100字范文 > 价值哲学 value philosophy英语短句 例句大全

价值哲学 value philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-29 05:54:24


价值哲学 value philosophy英语短句 例句大全

价值哲学,value philosophy

1)value philosophy价值哲学

1.Modern Crimes in the Perspective of Value Philosophy;价值哲学视野中的现代犯罪问题

2.It manifests the humanistic return of modern Chinesevalue philosophy and the theoretical and practical pursuit of value selection in China by exposing and analysing multiple predicaments in China s modernization process.它标示着,在揭示和解释现代化进程中诸多价值困境的前提下,价值哲学的现代人文回归,以及它在“中国特色”语境中的理论指归与实践诉求。


1.Philosophy Is Philosophy:A Philosophical Judgment of Value Philosophy;哲学就是哲学——“价值哲学”的哲学观批判

2.Problem and its Breakthrough of Philosophy of Value--Comments on the Study of Philosophy of Value;价值哲学的困境及其出路——价值哲学研究述评

3.Practice of Systematic Review in EBM and Its Analysis in View of Value Philosophy;循证医学系统评价及其价值哲学研究

4.A Course of the Research of Value Development and Its Appraising Now Days in China;价值哲学在当代中国的兴起及其评价

5.Marx s Philosophy of Value in the Context of his Pohtical Economy;马克思政治经济学语境中的价值哲学

6.The Enlightenment from the Choice of Kernel Value System upon the Research of Value Philosophy;核心价值体系的选择对价值哲学研究的启示

7.On Development Value View of Deng Xiaoping & Its Contribution to Value Philosophy;论邓小平的发展价值观及对价值哲学的贡献

8.Turn from ontology to Epistemology in Axiolgy--A Study on Urban s theory of Valuation;价值哲学的认识论转换——乌尔班价值理论研究

9.Philosophical Connotation and Value of Chemical Development History;化学发展史中的哲学内涵和哲学价值

10.Philosophy is valuable in itself.哲学自身具有价值。

11.Philosophy: Paradox, Discovery and Value哲学:矛盾、发现和价值

12.On value of late Greece philosophy in western philosophy;论晚期希腊哲学在西方哲学中的价值

13.The Philosophical Observation of Value Concept;对劳动价值论中“价值”概念的哲学考察

14.Philosophical Value of Paradigm and Contemporary Dimension of Marxist Philosophy;范式的哲学价值与马克思主义哲学的当代维度

15.On Status and Realistic Values of Moral Philosophy in Kantianism System;道德哲学在康德哲学体系中的地位和现实价值

16.The Contemporary Value of Chinese Traditional Philosophy--A comparative study with Western Philosophy;中国传统哲学的现代价值——与西方哲学之比较

17.On the Unique Function and Value of Philosophy--From a Review of STUDY AND APPLICATION OF PHILOSOPHY by Comrade Li Ruihuan;论哲学的独特功能与价值——从李瑞环同志《学哲学用哲学》谈起

18.Science Philosophy s Value to Science Educational Theory Research;科学哲学对科学教育理论建构的价值



1.This paper first discusses the necessity of criticism for the disciplines in humanities, and the differences between practical translation criticism and theory of translation criticism, then it points out that the theory of translation criticism is a part of theory of evaluation which is based onaxiology.其次文章指出翻译批评学属于一种评价理论,而评价理论是以价值哲学作为哲学基础的,因此翻译批评学也应以价值哲学为基础。

2.This article focuses on the rehabilitation of Windelband as a systematic philosopher, who is remembered for his attempt to construct transcendentalaxiology so as to defend the legitimacy of philosophy in the post - Idealist breach between the facticity and the meaning of the .文德尔班开创的新康德主义价值哲学,是对黑格尔之后以危机形式表现出的“哲学合法性”的探求,在这种探求中,文氏继承了洛采的价值思想,并将其置于康德先验哲学的框架中,从而建构了独具特色的先验价值哲学。

3.The Axiology originated from western society, and becomes a kind of“famous science”in contemporary China.价值哲学发源于西方社会,如今已发展成为当今中国哲学研究中的一门“显学”。

3)philosophy of value价值哲学

1.Problem and its Breakthrough of Philosophy of Value--Comments on the Study of Philosophy of Value;价值哲学的困境及其出路——价值哲学研究述评

2.This finding is a fresh advance of stndies onphilosophy of value.价值本体即时间;英国著名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金关于心理学、热力学和宇宙学的时间箭头方向完全相同的论证,使社会科学时间取决于自然科学时间并对后者有所超越的论断成立,它不仅是对一切惟主观或惟主体时间观的有力否证,也是价值哲学的新成果。

3.Therefore, he made his researches of the political economy belong to thephilosophy of value.由此,他把政治经济学当作一种价值哲学来研究,他的政治经济学中的每一个范畴都体现着他的价值哲学思想。

4)philosophical value哲学价值

1.Thephilosophical value of Shushu in ZhouYi;《周易》术数学的哲学价值

5)value of philosophy哲学的价值

6)the value of philosophy哲学价值性


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
