100字范文 > 眼动实验 eye movement test英语短句 例句大全

眼动实验 eye movement test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-06 19:43:49


眼动实验 eye movement test英语短句 例句大全

眼动实验,eye movement test

1)eye movement test眼动实验

1.Application ofeye movement test in ADHD;眼动实验在注意缺陷多动性障碍方面的应用


1.An Eye-tracking Experiment Research on Three-part-separated Screen Web Course“三分屏”网络课程界面的眼动实验研究

2.A Study of Eye Movements of Reading the Texts with Illustrations for Primary and Middle School Students;不同年级学生阅读示意图课文的眼动实验研究

3.A Study on Eye Movements of Reading Texts with Pictures for Pupils and Middle School Students;中小学生阅读图文课文的眼动实验研究

4.Exploring the Objectivity of the Rorschach Inkblot Test--a Research From an Eye Movement Experiment罗夏墨迹测验的客观性探索——一项来自于眼动实验的研究

5.213 in the questionnaire survey, 23 in the eye movement experiment were involved in the result analysis without drop.问卷调查中213人,眼动实验中23人均进入了结果分析,无脱落者。

6.Experimental study on the cast of blood vessels of rabbit eye by common cervical artery经颈总动脉实现兔眼血管铸型实验研究

7.Experimental Study on Characteristics of Eye-Movement of Primary and Secondary School Tennis Players中小学网球运动员眼动特征的实验研究

8.Observation of Anterior Segment Ischemia Caused by the Long Posterior Ciliary Arterty Ligation in Rabbit Eye;兔眼睫状后长动脉结扎致眼前节缺血综合征实验观察

9.Totally 23 people tested in the eye movement survey method, including 10 males, 13 females.眼动测量法实验人数共23人,其中男10人,女13人。

10.Pharmacokinetics of Tet in the Rabbit Eyes;汉防己甲素在兔眼的药代动力学实验研究

11.Experimental Study on Characteristics of Eye-movement of High School Baseball Players;中学生棒球练习者眼动特征的实验研究

12.Experimental Comparison of Measuring Performance between the Eye Trackers Eyelink and Tobii对Eyelink和Tobii两种眼动仪测量性能的比较实验

13.The Normalized Construction and Management of Laboratorial Animal Center in the Development of Ophthalmology Discipline规范建设与管理实验动物中心 促进眼科学发展

14.Photodynamic Therapy on Ocular fundus of Different Color Rabbits不同色素兔眼底对光动力治疗反应的实验研究

15.Methods 12 blocking rabbits were selected. Right eyes were experimental eyes, left eyes were control ones.方法选用家兔12只,右眼为实验眼,左眼对照眼。

16.The Experimental Study on Cyclists Eye Movement Characteristics of the Level of Special Cognition;自行车运动员专项认知水平眼动特征的实验研究

17.The Investigation of the Extraocular Muscle Pulley Structure in Human Orbit;眼眶眼外肌Pulley及相关结构的实验研究

18.Effect of H-1152 on Intraocular Pressure Rabbits;H-1152降眼压治疗青光眼的实验研究


ophthalmophantom①眼模型 ②眼球固定器(动物实验用)

3)eye movement testing眼动试验

4)Compound eyes person experiment复眼人实验

5)eye irritation test眼刺激实验

1.Study on short time exposure test of rabbit corneal epithelial cells:an alternative to rabbiteye irritation test兔角膜上皮细胞短期暴露实验替代兔眼刺激实验的可行性研究

6)acanthopanax senticosus实验性青光眼

1.Effect ofacanthopanax senticosus on glutamate concentration of vitreous body in rabbits with experimental chronic glaucoma;刺五加对兔慢性实验性青光眼玻璃体谷氨酸浓度的影响


动眼神经损伤动眼神经损伤injury of oculomotor nerve外伤伤及动眼神经。常因颅底骨折,特别是眶尖及眶顶骨折引起。可与其他眼球运动神经及其他颅神经同时受累或仅单一神经损伤。表现为伤后立即出现受伤侧瞳孔扩大,直接与间接光反射迟钝或消失,上睑下垂,应注意与小脑幕切迹疝引起的进行性瞳孔扩大相鉴别。
