100字范文 > 复乳液体系 Multiple emulsion system英语短句 例句大全

复乳液体系 Multiple emulsion system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 21:23:55


复乳液体系 Multiple emulsion system英语短句 例句大全

复乳液体系,Multiple emulsion system

1)Multiple emulsion system复乳液体系

2)emulsion system乳液体系

1.A new sort of water evaporation retardants of W/Oemulsion system was prepared by blend of long chain fatty alcohol and short chain alcohol.采用长链脂肪醇和短链醇复配,制成W/O乳液体系,制备了一种新型水分蒸发抑制剂。

2.Dodecyl mercaptan(DDM) as chain transfer agent was introduced into self-crosslinkable acrylateemulsion system.在自交联的丙烯酸酯类乳液体系中,引入链转移剂十二硫醇(DDM)。


1.the Effect of P_(204) on the Phase Behavior of Nonionic Microemulsion System;萃取剂P_(204)对微乳液体系相态的影响

2.RATRP of styrene/CTAB/water microemulsion systems“苯乙烯/CTAB/H_2O”RATRP微乳液体系的聚合

3.Hydrogenation of Neoprene Latex with Diimide and Template-Directed Synthesis of Polystyrene in Microemulsion Systems;氯丁乳液氢化及微乳液体系软模板下PS合成研究

4.Choice of stabilizer in emulsion systems has always been rather empirical.在乳液体系中,稳定剂的选择往往凭经验。

5.Study on Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization in Emulsion Systems;乳液体系的可逆加成—断裂链转移聚合研究

6.Synthesis of Polyacrylamide by Phase Transfer Emulsion Polymerization;相迁移乳液体系聚丙烯酰胺合成工艺研究

7.Study of the Structural Parameters of CTAB/N-butanol/N-pentane/Water Microemulsion;CTAB/正丁醇/正戊烷/水微乳液体系结构参数的测定

8.Study on Emulsifier-free Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene Systems with Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Process;苯乙烯RAFT无皂乳液聚合体系的研究

9.Study of Hazard Analysis and Critic Control Point System in Liquid Milk Processing;液态乳生产中HACCP体系的建立

10.Miniemulsion Polymerization of Styrene and Acrylic Monomers;苯乙烯/丙烯酸系单体的微滴乳液聚合

11.The coelomic fluid is a milky white liquid.体腔液为乳白液体。

12.Study on Demulfication and Demulfication Rules of Emulsion Systems for Extraction Oil Recovery;强化采油产出液油水乳化体系的破乳及破乳规律

13.Study on the Stability of Complex System of Rubber Latex-inorganic Composite Powder橡胶乳液——无机复合粉体体系稳定性研究

14.A coagulated liquid that resembles milk curd.凝乳液体凝乳状的凝结液体

15.VOCs Absorption by Emulsion Liquid Membrane-study on Optimization of System Parameters and Demulsion;液膜法吸收有机废气的体系优选及破乳研究

16.Under the System of the Microemulsion-template Prepare Nanometer Ni Powder and Its Properties;微乳液—模板体系下纳米金属Ni的制备及表征

17.Ceramicwood Prepared by Silica Sol/Styrene-Acrylic Emulsion System;硅溶胶/苯丙乳液改性体系的陶瓷复合木材

18.The Preparation of the Gas Sensing Material Nanometer In_2O_3 by the Method of Microemulsion and the Study of Its Phase Behavior;微乳液法制备纳米In_2O_3及体系的相行为研究


emulsion system乳液体系

1.A new sort of water evaporation retardants of W/Oemulsion system was prepared by blend of long chain fatty alcohol and short chain alcohol.采用长链脂肪醇和短链醇复配,制成W/O乳液体系,制备了一种新型水分蒸发抑制剂。

2.Dodecyl mercaptan(DDM) as chain transfer agent was introduced into self-crosslinkable acrylateemulsion system.在自交联的丙烯酸酯类乳液体系中,引入链转移剂十二硫醇(DDM)。

3)oil/ASP emulsion三元复合体系乳状液

1.According to the experimental study for the rheology ofoil/ASP emulsion, the rheology curve is obtained and themathematical model is established.通过试验研究了原油/三元复合体系乳状液的流变性,给出了流变曲线,建立了原油/三元复合体系乳状液的流变方程。

4)emulsion system乳状液体系

1.Mathematical model of oxidation of linoleic acid inemulsion system and its solution;亚油酸乳状液体系氧化模型与求解

5)Emulsion polymerization systems乳液聚合体系

6)emulsion liquid membrane system乳状液膜体系


特丽仙痤疮液/痤疮乳液 ,磷酸克林霉素药物名称:磷酸克林霉素英文名:Clindamycin Phosphate别名: 特丽仙痤疮液/痤疮乳液 ,磷酸克林霉素 外文名:Clindamycin Phosphate成分: 磷酸克林霉素 适应症: 寻常性痤疮。 用量用法: 在患处涂一薄层,每日2次。 禁忌: 对克林霉素或林可霉素有过敏史的患者,曾发生肠炎、溃疡性结肠炎或与抗生素相关之结肠炎的患者。 不良反应: 皮肤干燥。腹泻,血痢,结肠炎。腹痛。接触性皮炎。过敏。眼睛刺痛。 注意事项: 特异体质者慎用。 药物相互作用: 与林可霉素有交叉耐药性。与红霉素有拮抗作用。 规格: 溶液 1% x 30ml。乳液 1% x 30ml。类别:皮肤病用药
