100字范文 > 死因 cause of death英语短句 例句大全

死因 cause of death英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-15 05:53:36


死因 cause of death英语短句 例句大全

死因,cause of death

1)cause of death死因

1.The analysis on thecause of death for the patients with MG;重症肌无力患者的死因分析

2.Analysis oncause of death of 421 silicotic patients of fluorite mine;421例萤石矿矽肺死因分析


1.The cause of death was listed as "natural."登记的死因是“自然死亡”。

2.cause-specific death rate以死因区分的死亡率

3.analysis of cause of death死因分析(明确死因的过程)

4.Analysis of Death Cause of Residents in Death Surveillance Points in Sichuan,四川省死因监测点居民死因分析

5.If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of heart attack.如未写上死因,则全部会死于心脏麻痹。

6.Contrastive study on the causes of death of the heroines in The New Year′s Sacrfice and Death in the Woods《祝福》与《林中之死》女主人公死因之比较

7.The Pathological Findings of an Alpaca Died of Illness and its Causes一例死亡羊驼的病理变化及死因分析

8.The inquest on his death will be held next Thursday.下星期四将举行他死亡的死因询问。

9.Causes of Sudden Death During the Process of Venous Infusion:An Analysis of 12 Cases;12例静脉输液过程中猝死的死因分析

10.The Expert Testimony of the Cause of Death from Bee-sting;蜂类螫刺致死的尸体检验与死因鉴定

11.Trend of Death by Injury in Death Cause Surveillance Areas in Sichuan四川省死因监测点伤害死亡变化趋势

12.Analysis of Time and Causes of Death of 211 Cerebral Hemorrhage Patients211例脑出血死亡时间与死因分析

13.He died of a fever/of thirst/in an accident/by drowning/from a wound.他是热病死的/渴死的/因意外事故死的/淹死的/受伤死的。

14.Recall Death. Foe vividly recalls its future death and dies.体验死亡:受术者体验到将来的死亡并因而死去。

15.Examination of a dead person to see what is the cause of death.对死人的检查,找出引起死亡的原因。

16.Examination of a dead person to see what be the cause of death对死人的检查,找出引起死亡的原因

17.To die by suffocating in water or another liquid.淹死在水或其它液体中因窒息而死

18.imals died in an epidemic因传染病而成群死掉


Death cause死因

1.Investigation on death cause of malignant tumors among residents in areas of Dawen river in Shandong province;山东大汶河流域居民恶性肿瘤死因调查

2.Analysis of death causes and potential years of life lost for the occupational population in Taian city;泰安市城市社区职业人群的主要死因顺位和PYLL分析

3.Death causes in pre-hospital emergency medical service in Beijing and analysis of the strategy;北京市院外急救死因分析及急救对策

3)Causes of death死因

1.Analysis epidemiological strength on injury deaths and trend of causes of death in Wujin district of Changzhou;常州市武进区伤害死亡流行强度与死因变化趋势分析

2.Study on causes of death and preventive care for residents in poor rural area;贫困农村居民死因调查分析与预防保健对策

3.Contrastive study on the causes of death of theheroines in The New Year′s Sacrfice and Death in the Woods;《祝福》与《林中之死》女主人公死因之比较

4)Death causes死因

1.OBJECTIVE To study the sequence of death causes,PYLL and rate of PYLL.方法按照《全国第三次死因回顾抽样调查实施方案》的要求进行回顾性调查。

2.OBJECTIVE To analyze perinatal mortality,death causes and change within 10 yaars in Luohu District,and to provide funcamental information for making preventive measures.目的掌握罗湖区近围产儿死亡水平、死因分布情况及其变化,为制定有效干预措施提供依据。

3.ObjectiveTo describe the distribution characteristic of death causes and explore the trend of it, to find out health status of residents in Weihai more, and to offer evidences for health department to draw policy for medical care and collocate health resources.目的:通过对山东省威海市1998~居民死亡原因进行分析,描述威海市居民死因分布特点,探索八年间威海市居民死因变化规律,进一步了解威海市居民健康状况,为威海市制订医疗保健政策和卫生部门进行卫生规划和卫生资源的合理配置提供依据。

5)Fish died cause死鱼原因

6)death reason死亡原因

1.The paper analyses thedeath reasons of 54 cases, then draws the conclusion that the commondeath reasons of DCM are refractory cardiac failure, sudden death, cardiac shock, and embolism.目的为了进一步认识扩张型心肌病(DCM)的死亡原因,提高对该疾病的诊治水平,以降低其死亡率。

2.Objective To discuss the relative factors ofdeath reason and prevention strategy of child bearing women in Yuzhong district of Chongqing city.目的探讨重庆市渝中区育龄妇女死亡原因相关因素及防治对策。

3.Objective To study thedeath reasons of patients with lung cancer.目的探讨肺癌病人死亡原因。


去死因生命表去死因生命表去死因生命表假定在现实生活中消除掉某种死因,即没有人因这种死因而死亡,从而编制出来的生命表。去死因生命表的计算过程如下:①从调查数据中,计算出全死因死亡率,M二及某种死因死亡率,M二。。M一瓮,M;一爱上式中,二M二为某种死因死亡率;,众为某种死因的死亡人数。②根据全死因死亡率.材Z,按照简略生命表方法,计算全死因死亡概率,q二和,几。③根据某死因死亡率,M立,按下列公式计算出某种死因死亡概率,嫉: 赴。_M七净一砰不二五万硕④计算去某种死因后的死亡概率闪户:,q二一,哄l一,q斗上式中,,q二是全死因死亡概率;二公是某种死因死亡概率。⑤设去某种死因后的。岁生存人数为100 000,即疏!-100 000,依次计算l二‘:z异,=z二‘(1一二石‘)(x=0,l,5,……,80)⑥计算去某种死因后死亡人数二心‘,,d厂一l厂·,q厂(X一O,1,5.··…80)d妥午一l雳⑦计算去某种死因后生存人年数。L户:,L厂一n·l拜,+。aI·,己丁’(x~O, d采午d采fL云‘一;:二一---一一;下一一;二兰尸M 85+一Z以认5+几久吕5十80)⑧计算去某种死因后生存人年总数万‘,井一艺。L户⑨计算去某种死因后的平均预期寿命“,。一,一左
