100字范文 > 地方财政保护 local financial protection英语短句 例句大全

地方财政保护 local financial protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-27 16:20:50


地方财政保护 local financial protection英语短句 例句大全

地方财政保护,local financial protection

1)local financial protection地方财政保护

1.The dissertation aims at analyze the impact oflocal financial protection on regional industrial structural specialization,paying particular attention to regional industrial structural specialization.本文旨在考察地方财政保护对区域产业结构差异的影响,并对区域间产业结构差异问题进行了研究。


1.The Impact of Local Financial Protection on Regional Industrial Structural Specialization地方财政保护对区域产业结构差异的影响

2.Allocations for investment this year in water conservancy projects and projects to protect natural forests in the central budget will again be increased by a sizable amount; the allocations in the local budgets for this type of investment should also be increased.今年,中央财政继续较多地增加水利建设和天然林保护的投资,地方财政也要增加投入。

3.Article 6 The expenses for the protection and control of cultural relics shall be listed in the budgets of the central and local governments.第六条 文物保护管理经费分别列入中央和地方的财政预算。


5.It is the financial guarantee of local government, as well as the pole of control the economy.地方财政是地方政府行使职能的财政保证,也是地方政府调控经济的主要杠杆。

6.Both the central and local governments greatly increased their expenditures on social security.中央财政和地方财政大幅度增加了社会保障支出。

7.Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government.小学教育受地方政府的保护。

8.Developing the Local Governments′Administrative Capability to Preserve the Ethnic Cultures;发挥地方政府职能 保护民族优秀文化

9.Land Fiscalization and Cultivated Land Protection:Causal Relationship Based on Provincial Panel Data Analysis土地财政与耕地保护——基于省际面板数据的因果关系分析

10.Research on the Capability of Local Finance Support to Ensure Providing for the Aged in Liaoning Province;辽宁省养老保障地方财政支持能力研究

11.Local people"s governments at various levels shall place under their protection cultural relics in their respective administrative areas.地方各级人民政府保护本行政区域内的文物。

12.Who should Pay for Housing Security Programs:The Central Government or Local Governments?住房保障的财政成本承担:中央政府还是地方政府?

13.The Fiscal Actions of Local Governments:Local Fiscal Capacity and Local Development地方政府财政行为:地方财力与地方发展

14.[19] Thepurpose of government, he says, is precisely to secure individuals intheir rights to life, liberty, and property.[9]说,政府的目的,是准确地保护每个人的生命权,自由权和财产权。

15.Position and function about local government in the international protection to the intelligent property right;地方政府在知识产权国际保护中的地位和作用

16.Discussion on "Internal" Problems of Local Government in the Process of Farmland Protection;浅议耕地保护过程中地方政府的“内部性”问题

17.Auditing the Performance of China"s Local Governments on Preserving Farmland中国地方政府耕地保护事业的绩效审计探讨

18.Their previous property rights and interests shall be maintained and protected.财产方面的原有权益仍予保持和保护。


local finance地方财政

1.Discuss how thelocal finance supports the development of economy;地方财政如何支持经济发展

2.The poor performance of the capital allocated by thelocal finance has been a focus of public concern.地方财政资金配置绩效已经成为人们关注的焦点。

3.But the construction oflocal finance system lags behind the whole country construction and it limits progress of local economy for its imperfection.地方财政法制是我国财政法制的重要组成部分,建国以来,我国的财政法制建设取得了很大进步,各项财政法规不断健全和完善,为我国财政事业的发展做出了重要贡献。

3)local public finance地方财政

1.The Feasibility of the Implementation of New Town Planning:From the Perspective of Local Public Finance从地方财政学视野看新城规划实施的可行性

2.By reviewing main factors of local budget and the separation of budgetary process and policy process in China with policy process theory,the paper analyzes the limit of budgetary power,which could provide institutional background for the discussions onlocal public finance reform.本文运用政策过程理论和方法,考察了中国地方财政预算权的构成要素,从收入支出两方面提出了预算权的有限性;分析了预算过程、政策过程分离的现状,及这种分离对预算权的消减,目的在于为深化财政改革的探讨提供制度分析背景。

3.It demandlocal public finance achieve maximization,equalization,democratization and legalization of public welfare in providing local public products and service in building harmonious society.和谐社会的构建要求地方财政在提供地方性公共产品和服务时实现公共福利最大化、均等化、民主化和法制化。

4)place finance地方财政学

5)Local government protective competition地方政府保护性竞争

6)regional protectionism地方保护

1.Today, economy is becoming more and more globalized, andregional protectionism is prevailing in China.在经济越来越趋于全球化的今天,我国国内却地方保护盛行。

2.Due to the lack of a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises,unreasonable taxation system and the uncompleted division of industry and business,theregional protectionism is still a serious problem in China\"s tobacco industry.目前,我国烟草行业的地方保护现象仍未得到根本消解,主要原因有政企合一的管理体制、税收制度和工商不完全分离等。


