100字范文 > 公益性事业 public welfare work英语短句 例句大全

公益性事业 public welfare work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-06 02:54:56


公益性事业 public welfare work英语短句 例句大全

公益性事业,public welfare work

1)public welfare work公益性事业


1.The System Design after Recombination in Public Interest Institutions;公益性事业单位重组合建后的制度设计

2.Several Key Issues in the Reform of Public Welfare Enterprises;公益性事业转轨应着重解决的几个问题

3.A Noble Public-welfare Cause--Education;教育是崇高的公益性事业——兼论教育产业化、市场化之不能成立

4.Discussion on Both the Charges Right of Public Service Sectors and the Loan Hypothecation on Accounts;对公益性事业单位收费权和账户作贷款质押的探讨

5.parliamentary company【商】公益事业公司

6.Issues on Chinese Chambers of Commerce s Nature of Mutual Interest and Their Participation in Philanthropy;论商会的互益性质及其对公益慈善事业的参与

7.Annie: Sports cause itself is a social public welfare cause.安妮:体育事业本身就是一项社会性的公益事业。

8.On the Feasibility of the Lottery Public Welfare Funds Applied to the Education;彩票公益金用于教育事业可行性分析

9.On the Socialist Culture Benefit and Its Consolidation;社会主义文化事业的公益性及其巩固

10.Public enterprise privatization s existing problem analysis under public view;公共性视阈下公益事业民营化存在问题分析

11.-- Participating in work for the public good.--参加社会公益事业建设。

12.Analysis on the Public Benefit and Economy in the Process of Public Affairs Privatization -- Taking Public Traffic as the Example;公共事业民营化过程中的公益性与经济性分析——以公共交通为例

13.Public-Private Partnership in Public Utilities and Equity Financing in Our Country;我国市政公用事业民营化及其权益性融资

14.Research on the Commercialized Operation of Chinese Large Physical Games with the Public Welfare;我国大型公益性体育赛事商业化运作研究

15.Deepen the Reform of Medical System and Strengthen Public Welfare of Health Undertakings;深化医疗体制改革 增强卫生事业的公益性


17.A Research on Policy about Development of Cultural Industry and Culture Undertakings in Zhejiang;对浙江文化产业和公益性文化事业发展的政策研究

18.Thinking on Establishing the Budget Ration Criterion of the Public Welfare Business of the Water Communication Enterprises;对水上通信事业单位公益性业务支出预算定额标准的思考


Public undertaking department公益性事业单位

3)the cause of public culture公益性文化事业

1.Establishing the system of public culture service is important development ofthe cause of public culture in the reform of cultural management system, but also the result of changing government working function in the new situation of market economy system.构建公共文化服务体系,是文化体制改革背景下公益性文化事业的一个重要演进,也是市场经济体制的新形势下实现政府职能转换的结果。

4)public welfare公益事业

1.Research on Government Effect in the Development of China Public Welfare;中国公益事业发展中的政府作用研究

2.From the studying thre shold of the publicity, whether it be to achieve and maintain the pub-lic interest as the standards, we can be easy to find the main prob-lems of the privatization ofpublic welfare in the actual operation, which are the following four as-pects: the loss of public interest, the crisis of public value, the lack of government functions, new social problems.从公共性的研究视阈出发,以公共利益是否得到实现和维护为标准来审视公益事业民营化,不难发现其在实际的运作过程中存在的主要问题是公益事业民营化引发的公共利益受损、公共价值危机、政府职能缺位、新的社会问题等四个方面。

3.In the future period,rural primary organization will charge its main duty to devecop itspublic welfare,and parts of administration also will change into public service under the aim of constraction humanious society.农村基层组织有两大主要职责:一是行政管理职责,以保证政令畅通,国家法律、政策在农村地区的贯彻执行;二是发展农村公益事业,向农民提供公共产品和公共服务,以提高农民生活水平。

5)public service公益事业

1.Despite the reality of limited readers and circulation,the college journal still possess big space to develop themselves aspublic service.读者相对有限、发行量小、影响面窄是客观存在的事实,但高校学报还有很大的发展空间,应作为公益事业加以发展,深化体制改革要下大力气塑造学术品格,真正发挥其建设精英文化,引领先进文化方向的功能。

2.The salt dealers gained huge commercial profits,and their capital flow was multilateral,with donation for socialpublic service being one of them.两淮盐商是清代最大的商业资本集团之一,拥有巨额商业利润的两淮盐商,其资本流向是多方面的,捐助社会公益事业就是其中之一。

3.In terms of rural compulsory education andpublic service,to seek the financial support is an efficient way to solve .对于农村义务教育和农村公益事业而言,基于其公共产品的特性,寻求财政支持是解决经费开支的必然途径。

6)cause of the public good公益事业

1.The paper first discusses the adequency and prospect of the priority of cause of the pubic good,the improvement of the role ofcause of the public good,the embodiment of the priority ofcause of the public good in urban design.就公益事业优先在城市规划实践的不足与展望、提高公益事业在城市规划中的地位、公益事业优先在城市规划中的体现、公益事业优先必须做到规划以人为本、公益事业优先的目标是城市的可持续发展等方面提出几点理性的思考。


