminine Appreciating the Beautiful Life--Studying in Feminine Prose during the May 4th Time;女性审美人生的诗意栖居——五四女性散文研究

18.The Best Plain Carrier of Chinese Romantic House-Siheyuan;“四合院”是中国人“诗意栖居”的最好平面载体


Seeking Poetic Habitation寻找诗意的栖居

3)Pursuing Poetic Inhabitance追寻诗意的栖居

4)Poetic Dwelling诗意栖居

1.Poetic Dwelling--The Spiritual Concept of Traditional Chinese Garden;诗意栖居——中国古典园林的精神内涵

2.From Error toPoetic Dwelling——Aesthetic Problems of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture and Solutions;走出误区与诗意栖居——当代审美文化的美学问题及其克服

3.How Can the Poet "Dwell"——A Study on the poetic dwelling of Tao Yuanming;诗人何以“居”?——试论陶渊明的诗意栖居

5)poetic residence诗意栖居

1.Starting with the ecological subject ofpoetic residence, the paper attempts to interpret The Secret Life of Bees, an American modern classic, with the theory of eco-criticism.本文拟从“诗意栖居”这一生态诗学命题入手,运用生态批评理论解读美国现代经典小说《蜜蜂的秘密生活》。

6)poetical dwelling诗意地栖居

1.epoetical dwelling,from the point of ecofeminism.作品揭露了女性和自然的双重困境,同时也歌颂了女主人公的反抗精神,并提出理想的生活方式,即诗意地栖居。


