100字范文 > 地方财政科技投入 Local government financial investment in science and technology英语短句 例句大全

地方财政科技投入 Local government financial investment in science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-22 16:49:55


地方财政科技投入 Local government financial investment in science and technology英语短句 例句大全

地方财政科技投入,Local government financial investment in science and technology

1)Local government financial investment in science and technology地方财政科技投入

1.Local government financial investment in science and technology is territorial job with obvious public, indirect and slack characteristics.地方财政科技投入是贯彻公共财政理念、理顺基层政府职能定位、提高地方科技和经济发展水平的关键。


1.Analyzing the Relationship between Local Fiscal Investment in Science and Technology and Economic Growth in China;我国地方财政科技投入与经济增长关系分析

2.A Cointegration Analysis on the Relationship between S&T Input and Economic Growth in Shaanxi Province;陕西省地方财政科技投入与经济增长的协整分析

3.A Study on the Relationship Between Local Fiscal Expenditure for Science & Technology and Economic Growth Based Panel-Data Model;基于Panel-Data模型的地方财政科技投入与经济增长关系分析

4.The Empirical Study on the Dynamic Equilibrium between Local Government Financial Investment in Science and Technology and Economic Growth in Hebei Province河北省地方财政科技投入与经济增长的动态均衡关系研究

5.A Discussion of Cognizance of Performance Evaluation on Local Governamnet Financial Investment in Science and Technology (S&T);论地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价的思路

6.Increasing Central Governmental Investment and Promoting S&T Innovation of Local Agricultural Research Organization;增加中央财政投入促进地方农业科研机构科技创新

7.Research on Evaluation Model of Output Efficiency of Science and Technology Input from Local Government Finance;地方政府财政科技投入产出效率测度模型的研究

8.Study on Breakthrough to an Evaluation Model for Performance of Local Government Financial Investment in Science and Technology;地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价模型的突破口研究

9.The Urgent Needs of Financial Investment from Local Government for the Development of the Newly-founded Four-year College;论新建本科院校的发展亟需地方政府财政投入

10.Optimizing the Input Mode and Structure to Make Good Use of the Financial and Sci-tech Funds;优化投入方式与结构 用好财政科技资金

11.Performance Evaluation on Local Government Financial Investment in Science and Technology Based on Grey Relational Analysis:A Case from Shanghai;基于灰色关联分析的地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价:以上海市为例

12.Study on the Performance Evaluation Model of Local Government Financial S&T Investment with Character of Modularity and Expandability;具备模块化与开放性特点的地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价模型体系研究

13.Constructing a Model System for Evaluating Performance of Local Government Appropriation for S&T Based on a Concept of ″Indicator Target″;基于“指标靶”概念的地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价模型体系的构建

14.The Research of Performance Evaluation and Management of S&T Investment of Local Government;地方政府科技投入绩效评价与管理研究

15.On Finance Input Capacity on Sicence and Technology of Local Government in the Group of Cities in the Changjiang Delta;长江三角洲城市群地方政府科技投入能力研究

16.Research on Efficiency of China s Financial Investment in Science & Technology and Policy Enlightenment;财政科技投入产出的效率研究及政策启示

17.An Analysis of Financial Policy in Chinese Science and Technology Investment;关于继续加强财政支持下科技投入的政策思考

18.The Composition Analysis of China"s Financial Input to Science & Technology and Policy Implication after the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense财政收支分类改革后财政科技投入构成分析及政策启示


financial investment in science and technology财政科技投入

1.Thefinancial investment in science and technology in Fujian Province has increased year by year since the 10th Five-Year Plan, a provincial-level financial input into multi-level-based system come into being.财政科技投入是筹集科技投入资金的重要渠道,它对于弥补科技创新市场失灵,提高公共资源配置效率具有重要意义。

2.Based on the annual data from 1991 to ,dynamic relationship between the local governmentfinancial investment in science and technology and the economic growth in Hebei Province are studied,and the model of long-term cointegration test and Granger causality between two time series are studied as well.利用1991~的年度数据,研究了河北省地方财政科技投入与经济增长两者之间的互动关系,建立了反映两者长期协整关系的模型,并对两个时间序列做了Granger因果关系分析。

3)the way of local government investment in science and technology地方政府科技投入方式

4)S&T expenditure input财政科技投入产出

1.Indexes system of performance evaluation ofS&T expenditure input from the state finance is a more important task.财政科技投入产出绩效评价体系的构造过程可分为评价指标初选和指标体系完善两个阶段,在评价指标初选阶段主要使用定性分析方法,在指标体系完善阶段主要使用定量方法。

5)public financing system in research公共财政科技投入体制

6)local financial allocation for sci-tech地方财政科技拨款

1.This paper analyzes the general input situation oflocal financial allocation for sci-tech of Shanxi Province in ,and expounds the situations of provincial and municipal financial allocation for sci-tech.分析了山西省地方财政科技拨款投入总体情况,阐述了山西省省本级财政科技拨款情况和太原市市本级财政科技拨款情况。


