100字范文 > 诉因 cause of action英语短句 例句大全

诉因 cause of action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-07 18:19:08


诉因 cause of action英语短句 例句大全

诉因,cause of action

1)cause of action诉因

1.In Japan,cause of action is a creative invention originated from the continental legal system and the common legal system,which can help to smooth the relation among the charge,the judge and the defendant,to maintain the stability of the public charge and to control the abuse of legal power.诉因制度是日本刑事诉讼法借鉴大陆法系职权主义诉讼程序和英美法系对抗主义诉讼程序的一项独创。

2.The paper talks about the scope of the accused andcause of action,legal status of corporate and other shareholders in the civil proceedings,etc.运用民事诉讼有关理论对诉因和被告的范围,公司和其他股东在诉讼中的法律地位等问题,进行综合分析探讨股东代表诉讼主体的法律地位,论证股东代表诉讼如何实现法律的正义、平等和均衡。

3.In Japan, the system ofcause of action is thought to be an abstraction or conformation of conception from the facts of public prosecution and element of crime.在日本,诉因作为公诉事实和犯罪构成事实的抽象或观念形态,既是刑事程序性问题与实体性问题连结的纽带,也是法官作出最终判决的关键。


1.A ground for legal action.诉因法律诉讼的根据

2.The statement of claim is strike out because it disclose no cause of action.因未披露诉因起诉被取消。

3.Count and public prosecutorial facts: the prosecutorial force’s comparison and analysis of two prosecutorial modes;诉因与公诉事实:两种公诉方式之效力评析

4.The judge finds that the plaintiff"s pleading disclose no cause of action.法官发现原告的诉状没有披露诉因。

5.pledged themselves to the cause.用他们自己为诉因担保

6.To lose(a case) by failing to appear in court.因未到庭而败(诉)

7.The litigant procedure shall resume after the cause of the suspension is removed.中止诉讼的原因消除后,恢复诉讼。

8.The Characteristic and Difference of Public Prosecution and Private Prosecution in Qing Dynasty;略论清代公诉自诉之特点及差异成因

9.The reasons for difficult to resist a criminal appeal and the idea of the mechanism;刑事抗诉难的原因及抗诉机制的构想

10.He was charged for the perjury.他因做伪证被起诉。

11.I"ll tell you why, Scarlett.我来告诉你原因,斯佳丽。

12.He was prosecuted for robbery.他因抢劫而被起诉。

13.He was had up for dangerous driving.他因危险驾驶而被起诉。

14.He was charged with an attempted crime.他因犯罪未遂而被起诉。

15.action for infringement of a patent因侵犯专利权的诉讼

16.He was prosecuted for drunken driving.他因酒后开车被起诉。

17.He was indicted on a charge of thief.他因犯盗窃罪被起诉。

18.A joining of causes of action or defense in a suit.合并一件诉讼中诉讼原因或辩护原因的合并



1.’ There are two prosecutorial modes: common law system used incount institution and civil law used in public prosecutorial facts,there exist some differences between the two,which resulted from their dissimilar litigant idea and mechanism.在起诉方式上,英美法系采用诉因制度,大陆法系采取公诉事实制度,两种起诉方式在公诉效力方面存有差异,尤其体现在法官变更罪名之裁判权方面。

2.The requirements forcount s description (Counts description means the way how to write acount in a complaint) have undergone a process of change from strict formalism to materialism.诉因记载的法定要求经历了从严格形式主义到实质主义的转变,诉因记载的法定要求表现在诉因记载的特定性、诉因的单一性、诉因的选择与预备记载、诉因的合并记载上。


1.On Value ofCounts of Criminal Procedure and Its Feasibility;刑事诉讼诉因价值与可行性研究

2.The Research About the Theory of the Objective of Criminal Trial On Aboard——And the Discussion About the Exercise ofCounts;英美刑事审判对象问题研究——反思诉因制度在我国的适用

3.Counts can help to smooth the relations among the charges, the judges and the defendants.在刑事诉讼中,诉因可以协调控诉方、审判方和辩护方在刑事诉讼中的相互关系。

4)factor of complaints投诉因素

5)independent case of action独立诉因

6)cause of action theory诉因理论

1.Judge s changing charge should be permitted based on both "fact theory" and "cause of action theory".无论根据公诉事实理论,还是当代的诉因理论,在审判中均允许法院一定条件下对公诉机关指控的罪名进行变更。


