100字范文 > 网络期刊 Network Periodicals英语短句 例句大全

网络期刊 Network Periodicals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-15 13:19:56


网络期刊 Network Periodicals英语短句 例句大全

网络期刊,Network Periodicals

1)Network Periodicals网络期刊

1.Information construction in China calls on network periodicals.我国信息化建设呼唤网络期刊 ,但鉴于发展网络期刊存在的种种因素 ,普及应用网络期刊任重道远。


1.XML-based Language Network Copyright Protection Technology Periodicals;基于XML语言的网络期刊版权保护技术

2.Analysis of trend and strategy of online journals期刊网络化趋势及科技期刊应对策略

3.Management Model of Periodicals in Library of Institutions of Higher Learning--Making them Electronic and Network;高校图书馆期刊管理模式——期刊电子化网络化

4.Integration and development of printed and network periodicals;论印刷型期刊与网络型期刊的整合与发展

5.Present Situation of Medical Journal and Development of Network about Medical Journal in China;医学期刊网络化现状及我国医学期刊网络化的发展

6.The Superiority of Scientific and Technogical Periodical Network and the Development Situation of China’s Periodical Network科技期刊网络化优势及我国期刊网络化发展现状

7.The Development of Medical Sci-tech Periodical in Internet;网络环境下医学科技期刊的发展初探

8.Conversion of the Editing Mode of the Science Journals in the Networking Age;网络化时代科技期刊编辑模式的转变

9.On the Copyright in Digitalization of Academic Periodical;学术期刊数字网络化中的著作权问题

10.The Reform and Innovation of Academic Journals in Network Era;网络时代学术期刊变革与创新的思考

11.Development of Academic Journals and Application of Network Technology;学术性期刊的发展与网络技术的应用

12.Problems Confronted By College Periodicals and Countermeasures in Cybertime;网络时代高校期刊面临的问题及应对

13.Processing and Management of Contributions in Sci-tech Journals: Use of Network System;科技期刊稿件处理与管理的网络应用

14.Periodical Work in College Library in Information Time;网络信息时代高校图书馆的期刊工作

15.Periodical Service of Academic Libraries under the Network Environment;试论网络环境下高校图书馆期刊工作

16.Journal Management in University Libraries under Network Environment;网络环境下高校图书馆期刊工作模式

17.Enhancing Editing Efficiency of Periodicals with Network Technology;利用网络技术 提高期刊编辑效率

18.The transform of periodical management in universities Under the network environment;网络环境下高校期刊管理工作的变革


Online periodical网络期刊

1.In the field of the innovation of the online periodicals in the libraries of colleges and universities, the wide communication and application of information should be the most important.网络期刊作为新兴的出版物,其出版与应用越来越广泛。

2.Towards the problem of general low rate of online periodicals usage,the tentative plan of navigation pool constnuction for online periodicals suitable to individuals is put forward.针对目前网络期刊使用率普遍偏低的问题,提出了构建个人适用的网络期刊导航的设想。

3)online journal网络期刊

1.lnternet version of journals should be transformed toonline journals,whose strength will make it occupy over half of the market,while the weakness will make it coexist with traditional ones for a long time and seek mutual d.期刊的网络版应向网络期刊转变。

2.The author analyzes the trends ofonline journals,and proposes the implementation strategy,in order to achieve win-win between traditional andonline journals.总结出期刊网络化发展趋势的4个方面;通过现状和应对策略分析,提出实现传统期刊和网络期刊相互补充、协作共赢的发展思路。

4)network journal网络期刊

1.On the Restrictivve Factors in Developing Network Journals;论网络期刊发展的制约因素

2.This paper analyzes the present situation and the characteristics ofnetwork journals, and evaluates several common databases and their utility.分析了网络期刊的发展现状及特点, 对网络期刊、特别是几种常用数据库及其利用情况进行了评议。

3.Along with the development of network industry,thenetwork journals are developing rapidly The paper discusses the meaning,characteristics,forming processes,forms,advantages,management model and publishing operations ofnetwork journals,so as to become favorable to the development ofnetwork journal网络期刊随着网络业的发展而迅速发展。

5)Network journals网络期刊

1.Network journals have significant impact on current scholarly communication system.网络期刊是现有学术交流体系的重要变革力量,人们也普遍认为网络期刊比传统的印刷期刊成本更低。

2.The present paper analyzes the characteristics of network journals and probes into how libraries develop and exploit the resources in network journals effectively.本文论述了网络期刊资源的特点 ,探讨了图书馆有效地开发利用网络期刊资源的方法与对策。

6)network periodilals网络型期刊


《1833~1949 全国中文期刊联合目录》中国一部联合目录。全国第一中心图书馆委员会全国图书联合目录编辑组于1957年开始编制,北京图书馆1961年内部印行,共收录1833~1949年9月中国境内外出版的中文期刊19115种。后增收了1949 年前中国共产党出版的党刊、抗日民主根据地和各解放区的期刊及国民党统治区出版的部分进步期刊,并于1981年由书目文献出版社出版,记录了中国50个省市级以上图书馆所藏中文期刊近2万种。每种期刊著录刊名、刊期、编辑者、出版地、出版者、创刊年月、停刊卷期与停刊年月、注释、总藏、馆藏刊期及馆名代号等。
