100字范文 > 资料同化 data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

资料同化 data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-23 07:04:55


资料同化 data assimilation英语短句 例句大全

资料同化,data assimilation

1)data assimilation资料同化

1.A new four-dimensionaldata assimilation method named 4DSVD based on attractor theory is introduced by Qiu and Chou().4DSVD是最近提出的一种新的资料同化方法。

2.One of the major difficulties indata assimilation is that the degree of freedom in NWP model far exceeds the number of observations collected at any single time,so the problem is usually underdetermined.对Qiu和Chou()提出的一种基于预报集合的降维资料同化方法(4DSVD)给出了可行的实施方案,利用中尺度模式MM5产生的模拟资料进行数值试验并将其与MM5/3DVAR的同化结果进行比较,分析了不同的观测误差和观测点密度对同化结果的影响。

3.GRAPES project is mainly focused ondata assimilation,dynamical core,physical parameterization schemes,and infrastructure software.中国气象科学研究院(灾害天气国家重点实验室)自2000年起,先后在科技部“973”重大基础项目“我国重大天气灾害形成机理和预测理论研究”和“十五”重点攻关项目“中国气象数值预报系统技术创新研究”支持下,主持承担了中国气象局新一代全球/区域多尺度通用同化与数值预报系统GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation andPrEdiction System)的研究开发,围绕着资料同化、模式动力框架、物理过程、大型软件工程等核心技术开展了自主创新研究,取得了非静力中尺度模式、三维变分资料同化、标准化、模块化、并行化模式程序软件等方面的突出成果,部分成果已在业务上得到了应用,显示了良好的技术性能和业务发展潜力。


1.Study on the Techniques for Assimilation of Doppler Radar Data;Doppler雷达资料同化技术研究

2.The Numerical Simulation and Data Assimilation Research of Typhoon Rainstorm;台风暴雨的数值模拟与资料同化研究

3.Application of Ensemble Kalman Filter in Data Assimilation;集合Kalman滤波在资料同化中的应用研究

4.The Study of Surface Observation Data Assimilation Scheme in GRAPES;GRAPES地面资料同化方案研究

5.Scientific issues and perspective of assimilation of meteorological satellite data气象卫星资料同化的科学问题与前景

6.Ensemble Methods and Applications to Altimetry Data Assimilation in the Pacific;集合同化方法在太平洋海洋高度计资料同化中的应用研究

7.A Study of Application of Cloud Drift Wind Data Assimilation in MM5 Adjoint-model Assimilation System;云导风资料同化在伴随模式同化系统中的应用研究

8.Observation Data Assimilation and Precipitation Prediction of The Limited area Numerical Model in The Early Stage观测资料同化与有限区模式初期降水预报

9.The Comparison Research of Data Assimilation of Typhoon Saomai during Landfall;台风“桑美”登陆期间的资料同化对比研究

10.Numerical Simulation of Shallow-Water Wave and Assimilation of High Frequency Ground Wave Radar;浅水波浪的数值模拟和高频地波雷达资料同化

11.A Research on 4-D Variatonal Data Assimilation Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的四维变分资料同化技术的研究

12.Impacts of Chinese Doppler Radar on the Severe Heavy Rainfall Forecast During Meiyu Season多普勒天气雷达资料同化对暴雨模拟的影响


14.Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation Experimentation of Bogus Data for a Typhoon Case台风Bogus资料的四维变分同化试验

15.Study and Implementation of Parallel Variational Data Assimilation;气象资料变分同化的研究与并行计算实现

16.Precipitable Water Data Are Applied in the Assimilation of Numerical Model;可降水量资料在数值模式同化中的应用研究

17.Experimental Research on Doppler Radar Data Assimilation with WRF 3DVAR;三维变分多普勒雷达资料直接同化试验研究

18.GPS Precipitable Water Data Are Appled to Adjoint Assimilation Systerm;GPS可降水量资料应用于四维伴随同化试验


QuikScat data assimilationQuikScat资料同化

3)GPS data assimilationGPS资料同化

4)T63 data assimilationT63资料同化

5)ocean data assimilation海洋资料同化

1.We introduce a global 4-dimensionalocean data assimilation system, as one part of operational dynamic model system of National Climate Center, which is routinely serving the marine initial fields for operational dynamic model system.文中考察了该系统从1982年到3月在热带太平洋的部分同化分析结果,并与NCEP的再分析资料和EMC/NCEP的太平洋区域海洋资料同化系统的结果进行了对比分析。

6)variational data assimilation变分资料同化

1.Background error covariance is an important part ofvariational data assimilation system,which is used to spread the observation information to other grid points and vertical levels of the model.背景误差协方差是变分资料同化系统中的一个重要组成部分,能将观测信息从观测点传播到周围的模式格点和垂直层上。

2.For the prediction of ENSO,the accuracy of the model including the parameters and initial value etc is important,and they can be retrieved by thevariational data assimilation methods developed in recent years.采用变分资料同化技术,结合最优控制思想,对一个海气耦合模型的模式参数和强迫项进行了反演。


运气同化运气同化 运气同化 运气术语。指运与气属于同类而化合,成为影响该年气候与发病的因素之一。如木同风化,火同暑化,土同湿化,金同燥化,水同寒化。天符、同天符、岁会、同岁会、太乙天符等均属运气同化。各详该条。
