100字范文 > 社会公益 social public welfare英语短句 例句大全

社会公益 social public welfare英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-05 14:19:10


社会公益 social public welfare英语短句 例句大全

社会公益,social public welfare

1)social public welfare社会公益

1. saw further development of economy and society in Guangxi,but according to the analysis of population situation,the standard of living and the service ofsocial public welfare,there are still some problems.广西的经济社会发展水平有了进一步提高,但是从人口状况、生活标准提高水平、社会公益服务等方面分析,仍存在不少问题,整体落后于经济发展水平,需要通过增加社会事业的投入;缩小地区发展差距;改善薄弱领域社会发展水平等途径提高社会发展水平。


1.International Social Service国际社会公益服务处

2.-- Participating in work for the public good.--参加社会公益事业建设。

3.Simple Talking about Role of Freeway in Social Public Welfare;浅谈高速公路社会公益性属性的发挥

4.Good Faith Questions in the Social Reforming Time (Converses in Writing);“仁”以“诚”立:社会公益组织的诚信

5.Research on "One institute, Two systems "at Public Service Institute in China;社会公益类科研院所的“一所两制”问题

6.(iv) The contract harms public interests;(四)损害社会公共利益;

7.On the High Level Equilibrium of the Civil Servant Individual Interest and the Social Public Interest;论公务员个人利益与社会公共利益高水平均衡

8.Improve Benefit Coordinating Mechanism,Promote Social Equity and Justice;完善利益协调机制 促进社会公平公正

9.Fair Distribution of Interests and Construction of a Hamonious Socialist Society;公平的利益分配与构建社会主义和谐社会

10.On Fair Distribution of Social Interests and Establishing Harmonious Society;公平处理社会利益问题是构建和谐社会的关键

11.Yet economic efficiency and social justice need not be incompatible.然而经济效益和社会公正并不矛盾。

12.Where such goods or technologies will endanger national security or public interest;危害国家安全或者社会公共利益的;

13.those that violate the law or the public interest;违反法律或者社会公共利益的;

14.Evaluation on social benefits of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Hunan Province湖南省张家界森林公园社会效益评价

15.A Study on the Evaluation of Socio-economic Benefit for ETC Projects;高速公路ETC社会经济效益评价研究

16.A Brief Analysis on the Balance Between Social Duty of the Company and Shareholders Interests;浅论公司社会责任与股东利益的平衡

17.The Integration of "History and Society" and the Benefit of Citizenship Education;《历史与社会》的整合与公民教育的效益

18.Trial discussion on the relationship between the companies social duties and the wide workers interests;试论公司社会责任与职工利益的关系


public welfare社会公益

1.This paper discusses three basic relationships in the library philosophy, such as the relationship between the collection and utilization, the librarians and social readers, and thepublic welfare and economic benefit.论述了图书馆哲学的3个基本关系,包括藏和用、图书馆人和社会读者、社会公益性与市场经济效益。

3)social benefits社会公益

1.The author provides new definition and annotations for continuing education by drawing on the innovative practice and theoretical probing both at home and abroad which gives the author new perspectives of "social benefits," "state act","life value","innovation in management," "organization culture" and "ecological environment".基于国内外创新实践与理论探索,从“社会公益”、“国家行为”、“生命价值”、“管理创新”、“组织文化”、“学习变革”、“生态环境”等新的角度,对继续教育予以新的界说与诠释,揭示继续教育与可持续发展的内在联系。

2.After the reviewing of the several representative domestic viewpoints, the author makes a statement on the three basic principles of the market regulation law: the state s modest involvement principle, the fair competition protection principle and thesocial benefits principle.文章在对当前我国有关市场规制法基本原则具有代表性的观点进行考察之后,着重论述了作者所界定的市场规制法三大基本原则,即国家干预适度原则、保护公平竞争原则以及社会公益原则。

4)social commonweal社会公益

1.Therefore,the leading value of the economic law should besocial commonweal.本文认为 ,社会公共性是经济法的本质属性 ;经济法应以社会公益作为其主导价值理念。

5)social public welfare社会公益性

1.Advanced hospital culture ought to regardsocial public welfare as a principle as well as insist on the people -oriented concept,pay attention to professional inspirit.医院应把文化建设作为工作重点之一,在文化建设中应以"社会公益性事业"为宗旨,坚持"以人为本",注重塑造医院精神。

2.Library inherent nature and the function were deciding itssocial public welfare characteristic,was deciding it shoulders is providing the public product or the public service basic attribute and the function,the public library should by the government it take naturally an item of public product provides to the society.图书馆所固有的性质和职能决定着其社会公益性特性,决定着其担负着提供公共产品或公共服务的根本属性和职能,公共图书馆理所当然应由政府把它作为一项公共产品提供给社会。

6)Public welfare capital公益性社会资本


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
