100字范文 > 过期期刊 overdue periodicals英语短句 例句大全

过期期刊 overdue periodicals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-19 01:49:53


过期期刊 overdue periodicals英语短句 例句大全

过期期刊,overdue periodicals

1)overdue periodicals过期期刊


1.Dad told me to cord those back numbers.爸爸叫我把那些过期期刊捆好。

2.sifted through Back issues of the magazine.仔细审查这份杂志的过期期刊

3.Back copy: Out-of-date issue of magazines or periodicals. Also called Back number.过期刊物:过时的杂志或定期刊物。

4.Have you used the Periodical Index before?你以前用过期刊索引吗?

5.back files过期报刊杂志合订本

6.back number ;issue of a periodical of an earlier date,not now on sale过期的、现已不出售的期刊.

7.Fault of Journals : Views about the Development of Non-"Core journals";人之错 刊之过——非“核心期刊”类学报发展之思

8.EPA is a Key Journal in China and embodied by CA.本刊是中文核心期刊、A收录期刊。

9.We still have some back issues of this magazine in stock.我们还库存一些这本杂志的过期刊。

10.Electronic Engineers《电子工程师》(期刊)

11.Fourth cover: Outside back cover of a periodical.封四:期刊的封底。

12.The review is published quarterly (=every three months).这期刊每季度出版一期。

13.Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.且不说中文期刊, 外文期刊也订了不少。

14.Chief editors play very important roles in publishing sci-tech periodicals.科技期刊的主编是办好期刊的核心。

15.A Discussion on the Influence of E-journal on Library Periodical Work谈电子期刊对图书馆期刊工作的影响

16.A Study of Internationalization of Scientific Journals and the Development of Chinese Scientific Journals;期刊国际化与中国科技期刊发展研究

17.Improve the Quality of the Science Journals and Create Famous-branded Journals;提高科技期刊质量 创精品名牌期刊

18.On the Journal Culture Building and Its Competitive Ability Raising;塑造期刊企业文化 提高期刊竞争力


a back issue of a periodical过期的期刊

3)Back issue过期书刊

4)back time of publication过期刊物

5)a back number过期的刊物

6)back_number periodicals中文过期期刊

1.The arrangement of the Chineseback_number periodicals is an essential work of our librarianship.中文过期期刊排架是期刊管理工作中重要的一环。


过期行经过期行经病名。见清·静光禅师考定《女 科秘要·卷四》。即月经后期。详见该条。
