100字范文 > 眼动 eye movement英语短句 例句大全

眼动 eye movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-05 12:41:06


眼动 eye movement英语短句 例句大全

眼动,eye movement

1)eye movement眼动

1.A study oneye movement of patients with developmental dyslexia;发育性阅读障碍的眼动研究

2.Eye Movement Differences of Processing Text and Picture in an Advertisement;平面广告中图形与文本加工差异的眼动研究

3.An Eye Movement Research on High School Student Solving Mechanical Problem with or Without Physical Diagrams;高中生解答有无物理图力学问题过程的眼动研究

2)eye movements眼动

1.Objective: To study the characteristic and regulation ofeye movements in Chinese children with reading disability during letter and picture rapid naming test.目的了解汉语阅读障碍儿童在进行字母、图片快速命名时的眼动特征与规律。

2.Researchers have been exploring the relationship between humaneye movements and mental activities for hundreds of years.很久以来,人们一直在致力于研究人的眼动与心理活动之间的关系,从而揭示其间的奥妙。

3.In order to explore the repetition effect of Chinese sentences to the on-line comprehending process,eye movements were recorded in 10 postgraduates while reading 20 sentences.为了探讨重复学习对于汉语句子理解的作用,采用眼动仪记录10名研究生被试连续5次阅读20个句子时的眼动模式。

3)rapid eye movement快速眼动;眼速动


1.EOG is a very effective eye-movement recording method,which is not only noninvasive,but also can record any small eye movements even if the eyes are closed.眼动电图(Electrooculogram,EOG)是无创记录眼球运动的一种有效方法,它能记录到眼球的任何微小动作,甚至闭眼状态下眼球的动作。

5)oculomotor nerve动眼神经

1.Study on nerve growth factor in repairingoculomotor nerve injury in rats;神经生长因子修复动眼神经损伤的实验研究

2.Influence of electrical stimulation to theoculomotor nerve on compound muscle action potentials of the inferior oblique muscle in Beagle dogs;动眼神经电刺激对健康Beagle犬下斜肌CMAP的影响研究

3.Evaluation of neuron changes with HRP retrograde mark method in repair of theoculomotor nerve with nerve graft and conduit repair;HRP示踪评价导管修复猫动眼神经的效果


1.cyclic oculomotor paralysis周期性动眼神经麻痹

2.The Isolated Third Nerve Palsy: Clinical and DSA Evaluation孤立性动眼神经麻痹的临床DSA评价


4.Clinical research on 30 cases of oculomotor paralysis treated by acupuncture针刺治疗动眼神经麻痹30例(英文)

5.Experimental Study on Neural Regeneration and Effect of Electrostimulation on It after Oculomotor Nerve Injury动眼神经损伤后神经再生和电刺激对其作用的研究

6.Study of Neurotransmitters Pathway from Conjugate-Horizontal-Eye-Movements-Related Nuclei to Oculomotor Nucleus in Rats;大鼠眼水平同向运动相关核团向动眼神经核投射的神经递质通路研究

7.Experimental Study on Electrophysiological Mechanism and Functional Recovery of Oculomotor Nerves;动眼神经损伤前后电生理学变化与功能修复

8.Effect of different operation methods on oculomotor nerve functional recovery不同手术方法对动眼神经功能修复的影响

9.Biomemberane Wrap, Peripheral Nerve Graft and Nerve Conduit Repair of the Oculomotor Nerve in Cats生物膜包裹、神经桥接及神经导管小间隙套接法修复猫动眼神经的研究

10.Analysing the Factors of Influencing the Recovery of Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Caused by Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm after Microneurosurgical Clip后交通动脉瘤所致动眼神经麻痹的术后恢复影响因素分析

11.Results The cisternal segment of the oculomotor nerve abutted on the posterior cerebral artery, superior cerebellar artery, collicular artery, accessary collicular artery, etc. .结果池段动眼神经与大脑后动脉、小脑上动脉、丘动脉、副丘动脉等毗邻;

12.The Neural Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements. Pp. 3-46.视觉引导的眼球运动的神经控制。第3-46页。

13.Automatic Localization of Optic Nerve Head in the Fundus Images Based on Cross-Network基于交叉网络的眼底视神经乳头自动定位

14.Research on the Physiological Function for Binocular Motion Model and Its Control Method双眼运动控制生理神经回路功能图谱的创建

15.Either of the sixth pair of cranial nerves that convey motor impulses to the rectus muscle on the lateral side of each eye.外展神经,外旋神经颅内六对神经中的一对,可以将运动刺激传达到每只眼边侧的直肌

16.Longitudinal study on imaging features of extraocular muscles and ocular motor nerves in Chinese families with congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscles先天性眼外肌纤维化综合征家系的眼外肌及眼运动神经影像学追踪研究

17.He made a few more jerky movements up and down, several times, casting a longing glance at the lavatory pan.他又来回做了几个神经质的动作,好几次眼巴巴地看着便盆。

18.Stimulation of these efferents trigger eye and tail movements, often as escape behavior.刺激这些传出神经激发眼和尾的运动,这些被称为逃避行为。


eye movements眼动

1.Objective: To study the characteristic and regulation ofeye movements in Chinese children with reading disability during letter and picture rapid naming test.目的了解汉语阅读障碍儿童在进行字母、图片快速命名时的眼动特征与规律。

2.Researchers have been exploring the relationship between humaneye movements and mental activities for hundreds of years.很久以来,人们一直在致力于研究人的眼动与心理活动之间的关系,从而揭示其间的奥妙。

3.In order to explore the repetition effect of Chinese sentences to the on-line comprehending process,eye movements were recorded in 10 postgraduates while reading 20 sentences.为了探讨重复学习对于汉语句子理解的作用,采用眼动仪记录10名研究生被试连续5次阅读20个句子时的眼动模式。

3)rapid eye movement快速眼动;眼速动


1.EOG is a very effective eye-movement recording method,which is not only noninvasive,but also can record any small eye movements even if the eyes are closed.眼动电图(Electrooculogram,EOG)是无创记录眼球运动的一种有效方法,它能记录到眼球的任何微小动作,甚至闭眼状态下眼球的动作。

5)oculomotor nerve动眼神经

1.Study on nerve growth factor in repairingoculomotor nerve injury in rats;神经生长因子修复动眼神经损伤的实验研究

2.Influence of electrical stimulation to theoculomotor nerve on compound muscle action potentials of the inferior oblique muscle in Beagle dogs;动眼神经电刺激对健康Beagle犬下斜肌CMAP的影响研究

3.Evaluation of neuron changes with HRP retrograde mark method in repair of theoculomotor nerve with nerve graft and conduit repair;HRP示踪评价导管修复猫动眼神经的效果

6)ophthalmic artery眼动脉

1.Anatomic variation ofophthalmic artery and its clinical significance;眼动脉的解剖变异及临床意义

2.Microsurgical anatomy ofophthalmic artery;眼动脉显微外科解剖学观察

3.Objective To study the microsurgical anatomy of the structures around the origin ofophthalmic artery to provide the microanatomic basis for contralateral surgical approach to carotid-ophthalmic aneurysm.目的研究眼动脉起点周围结构的显微解剖,为经对侧手术入路治疗颈内动脉-眼动脉瘤提供解剖学依据。


阅读中观照与眼动阅读中观照与眼动gaze and twitching of eyelid in reading阅读中观照与眼动(gaze and twitehingof eyelid in reading)文学美育进行感知和集中注意时的基本心理现象。人在阅读时,眼球作忽动忽停的跳动。快速的眼动叫眼跳,持续时间约为20一50毫秒,约占全部阅读时间的5%。在两次眼跳的中间,存在着停顿叫注视,持续时间为200一250毫秒,占全部阅读时间的90%以上。眼跳是审美注意转移的动力,而审美注意与审美感知的基础是注视,即美学的观照。观照是静观默察,在相对静止中,注意指向与集中于一定广度的字词上(每次为7士2个汉字或词语),即短时记忆容量的组块,得到确切的感知。这时文字符号唤醒了表象、促进了理解,在想像中看到了图像,在情境中产生了情感。比如元朝马致远的“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马”,每句三个词唤醒三个表象,断断续续,在注视中形成了几幅图像。通过眼动沟通这几次观照所摄取的零散印象,形成了一幅完整的、令人欣赏玩味的再造想像的图像,从而进入了理解与审美。观照中还会产生通感,比如宋朝陆游的“零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。”首句是视觉图像,末句却唤醒了嗅觉表象。眼跳促成了联想,使人进入情境并引起与之相联系的情感,情景交融了。观照更能拨动人的情感的琴弦,比如毛泽东的“忽报人间曾伏虎,泪飞顿作倾盆雨”。在静观中,读者听到了“报”,看到了“泪飞”,仿佛雨溅在脸上,眼跳的沟通使人怎么也平静不了,情感的波涛在胸中汹涌。这就进入了同化、内化、陶情冶性、净化心灵的高级美育心理阶段了。所以观照注视是基础,通过眼跳串联沟通,使文字所塑造的艺术形象,在读者的脑中化作含情的情境,涌现复呈,欣赏了美,震撼了心灵。 (梁息全撰画亚图审)
