100字范文 > 民事再审程序 civil retrial procedure英语短句 例句大全

民事再审程序 civil retrial procedure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-14 19:36:47


民事再审程序 civil retrial procedure英语短句 例句大全

民事再审程序,civil retrial procedure

1)civil retrial procedure民事再审程序

1.In recent years,the reformation of thecivil retrial procedure is one of the important problems in the judicial reformation.近年来,民事再审程序改革成为司法改革的重要课题之一。

2.The essence ofcivil retrial procedure is an error- correcting one whose aim is to revise error for the sake of just.民事再审程序实质是一种纠错程序,其主要宗旨是对有错误的生效判决、裁定进行修正,以实现公平正义。


1.Civil suit retrial program is a special relief program in civil disputes.民事再审程序是民事纠纷的特殊的救济程序。

2.Discussion About the Reconstruction of Our Country s Civil Retrial Procedure from Two Theoretical Problems of the Civil Retrial Procedure;从民事再审程序两个理论问题谈我国民事再审程序的重构

3.Study on the Start-up of Civil Retrial Procedure by the People s Court;人民法院启动民事再审程序问题研究

4.On Some Objections of Civil Retrial Procedure and its Perfect;论民事再审程序的若干缺陷及其完善

5.The Comparative Research of the Civil Retrial Procedures among France, Germany and Japan;法、德、日三国民事再审程序的比较研究

6.On Jurisprudence of Modern Reopening Civil Judgments;现代民事再审原理论——兼论我国民事再审程序的完善

7.On the Reform of Civil Re-Trial Procedure;我国民事再审程序改革的路径选择——何种审级制度下设置民事再审程序

8.On the People s Procuratorate s Position in the Procedure of Civil Rejudgement;论人民检察院在民事再审程序中的地位

9.Query on Impartiality of Civil Retrial Procedure Instituted by People s Court;人民法院提起民事再审程序合理性质疑

10.Defects of Paternalism in Civil Retrial Procedure--On Functions of China"s Civil Retrial Procedure民事再审程序中父爱主义的缺陷——从我国民事再审程序的价值功能谈起

11.In China, the defects in civil restrial procedure is very conspicuous.我国民事再审程序存在的缺陷比较突出。

12.Reflection and Reconstruction in China s Civil Retrial Commencing;我国民事再审程序启动机制的反思与重构

13.The Establishment of System for the Third Persons Objection in the Civil Retrial Procedure;民事再审程序中第三人异议制度之构建

14.On the Conflict and Harmony of the Procuratorial Power Distribution in Civil Retrial Procedure;民事再审程序中检察权配置的冲突与协调

15.Limitation of China s Civil Retrial Procedure and Its Reconstruction;我国民事再审程序存在的缺陷及其重构

16.Reflection on the Guiding Principle of OurCountry s Civil Adjudicatory Supervision Procedure;关于我国民事再审程序指导思想之反思

17.Several respects on the civil retrail proledure of Japan deserving to draw dessons from;日本民事再审程序中值得借鉴的几个方面

18.On the re-trialing process of civil law in China and “being proven at any moment”;论我国民事再审程序与“证据随时提出主义”


the civil retrial procedure民事再审程序

1.The civil retrial procedure took in civil action institutional framework special, independent relief procedure, has the Chinese characteristic modern legal procedure inalienable important constituent.民事再审程序作为民事诉讼制度体系中的一个特殊、独立的救济程序,是具有中国特色的现代诉讼程序不可分割的重要组成部分。

2.The civil retrial procedure is independent from first trial and second trial procedure in Chinese law system.本文通过比较法的方法对我国现行民事再审程序的相关理论进行探讨,其核心在于对完善我国民事再审程序提出思考和建议。

3)On Civil Retrial Procedure论民事再审程序

4)the vetting procedure of the case-filing of the civil retrial民事再审立案审查程序

1.Recently, with the development of the system for trial supervision and the reform of trial mode, as well as the introduction of the separating reception from retrial, problems inthe vetting procedure of the case-filing of the civil retrial gradually expose to the public.民事再审立案审查程序,是指人民法院依照民事诉讼法的规定,对民事再审申请进行审查处理,并决定其是否进入再审的一种司法程序。

5)the trial procedure of Civil retry民事再审审理程序

6)retrial procedure in civil action民事诉讼再审程序


