100字范文 > 诗意栖居 Poetic Dwelling英语短句 例句大全

诗意栖居 Poetic Dwelling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-21 09:53:41


诗意栖居 Poetic Dwelling英语短句 例句大全

诗意栖居,Poetic Dwelling

1)Poetic Dwelling诗意栖居

1.Poetic Dwelling--The Spiritual Concept of Traditional Chinese Garden;诗意栖居——中国古典园林的精神内涵

2.From Error toPoetic Dwelling——Aesthetic Problems of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture and Solutions;走出误区与诗意栖居——当代审美文化的美学问题及其克服

3.How Can the Poet "Dwell"——A Study on the poetic dwelling of Tao Yuanming;诗人何以“居”?——试论陶渊明的诗意栖居


1.How Can the Poet "Dwell"--A Study on the poetic dwelling of Tao Yuanming;诗人何以“居”?——试论陶渊明的诗意栖居

2.A Preliminary Discussion on the Uninhibited Dwelling of Tao Yuanming and Its Modern Significances;试论陶渊明的诗意栖居及其现代意义

3.Poetic residence--The ecological idea implied in The Secret Life of Bees;诗意栖居——《蜜蜂的秘密生活》的生态思想

fortable Life and Poetic Living:ON LI Yu"s Garden-building Ideas适性人生,诗意栖居——李渔造园思想探微

5.An Analysis of the Writing Spirit of the Poet Yu Xin in the South and North Dynasty;“诗意栖居”与“心灵遮蔽”——庾信诗歌的写作文化分析

6.Staying in the Mood of Poetry about Feminine Appreciating the Beautiful Life--Studying in Feminine Prose during the May 4th Time;女性审美人生的诗意栖居——五四女性散文研究

7.Chuan Hou Shuihu--The Ideal World of Civilization;华夏文明的诗意栖居地——论《水浒后传》的暹罗世界

8.The Best Plain Carrier of Chinese Romantic House-Siheyuan;“四合院”是中国人“诗意栖居”的最好平面载体

9.Watcher in Wheat Field - On Dwelling in Poetry in the Land Utopia by Hai Zi;麦田里的守望者——论海子大地乌托邦的诗意栖居

10.Pastoral Competing and Poetic Dwelling: Analysis of Ecological View for Cultural Peasants田园竞秀与诗意栖居:文化农民的生态观探析

11.Living in the Poetic Environment--A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei s Landscape Poetry;栖居在诗意中——论王维山水诗的意境美

12."Dwell Poetically"--On Fei Ming s Pastoral Fiction;“诗意地栖居”——论废名的田园诗化小说

13.Analysis of Heidegger s Theory of Poetic Dwelling;海德格尔“诗意地栖居”理论的解析

14.Mankind Dwells Poetically--Reflection on the Ecological Civilization and Global Climate Change诗意地栖居——生态文明与全球气候变化

15.Dwell on the World in Poetic Quality--Deathdaydreaming of Baoyu Jia and the Poetic Existence;诗意地栖居——贾宝玉的死亡遐想与诗性生存追求

16.The Poetic Perspective and Human Nature--An Aesthetic Interpretation of Poetic Residence By Heidegger诗性·人性——海德格尔“诗意地栖居”的美学解读

17.Poetical Dwelling--Consciousness of Ecofeminism in Lawrence’s Rainbow;诗意地栖居——管窥劳伦斯在《虹》中的生态女性意识

18.Chan and Heidegger: Existing in a Mind-material Integral Whole Aesthetically;禅宗与海德格尔:在心物一体中人诗意地栖居


poetic residence诗意栖居

1.Starting with the ecological subject ofpoetic residence, the paper attempts to interpret The Secret Life of Bees, an American modern classic, with the theory of eco-criticism.本文拟从“诗意栖居”这一生态诗学命题入手,运用生态批评理论解读美国现代经典小说《蜜蜂的秘密生活》。

3)poetical dwelling诗意地栖居

1.epoetical dwelling,from the point of ecofeminism.作品揭露了女性和自然的双重困境,同时也歌颂了女主人公的反抗精神,并提出理想的生活方式,即诗意地栖居。

4)man"s sojourn in poetic ways诗意的栖居

5)poetic dwelling诗意地栖居

1.The thought ofpoetic dwelling disclosed by Heidegger from architecture,zoology and esthetic is Heidegger s living topic.海德格尔诗学是当下人类魂灵救赎的武库,它从建筑、生态和审美三个维度所揭示的“人诗意地栖居”思想是海德格尔所倡求的人的生存论主题。

2.In the sprit connotation,the ultimate aim of Yu\"s poems is to refuse to explore in cultural interpretation so as to return to the "poetic dwelling" and yearn for the Lgos leading to "exist".于坚的诗以"诗所言"与"写作本身"为审美基点聚焦日常生活中的诗意,在"拒绝隐喻"时"去蔽"而意达"诗意地栖居"。

6)The Poetical Inhabitation诗意地栖居

1.The author was enlighten by the Martin Heidegger s theory about " The poetical inhabitation", commence from the relation between the human being inhabited environment and the status of exist.笔者受到海德格尔“诗意地栖居”的诗化哲学思想的启发,从人类的栖居环境与生存状态的关系入手,探讨常家庄园住居环境的诗意化,从而体悟常家先人是如何对待生活的,如何通过诗意的栖居回归本真自然的生命存在。


