100字范文 > 陆面数据同化 Land data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

陆面数据同化 Land data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-18 23:51:03


陆面数据同化 Land data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

陆面数据同化,Land data assimilation

1)Land data assimilation陆面数据同化


1.Historical-Sample-Projection Four-Dimensional Variational Land Surface Data Assimilation and Its Preliminary Application基于历史样本投影的四维变分陆面数据同化方法及其初步应用

2.Atmospheric Forcing Data Assimilation for CLM and Its Applications in China;中国区域陆面模式大气驱动数据同化及其在CLM中的应用

3.then I"ll open the lander file and initiate the Mars landing sequence.然后打开着陆舱数据并初始化火星着陆步骤

4.A Land Cover Dataset Based on Chinese Vegetation Data and Its Impact on Land Surface Simulations基于中国植被数据的陆面覆盖及其对陆面过程模拟的影响

5.Product data management environment oriented to Web-based product development面向网络化协同开发的产品数据管理环境

6.The Database System for Surface Wave Tomography in China and Its Adjacent Land and Sea Areas;中国及相邻陆域海域面波层析成像数据库

7.The Database System for Surface Wave Tomography in Eurasia and the West Pacific;欧亚大陆及西太平洋面波层析成像数据库

8.navigation data assimilation computer导航数据同化计算机

9.Digitization Algorithm Study of SEDS in Data Cleaning数据清理中同体不同源数据的数化算法研究

10.Effects of Taiwan Investment in Mainland China on Mainland s Employment:an Empirical Study Based on Panel Data of Seven Provinces and Cities;台商投资中国大陆对大陆就业的影响——基于大陆7个省市面板数据的实证分析

11.Body of Data Synchronization and Data Management Platform车身数据化同步设计平台及数据管理

12.Methods for hydrological data assimilation and advances of assimilating remotely sensed data into rainfall-runoff models水文数据同化方法及遥感数据在水文数据同化中的应用进展

13.Surface and Parameterization of Automobile Seat Point Data汽车座椅点云数据的曲面化和参数化

14.Study on Land Surface Process and Remote Sensing Application Over Semi-arid Region半干旱区陆面过程参数化及其遥感反演研究

15.The bag carries the data transfer cartridge, which contains the mission information and landing approach plates.这个包里装着数据转换卡,里面包含有任务资料和着陆进场资料板。

16.Study on Simulating the Land Surface Evapotranspiration in Wuding River Basin Based on Remote Sensing Data;基于MODIS遥感数据无定河流域陆面蒸发蒸腾量研究

17.Geologic profile charting by integrating sub-bottom profile and bathymetric data浅地层剖面与测深数据综合成图法在舟山大陆连岛工程中的应用

18.copies a figure or plan on a different scale.以不同的比例复制数据或平面图。


land data assimilation system陆面数据同化系统

1.So theland data assimilation system is developed to solve the problem.而观测和模拟作为获得地表数据的两种基本手段,由于其各自的局限性,其精度已经不能满足进一步研究的需求,在这样的背景下,陆面数据同化系统逐步发展起来。

2.We first introduced the conception and composition of theland data assimilation system (LDAS).介绍了陆面数据同化系统的概念和组成,其核心思想是把不同来源、不同分辨率、直接和间接的观测数据与模型模拟结果集成为具有时间一致性、空间一致性和物理一致性的各种地表状态的数据集。

3)data assimilation数据同化

1.Numeric trial ofdata assimilation of tidal stream in Daya bay;大亚湾海域流场数据同化的数值试验

2.A Review of Land Data Assimilation System;陆面数据同化系统的研究综述

3.The developments and applications of ensemble-baseddata assimilation methods;集合数据同化方法的发展与应用概述

4)data assimilation method数据同化法

1.Especially much attention was paid on thedata assimilation method.总结了当前国内外基于遥感信息监测土壤水分的原理和方法,特别是对数据同化法进行了着重阐述。

5)parameterization of land surface process陆面过程参数化

6)bathymetric/topographic data海陆数据

1.A seamless 3D combination forbathymetric/topographic data was developed to solve the problem of inconsistencies between the data in separate reference datums,different data formats and varieties of representing the same object,etc.为解决多源海陆数据中基准不一致、数据模型及格式不统一、同一地物表达上的差异等问题,设计了海陆数据的无缝拼接方案。


数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication networkshu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。
