100字范文 > 再审程序 retrial procedure英语短句 例句大全

再审程序 retrial procedure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-08 23:06:08


再审程序 retrial procedure英语短句 例句大全

再审程序,retrial procedure

1)retrial procedure再审程序

1.Analysis on some problems about the amendments of theretrial procedure;关于再审程序修改的若干问题分析——以民事诉讼法修正案为对象

2.Consummation ofretrial procedure of China civil action on the basis of resjud icate principle;以既判力原则为根据完善我国民事诉讼中再审程序

3.Theretrial procedure is an important remedial system for administration of justice.再审程序是审判工作的一项重大补救制度,本文通过对民事再审程序问题的探讨,提出了几点意见。


1.It makes up of raising retrial process and judgment process of retrial case.它由提起再审程序和再审案件的审判程序两个部分组成。

2.Discussion About the Reconstruction of Our Country s Civil Retrial Procedure from Two Theoretical Problems of the Civil Retrial Procedure;从民事再审程序两个理论问题谈我国民事再审程序的重构

3.On the Double Restrictions of the Civil Retrial Procedure--A Unitary Method of the Reformation of the Civil Retrial Procedure;论再审程序的双重制约——我国再审程序改革的整体性思路

4.Civil suit retrial program is a special relief program in civil disputes.民事再审程序是民事纠纷的特殊的救济程序。

5.Study on the Start-up of Civil Retrial Procedure by the People s Court;人民法院启动民事再审程序问题研究

6.Amending of the Civil Procedural Law and Changing of the Retrial Procedure;《民事诉讼法》修改与再审程序的变迁

7.The Foreign Criminal Retrial Procedures Reference to China;国外刑事再审程序对我国的借鉴意义

8.An introduction to Criminal Case Re-trial Procedures in Representative Countries of the Continental Law System;大陆法系代表国家刑事再审程序介评

9.On Some Objections of Civil Retrial Procedure and its Perfect;论民事再审程序的若干缺陷及其完善

10.Analyzing Several Problems in the Retrial Procedure of Civil Lawsuit;我国民事诉讼再审程序若干问题分析

11.The Comparative Research of the Civil Retrial Procedures among France, Germany and Japan;法、德、日三国民事再审程序的比较研究

12.The Principle of "One Case,One Trail" and Reconstruction of Criminal Retrial Procedure in China;一事不再理与我国刑事再审程序的重构

13.Improvement of Criminal Retrial Procedure through the Principle against Double Jeopardy;一事不再理原则与我国刑事再审程序之完善

14.The Principle of Non Bis in Idem And The Reform of Chinese Criminal Retrial Procedure;一事不再理原则与我国刑事再审程序改革

15.On the Reform of Civil Re-Trial Procedure;我国民事再审程序改革的路径选择——何种审级制度下设置民事再审程序

16.On Jurisprudence of Modern Reopening Civil Judgments;现代民事再审原理论——兼论我国民事再审程序的完善

mentary on the Modification Draft of Civil Litigation Law;民事再审程序的修订:问题与探索——兼评《修正案(草案)》对再审程序的修订

18.Defects of Paternalism in Civil Retrial Procedure--On Functions of China"s Civil Retrial Procedure民事再审程序中父爱主义的缺陷——从我国民事再审程序的价值功能谈起


Civil retrial procedure再审程序

1.Two kinds of deep conflicts are contained in our country s civil retrial procedure, that is the conflict between the principle to rectify whatever is wrong and the steadiness of efficient adjudication and the conflict between the adjudication supervision power and exercise of disposing right of the parties.我国再审程序蕴涵了两种深层冲突 ,一种是“有错必纠”原则和生效裁判稳定性之间的紧张关系 ;另一种是审判监督权和当事人的诉权和处分权之间的冲突。

2.This article begins with theory of res judicata, observing our civil retrial procedure, and pointing out the conflict of res judicata and civil retrial procedure, while searching the balance of both sides is just what this article want to tell.民事再审程序一直以来都是民事诉讼法学理论讨论的热点,也是民事司法改革的关注点。

3.In order to establish the sound theoretical basis in the reform of the civil retrial procedure, we should rethink the view of legal value.我国民事诉讼法施行十几年来,随着社会的进步、市场经济的不断发展、诉讼观念的不断更新,在实践中,再审程序问题日渐突出。

3)Adjudicatory supervision procedure再审程序

1.As a special remedy procedure of criminal litigation, the criminal adjudicatory supervision procedure to some degree embodies the pursuit of value of fairness, but at the same time it also ignores the efficiency.作为刑事诉讼的特殊补救程序,刑事再审程序虽然在一定程度上体现了对公正价值的追求,但是却牺牲了效率。

2.In China, there exists many problems in adjudicatory supervision procedure, even if it was improved in Procedure Law of the People s Republic of China revised in , the relieving function of the law was influenced for the regulation wasn t detailed and concrete.民事再审程序作为一种法定的案件瑕疵救济程序,为实现最终的司法公正,起到了积极的作用。

4)rehearing procedure再审程序

1.As a basic scheme,rehearing procedure of common pleas must present and implement the above principles.民事再审程序作为具体民事诉讼程序制度,体现和承载着民事诉讼程序自由、公正、安定和效益四种基本价值,因此,民事再审程序制度须以维护人的尊严为最高理念,融程序主体性原则于其具体程序规则之中,取消人民法院、人民检察院依职权发动再审,尊重当事人民事再审程序主导权,以体载民事诉讼制度现代化精神。

2.The currentrehearing procedure,constructed on the concept of jurisdiction supervision rights,is the systematic element that has caused difficulty and high frequency in appealing for justice about judicial cases.现行以审判监督权为理念而构建的民事再审程序是造成司法实务申诉难与申诉不断的体制性因素,必须以再审诉权原理对之加以改造。

3.The law tenet proves that adjudged force principle dose not absolutely refuse criminalrehearing procedure, but Chinese criminalrehearing procedure should be rebuilt on the principle.法理分析证明,刑事既判力原则不绝对排斥刑事再审程序的启动,但我国的刑事再审程序应从既判力原则出发进行重构。

5)retrial proceedings再审审理程序

1.Retrial retrial procedures instituted procedures andretrial proceedings into two parts.再审程序分为再审提起程序和再审审理程序两部分。

6)civil retrial procedure民事再审程序

1.In recent years,the reformation of thecivil retrial procedure is one of the important problems in the judicial reformation.近年来,民事再审程序改革成为司法改革的重要课题之一。

2.The essence ofcivil retrial procedure is an error- correcting one whose aim is to revise error for the sake of just.民事再审程序实质是一种纠错程序,其主要宗旨是对有错误的生效判决、裁定进行修正,以实现公平正义。


